[i]RETCON. Donny had never made it out. He'd actually just shot the priest. Why? Guard bots don't give a shit about hostages. He'd have changed out of his poopy prison jumpsuit and into the clothes of a dead guard. A fresh assault rifle. A can of mace. A 9mm Walther PPS. A nightstick. Even a pack of smokes in the pocket. So convenient how most folks carried around weapons that could be used against them. Donny strode through the halls, following his ears. There was a ruckus ahead. After a few minutes he turned a corner, and bore witness to an emo chick and a hobo beating up a robot. [@Marik][@Hjalti] The two inmates would be able to hear the click of a lighter and the faint *fwish* of the flame. Behind them a man wearing a bloody prison guard outfit would be lighting up a cigarette, head tilted down so the cap hid his eyes, the orange glow of the flame luridly illuminating the rest of his rounded features in the dimness. One hand was cupping the flame as he lit. After a few seconds the man would look up, smoke billowing from his nostrils. [/i] [color=a36209]"Howah yuh doin'. Gettin' ahlong awlrighut nowuh?"[/color]