[CENTER][SUB][COLOR=SLATEGRAY]𝒯 𝒽 𝑒 𝑀 𝒶 𝓋 𝑒 𝓇 𝒾 𝒸 𝓀 𝓈[/COLOR][/SUB][hr][hr][H3][B][COLOR=SILVER]ᑎ ᕮ O - G ᕮ ᑎ ᕮ ᔕ I ᔕ[/COLOR][/B][/H3] [hr][hr][SUP][B][color=silver]| GMs: [URL=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/stein][i][color=slategray]Stein[/color][/i][/url] | Deputy GMs: [i][color=slategray]None[/color][/i] | Genre: [i][color=slategray]Fandom, Superhuman, Modern Fantasy[/color][/i] | Type: [i][color=slategray]Linear with Sandbox Elements[/color][/i] |[/color][/B][/SUP][/CENTER] [COLOR=SLATEGRAY][B][SUP][SUB][H3]► L A R I S S A | S O M E R S E T[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/COLOR][hr][INDENT][I][B][sup][COLOR=SILVER]May 2016 - The Night Of The Explosion[/COLOR][/sup][/B][/I] "Chuck you can't." The woman's voice sounded as real and authentic as any other person could have from the otherside of the phone. But Charles Michaels knew better than anyone that Glitch was far from real. Having built and programmed Glitch during his late teenage years, the Artifical Intelligence has been with him for the last thirty years. "You haven't suit up in years." "My body remembers." Charles replied to the worried A.I. as the helicopter landed outside the Nuclear Power Plant in Larissa. The former leader of the Mavericks, Chuck had discovered he had the ability to mimic and retain the abilities of other supers. Although he hadn't used any of their abilities in years he could still feel them waiting beneath his skin to come out. Jumping from the helicopter before it had a chance to land, the man felt his knees threaten to give out from underneath him. "Even if the body isn't quite what it used to be." Chuck muttered as he moved forward, carried by super strong steps as he closed the gap rapidly. He had no idea what caused the facility to go into an overload but if anyone was going to risk containing it, it was to be him. He was not going to risk the life of his employees because of his own failures. "The main reactor is over heating." Glitch's voice came again as Chuck raced through the facility. "You're not going to make it." "I'm going to make it!" Chuck retorted as he burst into the main chamber. Fusion was a powerful tool for mankind but Chuck's designs meant that if the core went into overload it would essentially start to create a small star in Larissa. A star that would eventually become a singularity and obliterated the world. It was worth noting that the stock holders had no idea this was a possibility. "I can reverse the process." Chuck stated. "But this wasn't an accident." He added as he started to mutter. Fingers flew across the controls as Chuck fought to reverse the process. The facility shook as the core emitted a flare nearly knocking the fifty year old man from the controls. "Glitch, rerouted the cooling systems, take the secondary reactors offline and put all cooling systems on the primary core." "Done." Came the A.I.'s response as Chuck continued his work. "I've just about got it." Chuck said pushing a final button. Taking a deep breath he wiped his brow as he leaned back. "See Glitch. I told you I could do it." He said with a familiar smirk. Suddenly the reactor rumbled. Chuck froze and then the moment was over.[/INDENT] [COLOR=SLATEGRAY][B][SUP][SUB][H3]► L A R I S S A | S O M E R S E T[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/COLOR][hr][INDENT][I][B][sup][COLOR=SILVER]May 2016 - One Day After The Explosion[/COLOR][/sup][/B][/I] [i]"A day later and the city is still recovering from yesterday's crisis. For those of you who were left in the dark here's Winter Caspian live from the Michaels' Nuclear Power Plant."[/i] [i]"Thanks Faith!"[/i] Came the woman's voice as the screen transitioned from the blonde anchor in the newsroom to the brunette standing outside the smoking Nuclear Fusion building. [i]"Yesterday at about one in the afternoon, the Michaels' Nuclear Power Plant went into an overload state. While on-site technicians raced against the clock to prevent an emergency, the Facility still managed to emit an electromagnetic that left Larissa without power for the majority of yesterday prompting crime sprees all over the city. Emergency services are advising those who don't have to leave home to stay indoors until the city is cleared from emergency status. As of right now only the downtown core has power but according to city officials everyone should have power by this evening. This has been Winter Caspian reporting live from the Michaels' Nuclear Power Plant for Channel 42 News. Back to you Faith."[/i][/INDENT] [hider=Out of Continuity][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][B][SUP][SUB][H3]► L A R I S S A | C I T Y D I O N Y S I A[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/COLOR][hr][INDENT][I][B][sup][COLOR=SILVER]May 2016 - One Night After The Explosion[/COLOR][/sup][/B][/I] Sirens echoed through Larissa's main corridors as police cruisers, ambulances and firetrucks raced across the city in search of wounded or those in aid. Smiling from the shadowy alleyways, David Everly flexed his fist and smiled, taking a step forward only to speed across the street in the blink of an eye. Yesterday he in the middle of breaking into a jewelry store when the police had stopped him at gunpoint. Then the explosion happened. Today he was capable of breaking the sound barrier without breaking a sweat. Whatever Michaels had put in that facility certainly packed the right type of punch. Speeding around the corner, glass shattered as David flew through the window to another jewelry store. Alarms went off as he filled his arms with rings, bracelets, necklaces and earrings before speeding off again. Larissa was officially his playground. A wicked smile spread across his face as the man made his way towards the Olympus District.[/INDENT][/hider]