[@Saffirra Dusk] [quote=@Saffirra Dusk] Don't be a prick okay?? She's new to this type of thing. So, it's fine that she didn't realize that we were in the city.. Now she does.. Drop it don't say anything about it. Okay? Okay! Glad you understand me. [/quote] Wow Saph! Really in regards to the situation here.. I can not condone your attitude. As your sibling you know i normally stand by you in any case but i cannot do that here. You are out of line. [@Natsucooldude] The question "What?" is hardly enough to get so irate about! I get that Natsu has a way of disregarding sensitivity at times or being overly blunt but this was taken to a whole other level. "What?" can hardly be taken as an insult as i this case i thought the exact same thing until i realized what [@Pikaroo95] was trying to do.. And i had been texting her at the time where natsu had no way of knowing what she was thinking.. Even then it seemed the natural response... Your Rage against Natsu needs to end.. You are constantly looking for a reason to go at him. That has to stop! Let it go, Hug it out, Kiss and make up, I don't care.. Just make sure this hatred is ended please.. We all have problems.. And i am not afraid to name them.. I know i am stubborn as hell! Maybe we should address our issued and vow to fix them for the other i do not know but what ever we do, lets not do this again..