[hider=Gaius][b]NAME:[/b] Gaius Stronurr (Straw-Neeur) [b]~ABSTRACT~[/b] [i]A hardy soldier with a kind heart and a hard head[/i] [b]~APPEARANCE~[/b] [img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/d49915389d4549945d850593c295dcc1/tumblr_mo2q9rjjYL1s9p45oo1_500.jpg[/img] Thirty-One Years, 6'8, rarely shows his face. [b]~HISTORY~[/b] Gaius has worked under the old king as one of his generals for many years, maintaining peace throughout his Liege's kingdom as every good knight should aspire to. He is known far and wide as the 'joyful juggernaut' for the stories of adventure and glory he would tell, despite them all being make-belief and cliche to no end. Regardless, all seem to appreciate his company, and he enjoys his position under the king with a humble demeanor, and no desire to seek true glory, fame, or wealth. He lives only to serve, and make the kingdom, who he'd long adopted as part of his family, happy and prosperous for the many years to come. He lives within the castle, away from his mother and father, who are simple woodsmen that live a quaint life on the kingdom's edge. Gaius rarely sees his parents, but on the off chance that he's free to visit the countryside, they have always welcomed him with open arms, and a batch of fresh cookies to sate his undeniable gluttony. When he heard the king's order to search for the fallen stars, Gaius was of course one of the volunteers to step forward. Although he knows that he'd be leaving behind quite a set of shoes to fill, he was confident that his abilities and experiences would be absolutely necessary in acquiring the fallen star for his people. [b]~PERSONALITY~[/b] Gaius is rather sociable, and open to everyone he speaks with. In a group, he'd be the first to project his presence and start a conversation, one that he'd very much like to be the center of. Although he aspires to make his friends happy, and stray away from conflict whenever possible, Gaius is no pushover, and will not be made a fool of if he can help it. Sometimes his kindness does get the better of him though, making him look like an utterly gullible fool at the worst possible times. Gaius does not seek glory, but he is extremely confident in himself, and has a hard time recognizing his own flaws. It doesn't make him look like a pompous ass, but it often leaves him extremely disappointed with himself whenever he fails to accomplish whatever he sets out to do.[/hider]