[center][img]http://www.wallpapermade.com/images/wallpapers/originals/game-of-thrones-unbowed-unbent-unbroken-martell-wallpaper-1088.jpg[/img] [img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=House%20Martell&name=Game%20of%20Thrones.ttf&size=75&style_color=E8600C[/img][/center] [hider=Gabriel Martell][center][color=E8600C][h1]Gabriel Martell[/h1][/color] [img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/a15ed432eabddce34c9a53d4a779ec9d/tumblr_n7rghw6OpQ1swwx3co1_250.png[/img] [color=E8600C][i]“Divinity? By who's definition?”[/i][/color] [color=ff9933][i]“He questions our traditions, and then his heritage?! Look at him, brother. His eyes, his skin... He is not of our people.”[/i][/color][/center] [hr][hr] [center][img]http://awoiaf.westeros.org/images/thumb/d/d6/MartellCoA.png/250px-MartellCoA.png[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [center][color=white][h3]Basic Information[/h3][/color][/center] [color=E8600C]N A M E[/color] [indent]Gabriel Nymeros Martell[/indent] [color=E8600C]N I C K N A M E[/color] [indent]Gabe[/indent] [color=E8600C]G E N D E R[/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=E8600C]A G E[/color] [indent]14[/indent] [color=E8600C]S E X U A L I T Y[/color] [indent]Technically pansexual; but he's queer (questioning) at the moment[/indent] [hr][hr] [center][img]http://awoiaf.westeros.org/images/thumb/d/d4/Yann_Tiseron_The_Old_Palace_II.png/350px-Yann_Tiseron_The_Old_Palace_II.png[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [center][color=white][h3]Home[/h3][/color][/center] [color=E8600C]F A T H E R[/color] [indent]Prince Verynn Martell is the current ruler of Dorne and Lord of Sunspear; however, his claim to the throne is often disputed in whispers among the royals outside of court. When his elder brother, Dovan Martell, failed to give birth to a suitable heir, he abdicated power to Verynn at the behest of his advisors, lest he leave behind a power gap upon his death. Ever since, Verynn has been a fair and just prince, as his forefathers before him, and steadfast ally of House Targaryen. In the end, however, he is simply another prince to occupy the Sunspear throne. Gabriel's father lacks any outstanding qualities that make him appear strong or resilient in the face of an adversary. It is this very absence of a "true prince's" qualities that make some in Dorne believe he is ill-equipped to even handle the pesky pirates of "King" Doreo.[/indent] [color=E8600C]M O T H E R[/color] [indent]Allusica Martell makes up for her husband's shortcomings by being the charismatic and ruthless politician at the negotiating tables. As is expected of Dornish women, she is also an able-bodied warrior in her own right and will insist upon leading the vanguard in any skirmish with dissidents of the state (be they rebels of the Iron Throne, or miscreants within Dorne). On the downside, Allusica is not of Dornish descent. Rather, she is a noble from greater Westeros, chosen in an arrangement long ago. Her fair skin and blue eyes were passed on as dominant traits to Gabriel; thus, placing a heavy burden on his shoulders as appearing to be an outsider.[/indent] [color=E8600C]S I B L I N G S[/color] [indent]Gabriel is the eldest of three siblings (Malak and Shemar Sand), though his younger brothers are bastards. They have no succession rights or claim to Dorne's power as Sands; but they carry themselves as though they are princes in their own right. As to Gabriel's grief over his mixed ethnicity, they are the primary instigators.[/indent] [color=E8600C]R E L I G I O N[/color] [indent]Agnostic, despite his family's adherence to the Faith of the Seven.[/indent] [hr][hr] [center][img]http://i1373.photobucket.com/albums/ag393/kok_caladin1/Southern%20Campaign/Dorne/Sunspear1_zpsec4461b0.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [center][color=white][h3]Skills[/h3][/color][/center] [color=E8600C]S T R E N G T H S[/color] [indent]Gabriel is an exceptional fast learner, particularly in any academic pursuit. History and politics are his favorite studies, despite his youth; and he uses what knowledge he can muster in his favor when communicating with other lords in matters of state. He is never one to shy away from a good discussion of philosophy or the arts, but religion is a more delicate subject for him. His tendency to value free thinking and progressive academia runs counter to the religious dogma he hears preached by those that practice any sort of faith.