[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=The%20Wards%20of%20the%20King&name=Game%20of%20Thrones.ttf&size=80&style_color=69736B[/img] [img]http://www.hdnicewallpapers.com/Walls/Big/Drawings%20and%20Paintings/A_Song_of_Ice_and_Fire_Painting_Wallpaper.jpg[/img][img]http://wallpapercave.com/wp/XaeAmOM.jpg[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/eYEjmax.jpg?1[/img][/center] [i] The year is 400 AC. Westeros is changed. Targaryens sit upon the Iron Throne once more, their three headed dragon gracing the halls of the Red Keep once more. In 300 AC, Daenerys Targaryen landed in Rain House. There she was met by her supposed cousin Aegon. Knowing that she could use his armies, they were married, and he was considered a Targaryen, if not by blood then by marriage. He pledged his swords to his new wife and she declared war. Her armies tore the already ravaged land to shreds, and her young dragons aided in this cause. The War of Five Kings had weakened the throne, and it did not take long for Daenerys and her new husband to claim their birthright. Soon, the Iron Throne was theirs. The great houses of Westeros swore fealty to the new queen, most of them begrudgingly. But they were all well aware that the damage that the queen's dragons had done was nothing compared to what a full grown dragon would do. And so, with the war won, the Targaryens became dragon riders once more and have ruled Westeros fairly for the past century, though there are a few who would like to see the crown fall into another's hands. The North is once again ruled by the Starks, thanks to Sansa Stark. Sansa went from a hostage to a master schemer and she did it very well. Marrying Petyr Baelish secured her the armies of the Vale, armies that she used to defeat the Boltons and take back the North, aided by Stannis Baratheon as well. The day after the Bolton's surrendered, Petyr Baelish suffered a terrible fall, coincidentally out of the same tower that a young Bran had fallen from. Sansa, now a widow, quickly remarried to a northern lord, in a matrilineal marriage of course. There was some outrage over a girl ruling the North, a child really, but with no other Starks in sight, there wasn't much of a choice. When Bran and Rickon did return, to abdicate would cause too much unrest in a finally peaceful land, and so Sansa remained, Lady Paramount of the North. Sansa was also responsible for the capture of direwolves from beyond the Wall, and their breeding in Winterfell. When questioned as to why she would want such savage beasts she simply stated, "The Targaryens have their dragons, we shall have our wolves." Now days, the North is a dangerous place for any Lannister or Frey supporters, as every Northman is still nursing their pride after the insult of the Red Wedding. The Vale is currently ruled by the Arryns, though their power is dwindling. After the death of Petyr Baelish, Robert Arryn followed suit, dying peacefully in his sleep. Harrold Hardyng became Harrold Arryn and the Lord of the Vale. Harrold was well liked by most and his descendants still rule today. However, there are whispers of installing a new Lord to rule the lands and these whispers are becoming a roar. The rebel group, the Knights of the Moon, are attempting to gain support for their own claimant, the Lord of the Moon, to take the Vale by force. The Arryns have pleaded for help outside of the Vale, but little has come for them. Instead, they have been left to deal with the rebels on their own. Down in the Stormlands, the Baratheons are doing their best to kiss the boot of every Targaryen in King's Landing. After Daenerys conquered Westeros with her dragons, Stannis Baratheon, in awe of her beasts, quickly bent the knee. Daenerys, knowing how Stannis had contributed to her father's death had him executed, fed to her dragons. Most who were there say it was rather ugly. His daughter, Shireen, was left to rule the Stormlands. The Baratheons are still bitter about their defeat in the war, but as much as they dislike the Targaryens, they admit they were treated with mercy, considering the atrocities committed by Robert during the rebellion. Most Baratheons are raised R'hllor though there have been a few who have gone over to the Faith of the Seven. In Dorne, the Martells are happy. They helped Daenerys conquer Westeros out of their hatred for the Lannisters, and have