[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/QRH5KbE.png[/img][/center] [center][i]What began as a conflict between two groups of online scripted marketing bots over control of Roleplayerguild.com, soon escalated into a war which has decimated the entire world. The South Korean Casino Corps (C.C) and the British Southend-on-Sea Furniture Sale Force (F.S.F) have all but exhausted the resources of the entire globe in their struggle for domination. Both sides are now crippled beyond repair, yet the remnants of their armies continue to battle across the twisted wastelands that they themselves have created; their hatred for each other fuelled by over two centuries of total war. This is a fight to the death, and for each side, the only acceptable outcome is the complete annihilation of the other. As the Bot Wars enter their final stages, the F.S.F finds itself defending the very town that gave life to it. Southend-on-Sea is one of the few remaining bastions of their strength, and after losing the Battle for France against the C.C, they find themselves facing total defeat. In the English Channel, an armada of C.C landing craft are streaming across the toxic waves; meanwhile, the F.S.F forces are rushing to the beaches of Southend to defend her and the Thames Estuary. Who will you fight for? And what would you do to see this war finally at its end?[/i][/center] [hr] [b]The F.S.F:[/b] Typically, the bots of the F.S.F are technologically inferior to those of the C.C. Infantry look and act like British WW1 soldiers, whilst their heavier mechs and tanks are clunky yet mean pieces of rolling steel and diesel. They are also heavily outnumbered by the C.C, and face the herculean task of making up for their short falls with courage and resolve. F.S.F bots tend to pilot tanks and craft, which are built with cockpits. [b]The C.C:[/b] The C.C bots are heavily armed, sleeker and heavier than those of the F.S.F. Typically, they are not humanoid in appearance, but mech-like, and they tend to rely on various sized robots to perform different roles, rather than employ tanks or aircraft. C.C bots are built to perform different tasks. Some fly, others swim, most walk. [hr] [b]Bot Sheet:[/b] [code] [b]Team:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] i.e Kdfsfsg21 [b]Appearance:[/b] [b]Voice Gender:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [b]Bio:[/b] [b]Primary Weapon:[/b] [b]Secondary Weapon:[/b] [b]Purpose:[/b] [b]Other Functions:[/b] Things your bot can do that aren't covered with the above.[/code]