[/indent] [color=E8600C]W E A K N E S S E S[/color] [indent]In spite of his intellect (or, rather, because of it), Gabriel's cynicism draws out a pessimistic world view that can cripple his faith in, not only himself, but also mankind as a whole. This particular weakness of the mind often plagues him with preconceived notions of others, standing in the way of any attempt he may make to socialize on a normal level. In brief, he can be a tad rude or come off as cold. Adding to his introverted image, Gabriel is also not the most agile prince of Dorne. The Martells have always prided themselves on their physical abilities and combative prowess. The young man may have all the training his forefathers have received, but he lacks their gut and brawn. Finally, he has an aversion to cold climates. This was discovered by him falling gravely ill during a trip to the North, when his father wanted him to see all of Westeros at an early age to better prepare him for his destiny as a future crowned prince. Harsh coughing and wheezing kept him bedridden until he was able to return to the warmer climate of the south. Dorne's wisest maesters concluded that he susceptible to weakened lungs (asthma, basically) in colder climates.[/indent] [color=E8600C]W E A P O N[/color] [indent]As previously mentioned, although Gabriel is a weaker fighter than other Dornishmen, he is still highly trained in their signature arms. His talent with the spear isn't nearly as commendable as his talent with the bow, however; which is possibly the one weapon that he is truly gifted with. His mother, Allusica, claims that the bow suits his personality: "Poised, pointed, and far reaching." For his thirteenth birthday, the lord of House Caron gifted him an intricately carved bow of black glazed wood as a show of loyalty to the young prince.[/indent] [hr][hr] [center][img]http://blog.scritto.io/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/tumblr_mhkjk1ACkx1s3jm7eo1_500.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [center][color=white][h3]Mannerisms[/h3][/color][/center] [color=E8600C]L I K E S[/color] [indent][list][*]Reading codexes (books) and scrolls of worldly knowledge [*]Discussing academic subjects with maesters [*]Trying exotic foods from different cultures [*]Watching warriors as they train with one another, silently envying them for their abilities [*]The warmth of the southern Westerosi regions[/list][/indent] [color=E8600C]D I S L I K E S[/color] [indent][list][*]Listening to septons carry on about the Faith [*]Any arduous physical exercise with seemingly no point [*]Adhering to tradition for tradition's sake [*]Conversing with strangers that clearly don't think for themselves [*]Being patronized over his age and lack of experience[/list][/indent] [color=E8600C]H A B I T S[/color] [indent][list][*]Eavesdropping on meetings regarding kingdom or state affairs [*]Coming off as callous or cold when pointing out flaws or making assertions [*]Quick to judge others based on first impressions[/list][/indent] [color=E8600C]H O B B I E S[/color] [indent][list][*]Reading in libraries and studies [*]Shadowing maesters and assisting them with odd experiments [*]Practicing with his bow at the archery ranges[/list][/indent] [color=E8600C]F E A R S[/color] [indent][list][*]Fanatics like the Faith Militant and those similar to them [*]Snowfall and cold rain, as it may cripple him due to his weak lungs [*]Being rejected by the Dornish people when it comes time to take his parents' place[/list][/indent] [hr][hr] [center][img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/1778000db5b49a03845aafd18694c258/tumblr_n7rghw6OpQ1swwx3co4_250.png[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [center][color=white][h3]Digging Deeper[/h3][/color][/center] [color=E8600C]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/color] [indent]Gabriel is an early adopter of a new school of thinking that has arisen across the Narrow Sea, known as virtuity. Unlike the classic faiths of the west, virtuity is a type of old cynicism that teaches humanity's purpose in life was to live in virtuous harmony in accordance with the laws of nature; rather than serve higher powers or submit to a predetermined "destiny". This far separates him from the more conservative peers of the courts, even though many in Dorne are already thinking this way (in part due to their penchant for always running counter to northern traditionalists), despite their unwillingness to admit it publically. Gabriel's intense value for free thinking is what drives his desire to be an academic and a wise future prince of Dorne. In his pursuit of knowledge and an understanding of political affairs, he as abandoned many opportunities to simply live as most noble children would. He is distant around strangers, keeps a very small inner circle, and remains estranged from his eccentric half-brothers. The young man finds amusement with life's unexplained mysteries and is admittedly fascinated with the idea of magic; seeing the ancient practice as another puzzle piece in explaining the machination of the world. However, he is as curious as he is naive. Unable to grapple with the idea that some things "just are", he