been in the Targaryen's good graces since. But, the Martells have enemies outside of Westeros, ones that have been ignored for far too long. The Pirate King Doreo of Lys has been growing bolder with his attacks, and some say he means to launch a full scale invasion, not content with his petty islands anymore. Some fisherman even claim that there have been pirates performing strange rituals on their ships, though these tales are brushed off by most. The Tyrells in contrast to the Martells, are furious. They have resented their fall from grace for some time now. After Daenerys conquered Westeros she refused to marry Loras, a rejection that served as a slap to the face for Mace Tyrell. Daenerys didn't trust the man, the same one who'd fought for her father and the man who'd betrayed him. So, the Tyrells have been sitting in Highgarden, doing what they normally do. Plotting, and planning, and waiting for the perfect time to regain the excellent position they were in before Daenerys came over. The Lannisters sit in the same boat as the Tyrells. When Daenerys conquered Westeros she had Cersei executed for her crimes, and Tommen and Myrcella proclaimed bastards and sent to the Westerlands. Jaime escaped, fleeing to Essos where he became a mercenary. Tyrion inherited the Westerlands though he was angered by Daenerys' refusal to grant Jaime a pardon so that he might return. While the Lannisters share the same goal as the Tyrell, to see their house in power once more, neither sees the other House as an ally, and it is unlikely that the two houses will ever join in rebellion. The Tullys are great friends of the throne, second only to the Martells. In the years since the Targaryens retook the Iron Throne, the Tullys have created a substantial naval fleet which they have pledged to the service of the King, earning them quite a lot of power. However, the Tullys have also been whispered to be into darker deeds. They're rumored to be working with The Knights of the Moon to take the Vale, however this is mostly just speculation. Who really knows why the Lord of Riverrun has been meeting with a shadowy figure in the late hours of the night? And last but never least, the Greyjoys of the Iron Islands. After Daenerys landed, they tried to fight back, using Dragonbinder to bind her dragons. This failed spectacularly. Daenerys had him executed, painfully. She did leave the Greyjoys in charge however, merciful as she was. The Targaryens have kept a firm grip on the Iron Islands though, memories of the trouble they caused when Daenerys conquered the throne still fresh. Since then, the Greyjoys have taken to raiding the Summer Isles, pillaging and raping the islanders. Many don't approve of this way of life and it has not earned them any friends in Westeros. The Wall of course, still stands. With the help of Sansa Stark's army, the Others were pushed back, back into the Land of Always Winter, where some say they are still waiting, watching Westeros and preparing to strike back, this time for good. Stories of course but still frightening. In these times of rumored rebels, King Daerys has set a plan in motion. Take in the heirs to each part of Westeros as his wards. Teach them and hopefully have them grow together, encouraging peace when the time comes for them to rule. Their parents weren't exactly able to refuse the king and as our story begins, the Wards are on they're way to King's Landing. In a world of feuding families, and gallant knights, this story is about the Wards of the King.[/i] [hr][hr] So, if you didn't want to read that giant hunk of info, the basics are that the king has made it so that the children of each great house in Westeros is to be sent to King's Landing to grow up and learn together for a few years, hopefully encouraging peace. Players will create characters that are either wards, or serving the wards in some fashion. [b][u]Rules[/u][/b] 1. Have fun. It's stupid and it's cheesy but don't forget it. 2. If you're going to be gone for an extended period of time just pop in and let me know so that I don't have to gruesomely murder your character. 3. I'm not a stickler for posts but a two paragraph minimum is what I'd like everyone to try and adhere to. 4. Normal Guild rules, obviously. No godmodding, nothing to graphic, you know the drill. 