[@Shorticus]I think you forgot to include this player: [quote=@Hans von Lek] Ohi! Glad to see this up! I'd like to claim the green, if still available. The red's just leftover from whoever I yanked this from; it is not what I'm after. http://imgur.com/ifbuiYq [/quote] Granted, I kind of forgot it, too. Although there's a clash here: [quote=@Monkeypants] [img]http://i1368.photobucket.com/albums/ag161/monkeypantslol/bewp_zpsrrbdgfh1.jpg[/img] The terribly traced bottom islands and a sliver of the mainland. I purposely did not claim the island to my direct east due to a potential NPC plot should no one pick it. [img]http://i1368.photobucket.com/albums/ag161/monkeypantslol/bewp-2_zpsnosvfut9.jpg[/img] [/quote]