will brush away nuanced answers given to him by his elders that tire of his brash inquisitiveness. When it comes to romance, he is even more naive and inexperienced. At times, he finds himself looking at both men and women equally, unable to understand why he finds either sex attractive. Even though he abhors following tradition without meaning, he realizes that taking a liking to the same sex isn't something that is publically acceptable--especially outside of Dorne, where such sexuality is merely understood as a means of licentious amusement. Fearful that he will never be able to grasp the motives behind his attraction to certain people (regardless of gender), Gabriel prefers to keep strangely quiet around those that his adolescent eye is drawn to.[/indent] [color=E8600C]H I S T O R Y[/color] [indent]Gabriel Martell began making a name for himself early on after he turned eight years old and assisted Sunspear's master maester in solving an arithmetic equation that would be used to develop a new telescope for the Citadel's astronomers. The boy had a keen grasp on numbers and could see patterns without having to touch a quill. Upon hearing of this, Gabriel's mother insisted he taken under the maester's wing as an apprentice in every conceivable academic study. In five years, he had demonstrated unparalleled progress and was a welcomed new voice among his father's close advisors. A thirteen year old boy offering counsel to Dorne's highest prince was unheard of and most would not stand for it. In order to keep their good company, Prince Verynn quickly revoked his son's seat at court, but did so only publically. He never stopped listening to Gabriel's take on state affairs in private. Even though he was still able to engage in some official politics with his parents, Gabriel's pride was wounded when his father's advisors practically ousted him. Unsettled, he debated with himself if his ideas and advice had been of any negative consequence to Dorne; but, upon learning that he had been right on almost every issue, he began to suspect that [i]another[/i] factor had been the influencer in his expulsion... His ethnic background. It was then that he adopted a more stoic outlook toward adults.[/indent] [color=E8600C]T H E M E S O N G[/color] [indent][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiBdb-oqCBo&list=PL88A83787B7530C48&index=9]503 – Hans Zimmer[/url][/indent] [hr][hr] [color=E8600C]E X T R A S T U F F[/color] [indent]Nothing at the moment... He won't have much history, given his age.[/indent][/hider] [hider=Reina Martell] [center][hr][hr][color=f6989d][h1]Reina Martell[/h1][/color] [img]http://pre12.deviantart.net/cda8/th/pre/i/2013/056/f/5/indian_woman_by_cocainacola-d5w6t0h.jpg[/img] [color=f6989d][i]“The world is mad, so you'll have to be mad to understand it.”[/i][/color] [color=f6989d][i]“She's never happy with what she has. That's good, shows ambition.”[/i][/color][/center] [color=white][h3]Basic Information[/h3][/color] [color=f6989d]Name[/color] [indent]Reina Martell[/indent] [color=f6989d]Nickname[/color] [indent]Court vixen[/indent] [color=f6989d]G E N D E R[/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=f6989d]A G E[/color] [indent]17[/indent] [color=f6989d]S E X U A L I T Y[/color] [indent]Bisexual, prefers ladies[/indent] [color=white][h3]Sunspear[/h3][/color] [color=f6989d]Father[/color] [indent]Dovan Martell, aged 70, child of Arianne Martell. He came to power when his aging mother abdicated, leaving him with the throne which he has held for about 20 years when he "abdicated" to his brother Verynn after considerable pressure due to Dovan's age and not being able to produce an heir. Childless until 17 years ago when his young wife gave birth to Reina.[/indent] [color=f6989d]Vhaesa Qorgyle[/color] [indent]Granddaughter of Gulian Qorgyle, aged 30, heir to Sandstone. Is not too fond of her marriage, but loves her children. She secretly hopes that her husband's brother, along with his trueborn, will pass to let her daughter rule instead and works behind the scenes for it to happen.[/indent] [color=f6989d]Siblings[/color] [indent]Aenena Martell, age 10. A bright young girl which has taken a liking to Gabriel Martell, despite them being cousins. The Targaryans do it, soo.. Dravor and Dorrick Martell, twin brothers aged 5 years old. They both look up to their "cousin" Artoran.[/indent] [color=f6989d]Religion[/color] [indent]None, but in public she follows the Seven.[/indent] [color=white][h3]Skills[/h3][/color] [color=f6989d]Strengths[/color] [indent]Reina seems to have a knack for seduction and intrigue. She views political games as something to enjoy and play out to it's fullest. She has a good take on manipulations and making others follow what she says, using her own body to do so at times. She is intelligent, but by no means a genius.