5. My word is the law! *evil laugh* 6. Settle your disputes outside of the OOC. Drama in the IC is very much a necessity but I don't need your shit brought into the OOC. [hider=Helpful Links] [url=http://angeldustmt.tumblr.com/fcdirectory]Face Claim Directory - For All Your Face Claiming Needs[/url] [url=http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Main_Page]The Wiki of Ice and Fire - For All Your Research Needs[/url] [url=http://fontmeme.com/]Font Meme - For All Your Cool Font Needs[/url] [url=https://us21.chatzy.com/63030355712980]The Chatzy - For All Your Chatty Cathy Needs[/url] [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] So before you look at this rather daunting sheet, keep in mind that, we believe in you. And it's not that bad. Also, there's gonna be a lot of spots for pictures, which is pretty optional. If you don't have a pic of your FC maybe do like a pic that sort of relates to your character. See, I can be helpful :) Also, don't forget to remove the "." from in front of the hr. Any questions and you can shoot them my way. [code] [color=???][center][.hr][.hr][color=???][h1]Character’s Name[/h1][/color] [img]Face claim here pretty please. Real pictures please, no art.[/img] [color=???][i]“Quote by your character”[/i][/color] [color=???][i]“Quote by someone, about your character”[/i][/color][/center] [.hr][.hr] [img]Another picture of your character/something relating to them[/img] [.hr][.hr] [color=white][h3]Basic Information[/h3][/color][/center] [color=???]Name[/color] [indent]Put their name here![/indent] [color=???]Nickname[/color] [indent]Do people call your character Shithead? Well put it down here![/indent] [color=???]G E N D E R[/color] [indent]Whatever tickles your peach[/indent] [color=???]A G E[/color] [indent]12-18 but you know a 12 year old probably isn't gonna be kicking ass and taking names[/indent] [color=???]S E X U A L I T Y[/color] [indent]What kind of people does your character want to bang? Do they want to bang?[/indent] [center][.hr][.hr] [img]Some more pictures[/img] [.hr][.hr] [color=white][h3]Home[/h3][/color][/center] [color=???]Father[/color] [indent]Everyone's got one![/indent] [color=???]Mother[/color] [indent]Coincidentally, everyone has one of these two![/indent] [color=???]Siblings[/color] [indent]Only some people have these![/indent] [color=???]Religion[/color] [indent]Dependent on family in most cases. Starks are most likely Old Gods, where as everyone in the South are probably Faith of the Seven, except for the Baratheons. They could very well be R'hollor. The Greyjoys are probably Drowned God.[/indent] [center][.hr][.hr] [img]You guessed it! Another picture![/img] [.hr][.hr] [color=white][h3]Skills[/h3][/color][/center] [color=???]Strengths[/color] [indent]What's your character good at? Something? Nothing?[/indent] [color=???]Weaknesses[/color] [indent]What's your character not so good at? Should have at least three things here cause, as I like to say, "Nobody's perfect, I've gotta work it, again and again til I get it right."[/indent] [color=???]Weapon[/color] [indent]What weapon do they use? Do they even use one?[/indent] [center][.hr][.hr] [img]I know what your thinking! Yep another picture :P[/img] [.hr][.hr] [color=white][h3]Mannerisms[/h3][/color][/center] [color=???]Likes[/color] [indent][list][*]Some things that they like. At least 5[/list][/indent] [color=????]Dislikes[/color] [indent][list][*]Some things that they dislike. At least 5[/list][/indent] [color=???]Habits[/color] [indent][list][*]Some habits that they have. At least three[/list][/indent] [color=????]Hobbies[/color] [indent][list][*]What do they do in their free time? At least three[/list][/indent] [color=???]Fears[/color] [indent][list][*]What makes them freak out?[/list][/indent] [center][.hr][.hr] [img]Last picture I promise![/img] [.hr][.hr] [color=white][h3]Digging Deeper[/h3][/color][/center] [color=???]Personality[/color] [indent]A full paragraph. Flaws, and good things too.[/indent] [color=????]History[/color] [indent]A full paragraph as well, more if you're into that sorta thing. What was your character doing up until now? Just chilling? Put that down![/indent] [color=???]Theme Song[/color] [indent][url=???]Song – Artist[/url] [sub]lyrics from the song[/sub][/indent] [center][.hr][.hr] [img]I lied![/img] [.hr][.hr][/center] [color=???]Extra Stuff[/color] [indent]Anything extra that didn't get covered up there.[/indent][/color] [/code] [/hider]