[h2]Yukimura Sora[/h2] Having been peacefully sketching, Sora was completely unprepared for the slamming of the door and--realising that leaving now would abandon her bag--managed to avoid teleporting straight out of the room. For a second, the only sound after Asahi's bizarre rant was the sound of wood tinkling against the floor from a dropped pencil, with the doppelganger's mouth half-open. "I... that is... um... well..." she mumbled, trying to think of some way to express that no, she did not want noodles right now, chicken or otherwise and would like to go back to drawing. The whole situation distinctly reminded her of the time she'd gone into a familiar restaurant for a sandwich and yet been unable to voice objection to a challenge that involved eating absolutely every type of sandwich that was available. They were [i]nice[/i] sandwiches, but it had really been a bit much... Then things took a turn from bad to worse, with a another maniac rushing in and grabbing one of the physics defying bowls and... calling a noodle a worm? Did that mean that Asahi had been planning to trick Sora into eating worms? He'd never seemed the type before, but with all the boisterousness it would be hard to say no... [hr] [h2]Rai Catherine[/h2] "Well, I was tryin' to find someone smart who'd be good at planning," the witch said, letting go and jumping over the bench to sit beside the ambushed elecromancer, "And you're reading a book, so I thought you'd be a good choice! So... you've got to like animals, haven't you? I've been thinking that there's a zoo not too far from here, and I know they've got tigers. If you're willing to help me plan..." With a bright grin on her face, the girl got up from the spot she'd occupied for all of a second and placed her hands on her hips, "Want ta help me get some new friends from the zoo?" From the way she said it, it was entirely unclear whether the pink-haired girl was seriously advocating a plan to abduct wild animals from a zoo, or if this was just her idea of making conversation when she'd actually been doing nothing much at all. Neither seemed wildly out of the realm of possibility for someone with an attitude in class that lead to constant reminders that spells did [i]not[/i] need to be able to blow out the windows.