[/indent] [color=f6989d]Weaknesses[/color] [indent]She is not good at being serious if she's not in her comfort zone and can be displaced from it. If she does not have time to prepare and think about it her responses can be quite slow. Is is also physically weak and is not very likely to resort to being physical. [/indent] [color=f6989d]Weapon[/color] [indent]Drugs and poisons. She has no formal training for any weapons, relying on her looks and charms for that.[/indent] [center] [color=white][h3]Mannerisms[/h3][/color][/center] [color=f6989d]Likes[/color] [indent][list][*] Fine drink [*] Fine clothes [*] Bodily markings [*] Leisurely strolls [*] Getting what she wants [/list][/indent] [color=f6989d]Dislikes[/color] [indent][list][*] Not getting what she wants [*] Responsibilities [*] Cold weather [*] Losing [*] Overly intelligent people [*] Gabriel, the one in the way for her throne [/list][/indent] [color=f6989d]Habits[/color] [indent][list][*] Sleeping in [*] Drinking [*] Nervous smile [/list][/indent] [color=f6989d]Hobbies[/color] [indent][list][*] Plotting [*] Writing letters to lovers [*] Teasing others [/list][/indent] [color=f6989d]Fears[/color] [indent][list][*] Spiders [*] Snakes [*] Scorpions [/list][/indent] [color=white][h3]Digging Deeper[/h3][/color] [color=f6989d]Personality[/color] [indent]Reina is the kind of person who would do almost anything to get what she wants, including offering her own body to do so. She finds this easier with women though since it leaves her virginity intact. She is a bit of a hedonist, indulging in excess whenever she can. She is quite childish though if she does not get what she wants and if you break down her outer shell there is a young child on the inside. [/indent] [color=f6989d]History[/color] [indent]Reina was born into luxury and craved it ever since. Being an only child for seven years she was quite pampered, couple that with the fact that she was born when her father was so old she was showered in anything she wanted. When her younger siblings were born she had resented them for quite a while until she came to terms with it and instead focused on learning as much as possible about how to rule, and the political plays that would entail. She was discovered to have a knack for it, indeed she quite enjoyed playing others like puppets, turning them against each other, brother against brother, was one of her favorite thrills. Especially causing Gabriel trouble or cause fights between him and his brothers. She despises Gabriel's family, the current rulers of Sunspear, for the removal of her father from the throne. She thought that she, being the older one, would be named the heir of Sunspear and Dorne, but this was not the case, not after the birth of Gabriel when it was taken away from her. [hr] Reina also gained a bit of a reputation in Dorne for being a court vixen, but is has never been proven. Her virginity remains intact, even after all of her adventures, she has never let anyone take it. Now however, her world has been shook around after the summons of the king. She had been to King's Landing once before, and had not really enjoyed herself there, but now is another time and another opportunity. What infuriated her though, was that her hated cousin was also coming, not only that, the bastard was coming along as well. [/indent] [color=f6989d]Theme Song[/color] [indent][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wt1gJnUoo04]Natural Born Sinner - In This Moment[/url] [sub]So go ahead and point your finger Tell me who to love is it him or her? When will you see this is who I am? S-I-N-N-E-R Natural Born Sinner[/sub][/indent] [/hider] [hider=Artoran Sand][center] [hr][hr][color=#d66f05] [h1]Artoran Sand[/h1] [/color] [img]http://pe.tuhistory.com/files/avan-jogia-as-tut_-day-52_0136_0.jpg[/img] [i][color=#edd571]"The boy has fire in his blood, to say the least. Fire and wine, and no small amount of venom."[/color][/i] [color=#d66f05][i]"What good is a life without pleasure, without excitement? Thrills of victory, pleasures of drink, indulgences of flesh... Anything to keep the blood boiling."[/i][/color] [hr][hr] [center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/ycDdKhVQkOyze/giphy.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [h2]Basic Information[/h2][/center] [color=#d66f05]N A M E[/color] Artoran Tritan Sand [color=#d66f05]N I C K N A M E S[/color] Toran - Used by his family and friends, and almost anyone in a non-formal setting. Snake Charmer - Used by well-meaning commonfolk, nobility, and friends, in reference to his affinity with both his animals and his family members. The Scorched One - Used by ill-meaning peasants and lesser nobility, rarely said to his face lest the user wish to retain their tongue. This name stems from the scarring that mars his skin from an old burn injury. [color=#d66f05]G E N D E R[/color] Male [color=#d66f05]A G E[/color] 18 [color=#d66f05]S E X U A L I T Y[/color] "I want what I want, when I want it. That is all." [hr][hr] [center][img]http://news-entertainment.