“Hey?” Ash’s head darted to the side after hearing that booming shout, meeting eyes with one of the other convicts that was intended to escape this cage. The guard looked from the girl to the scruffy looking man and back again, as if trying to process which of the two was the bigger threat in this scenario. Then more and more variables entered the equation and while the guard robot had decided to try and pacify Ashley after all, its target was distracted by all the flashy entrances and brawls taking place without realizing that she’d be entering one herself very soon. “Jesus, you really fucked tha…” One punch, right to the face; Ashley couldn’t be any more bug-eyed than when the metal fist of that guard collided, sending her falling backwards right onto the hard ground, face first. A moment passed and it seemed as if that blow had knocked the girl out, but her own fist began pounding the ground, while her other hand shakenly cupped her nose, which was broken and now spilling blood. “Shit, shit, fuck, shit, God damn it!” A series of curses escaped Ashley’s now blood covered mouth as she thrashed about on the ground, and while she was in terrible pain, she knew that this was probably the best thing that could have happened. An observer would notice that the blood almost seemed to have a mind of its own as it trickled down her face, mostly because it moved in an unnatural manner. That is to say at one point, it actually started to defy gravity and crawl up Ash’s face in order to cover more of her flesh. It ran down her neck, covering everything under her orange jumpsuit and eventually appeared running down her arms until they too were covered, almost seeming to look like a pair of gloves. On her face, it formed a mask that covered the upper half of her face and ran down the sides, eventually connecting with the blood that had formed on her neck. This was Krimson, a person that could articulate her blood as easily as one could their fingers. Speaking of, Ashley’s bloody digits came to a point, almost resembling claws. She returned to her feet and stared down the guard-bot with a clear scowl. There would be hell to pay, but the robot was ready. He threw another punch, but Bailey had the foresight to duck under this one. She countered with a slash of her hand, running her homemade claws across the guards torso; a hit, but it only left red scratch marks. The guard-bot must have detected the slight damage, because it seemed to switch to overdrive; the thing began to throw a flurry of punches, which caused Ashley to do all she could think to do, back away. Her eyes darted to the homeless-esque man that had drawn her attention in the beginning of all this with an expecting gaze. “Wanna give me a hand with this guy?!”