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/wpid-vcover19f-13-web.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [center][h2]Home[/h2][/center] [color=#d66f05]F A T H E R[/color] [color=orange][i]"Do not listen to the scorns of outsiders, Toran. You were born of love and passion, and just as much a Martell as any other. Never be ashamed of that; your name may make outsiders turn their backs on you, but that only makes them easier to cut down."[/i][/color] Prince Mikael Martell, the son of Trystane Martell, brother of Nymeria Targaryen and the youngest Prince of Dorne. Prince Mikael could have rivalled his great-uncle Oberyn Martell in his lustful tendencies; his escapades with various partners led him to sire many bastards, all of whom he took into his home, along with their mothers, and cared for lovingly. However, he could not simply pledge his love to only one partner and thus, never thought it fair to marry. Mikael is looked upon strangely by his more noble and reserved cousins, is very close to his sister and her husband, and loves all of his nieces and nephews. He is a passionate man, both in love and in war, delighting in combat and excitement as much as in family and flesh. Many of these traits he passed on to Toran, who greatly resembles his father. Mikael lives his life for himself; far from the line of Dornish succession, he is mostly content to leave the stresses of politics to his cousins and offer advice if called upon. This “Pirate King” does not intimidate him much, though if he were to become a problem for his family and for Dorne, Mikael would be first in the vanguard to cut him down. [color=#d66f05]M O T H E R[/color] [color=lightblue][i]"Enjoy this fantastic life we are so lucky to have, my son. Enjoy it to its fullest, for you have been given an opportunity that thousands like you can only dream of."[/i][/color] Dardana Namieth, daughter of a lesser Dornish merchant. She had been accompanying her father to Sunspear on business and quickly caught the eye of Prince Mikael. From their passion came Toran, who would be Mikael’s third child and first son. From the moment Dardana had shared that she was with child, Mikael took her in as well as any wife and promised to care for them for their entire lives. He made good on his promise, and Dardana and Toran have been living the lives of royalty since. Dardana is a clever beauty, who pays little mind to Mikael’s non-monogamous tendencies and tends to similarly indulge herself. As a mother she is watchfully fierce; she offers advice when she is needed, and knows when to leave well enough alone. She is aware that her son must make his own choices, but offers council when she knows those choices are unwise. She gets along well with the mothers of Mikael’s other children and treats those other children like her own. Theirs may be an odd family, but they are thick as thieves and fiercely protective of their own, by blood or otherwise. [color=#d66f05]S I B L I N G S[/color] Three half-sisters: Dalia Sand (27), Retilla Sand (20), and Nyra Sand (5). Four half-brothers: Jorus Sand (13), Mytchell Sand (12), Dorian Sand (10), and Dardan Sand (5). Dalia has left Sunspear to study under the Maesters at the Citadel, and Retilla fell in love with and married a young nobleman from Braavos and spends much of her time sailing the Narrow Sea. This leaves Toran as the oldest offspring in Sunspear, his cousins included. Toran is relatively close to all of his siblings, particularly his sisters, over whom he is extremely protective (although Dalia and Retilla are more than capable of taking care of themselves). He revels in his large family, considering himself a son with many mothers and throwing the notion of “half” siblings to the wind. [color=#d66f05]R E L I G I O N[/color] Born into the Faith of the Seven, although he doesn’t actively practice. [hr][hr] [center][img]https://45.media.tumblr.com/b539d8371cc47cb223b9d3a40e51df4e/tumblr_nna2rqHiDC1qj7pdmo1_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [center][h2]Skills[/h2][/center] [color=#d66f05]S T R E N G T H S[/color] Having taken an old Dornish tradition and made it new, Toran is a skilled acrobat, using creative movement and taking advantage of his environment to bring great agility and speed into combat. He has a tendency not only to use his acrobatic skill to be an effective warrior, but also to impress onlookers by turning the battle into an impressive acrobatic spectacle. He has been a crowd pleaser at tournaments since he first began using the technique, and loves the unique flare it lends his fighting. His battle technique consists mostly of artfully dodging attacks until his opponent grows tired or frustrated, and then going offensive. These techniques work together to create a greatly unpredictable and entertaining fighting style. Toran also has a great affinity for animals, going so far as to have taken [url=http://i.imgur.com/qbG0AXM.jpg]Toruk[/url], a deadly young desert viper, as a pet and companion. Rumours circulate among those who have watched Toran with the snake, that he is immune to his venom; many have seen the snake bite him (mostly by accident, if Toran is trying to stop him from biting someone else) and walk away unharmed and unconcerned. Toran has not confirmed or denied these suspicions. [s]anyone get that old thread reference?[/s] Rather than dip his blade in poison like Oberyn before him, Toran has taken a more upfront approach to combat: Fire. With the help of Dalia, his maester-in-training sister, he has learned to use special ores and powders to throw fire at his opponents. This is mostly for show and to confuse the enemy; this fire quickly extinguishes itself in the air. An accident while training with fire years ago resulted in a patchwork of jagged burns on his arms, torso and part of his right-side jaw. Luckily, due to skilled court maesters, Toran healed with little more disfiguration than pale scar tissue, which contrasts starkly with the rich brown of his skin. Still, this interest in fire borders on obsessive and he continues to train long and hard to bend it to his will. [color=#d66f05]W E A K N E S S E S[/color] Toran is nothing if not prideful, and it can sometimes get in the way. His otherwise low temper can be sparked in an instant by a slight against his family or his nature as a bastard, though he is capable of hiding his loathing behind an insincere smile and another name added to his shit list when the stakes are as high as they are in King’s Landing. Toran’s lust, both for people and for life in general, rivals his father’s, and he’s been known to shirk responsibilities in favour of pursuing his hedonistic goal of enjoying himself as much as possible before he dies. He is sinfully irresponsible in this regard, which will undoubtedly turn to bite him in King’s Landing. Finally, Toran wears his emotions on his sleeve. Far from stoic, Toran feels everything deeply, be it voracious delight or crushing sorrow. He despises all the sneaking and backstabbing of upper Westerosi court, and sees no merit in trickery or underhandedness. This is the type of quality that can make a weak player in the game of thrones, but he holds to his (albeit few and sideways) morals nonetheless. [color=#d66f05]W E A P O N[/color] Toran has taken to the challenge of fighting with a staff or dagger, but also adores the history and fluidity of the Dornish spear. His answer? A weapon that can be all three! His dark, strong wooden staff, short for a spear at only six feet long, bears ornate copper and steel inlay along its length, like a coiled snake that shines like flame in the sunlight. This inlay gives way to a heavy steel cap on one end, acting as the foot of the staff. The opposite end is also capped with steel, in a jagged pattern. Toran’s dagger is a wicked seven-inch affair worn on his belt. The glossy, black dragonglass blade is wide and curved, wickedly sharp on both sides with an edge like curved broken glass, as dragonglass blades tend to be. The hilt and handle are made from the same wood and metal inlay as the staff, including an inlaid snake’s head baring its fangs. The handle, however, is hollow with a steel pattern on the inside (corresponding to that on the staff) and a spring. These inner fixtures act as the counterbalance to the blade and as an interlocking mechanism for connecting the staff and dagger to form a spear. This connection can be made in one fluid, well-practiced move either before or during battle. In this form, it is clear that the weighted foot of the staff (which is somewhat imbalanced on its own) acts as a counterbalance for the spear. The weapon is of Toran's own design; he even helped the armourer shape it. [hr][hr] [center][img]http://data2.whicdn.com/images/41280834/original.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [center][h2]Mannerisms[/h2][/center] [color=#d66f05]L I K E S[/color] Beautiful people Parties/celebrations Fine food and drink Tournaments Showing off Animals Sunlight/heat Luxury [color=#d66f05]D I S L I K E S[/color] Rain and cold Rough seas (he gets horrible sick) Miscommunication Lies, deceit, and underhanded trickery Being looked down upon Most nuts (he has a soft spot for pistachios) Overbearing responsibilities [color=#d66f05]H A B I T S[/color] Talking to Toruk Spinning his ring Pulling his earlobe Drumming his fingers [color=#d66f05]H O B B I E S[/color] Training with his spear and his fire Training/interacting with Toruk Playing with his young siblings and cousins (he's very good with children) Slight of hand [color=#d66f05]F E A R S[/color] Drowning Death (of himself or loved ones) Losing his mind Losing his wealthy position Fading into history, forgotten Losing Toruk and him biting someone [hr][hr] [center][img]http://cdn.moviestillsdb.com/sm/821fd03d60755f81fae61ce85229debd/tut.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [center][h2]Digging Deeper[/h2][/center] [color=#d66f05]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/color] Toran is firstly and most predominantly charming. A savvy ladies man (well, anyone’s man, really) he is most often found enjoying himself in some way or another, be it training, lounging, or endlessly flirting. His soul is as light as his feet, and he has few cares in the world. His anger bears striking likeness to a whip; fast, loud and painful, but gone as quickly as it came. Like any self-respecting Dornishman, he is deeply rooted to his family. He believes that kindness is never wasted, though he knows the value of some well-placed acidity. Brutally honest, Toran's straightforward look at the world has been known to get him into trouble with more uptight nobles who are used to the fancy words and sugar-coated reports of court life. While he isn't entirely clueless on when it is best just to say nothing, Toran tends to err on the side of speaking, an easy comment or jibe always on the tip of his tongue. Despite his abundant pride and confidence, Toran is still somewhat insecure about his nature as a bastard. Whereas in Dorne nobody questions it, in King's Landing it's much more of a slight against him. This doesn't bother him at home in Dorne, but elsewhere deep down he is self-conscious and sensitive about it (despite knowing that it is not his fault and being encouraged by his family that it is far from a bad thing) and secretly hopes that someday, his father will legitimize him. If asked about such hopes, he would fervently deny them. Nonetheless, he can't say the stigma doesn't get to him. Even with the Queen as his aunt, he still feels every sideways look, hears every underhanded comment about the Martell bastard who likes to pretend he's royalty. He tries his best to follow his father's advice and ignore it, "Wear it like armour," as Oberyn's Lannister friend had said, but there's only so much a teenager can handle. [color=#d66f05]H I S T O R Y[/color] Born the bastard son of Prince Mikael Martell, Toran grew up with a life unheard of for bastards in any other country in Westeros. Where a bastard in King’s Landing or Winterfell would face disgrace and shun, he enjoyed nobility and luxury, a large family and boastful wealth. With his family’s standing greatly improved after King Daerys took a Martell (Toran's beloved aunt, no less) as his Queen, his life was easy and relatively free of court drama. He spent his days enjoying the best food and wine, learning and training with court Maesters and fine combat teachers, and endlessly flirting with whatever beauty happened to catch his eye. As his father and Queen Nymeria were thick as thieves, Toran travelled to King's landing often throughout his life and is very familiar with his Targaryen uncle and cousins. When King Daerys sent a summons for the heirs of the great houses to gather, Toran's father saw a great opportunity. Some clever placement and a few letters to Queen Nymeria got Toran a seat at the heir's table, albeit formally as a guard to his cousin Gabriel. Toran isn't overly fond of his position as a guard (it was so Northern to send a bastard to guard the [i]important[/i] children) but he knows his father means nothing by it, and looks forward to seeing his family and forming some connections with the other wards. [color=#d66f05]T H E M E[/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEeOLYwiTz8]King – Lauren Aquilina[/url] [i]Glass half empty, glass half full Well either way you won't be going thirsty Count your [b]blessings[/b] not your [s]flaws[/s][/i] [hr][hr] [center][img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/7e5278eae3cac44c6585e3922d933228/tumblr_inline_myv7t8Mi7n1qdjihd.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [color=#d66f05]E X T R A[/color] Toran generally has one or two fingernails painted with a rust-coloured substance that resembles clay. Toruk accompanies Toran almost everywhere, generally hiding in his sleeves or coiling around his hands and lower arms. He wears a gold and copper ring with the house words "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken" engraved around it in the old tongue of the Rhoynar. A regular feature in Toran's wardrobe are hardened leather armguards, resembling falconer's greaves. He also currently wears a modest and becoming goatee, but also commonly goes clean-shaven.[/hider]