It took Jossie a moment before she finally decided to actually try to talk to the female in front of her. The only reason she could give to the girl covering herself so thoroughly was because she was like Jossie and Joy. [color=green][b]"Why so much whiskey when it's only mid-day?"[/b][/color] she questioned, setting down the final shot and glancing over at where Adrian was, [color=green][b]"And are you ok? Shouldn't you be drinking water instead? I heard you coughing earlier."[/b][/color] [color=a187be]"Whiskey has a way of numbing the pain. Temporarily. Atleast I tell myself that."[/color] Lyn reached down towards the scarf around her neck, pulling it down slightly to reveal her hellaciously damaged throat. [color=a187be]"And I have alot of pain to numb."[/color] The Thinker gingerly replaced the scarf to it's original position, her hand shifting up to pull down her bandana, downing the first shot. Then the next. Then the next. She alowed a brief pause after the third, looking up towards the bar attendant. [color=a187be]"... Wait, water? Do bars even serve water?"[/color] Lyn let out a chuckle that quickly turned into a violent caugh, resulting in a fine mist of blood on the bar and around her mouth. She quickly cleaned the mess with her bandana. [color=green][b]"Give me a second,"[/b][/color] Jossie said before searching around behind the bar. After crouching down for some time, she came up with a towel wrapped around ice and a cup of both ice and water in it. [color=green][b]"I can't find vinegar, but put this cloth against your neck to help with the bruising and drink this water. If you are coughing up blood, that whiskey has got to burn far worse than it would if you were in tip-top shape."[/b][/color] Once those were set in front of Lyn, Jossie frowned and seemed to be lost in through for a few moments before snapping back to reality. [b][color=green]"There may be a cold compress around here, I usually have one in my kit, but I don't have my kit with me here today. What's your name?"[/color][/b] [color=a187be]"Lyn."[/color] The girl jawed. [color=a187be]"Just Lyn."[/color] Lyn glanced towards the towel, smirking. [color=a187be]"I'm on more steroids than there are patrons in this bar. The bruising will go away on it's own, but thank you for the offer. I will take you up on the water though."[/color] The damaged girl took up the glass, gently tipping it up against her lips, a bit of water running down her chin from her inability to tilt her head back. [color=a187be]"The whisky doesn't burn. I have alot more things in my life that hurt besides whiskey. Things whiskey can fix,"[/color] Lyn knocked back the last shot, [color=a187be]"And things it can't."[/color] [color=green][b]"Boss calls me Jossie,"[/b][/color] the girl replied as she simply dumped the ice into the water glass, [color=green][b]"Short for Joslyn... no idea why he took to calling me Jossie though. He's strange but he's been really kind so far. Is there anything else that I can get you to help with the pain that won't react badly with the steroids they decided to pump you up with? I won't ask what happened to you, but I'm assuming whoever got the drop on you is hopefully worse off."[/b][/color] Seeing the damage done to the female before her, and not exactly putting two and two together with the name, Jossie was itching to get a hold of her sniper rifle and go hunt down whoever had hurt one of her own. [color=a187be]"Don't really know if that thing could really be 'better' or 'worse' off, but it doesn't have a head anymore, so I assume that's a worse."[/color] Lyn glanced across the bar at her ride, talking to the owner of the bar. [color=a187be]"Seems like a decent enough fellow for the 'I run a slummy bar that employs and serves girls under the age of 18' type guy I suppose."[/color] Lyn smirked, the sarcasm seething out of the coy look she shot Jossie. [color=a187be]"But if Miro likes him, that's good enough reason for me. And don't worry about me dear, the only thing that's going to take this pain away is time or a .45 caliber asprin."[/color] Jossie offered Lyn a small smirk, [color=green][b]"I think we've all been there at one point or another in our lives. I've been lucky enough to stay off the radar, last time I dealt with any severe injuries was about a half month ago. Someone finds out you're a chick and they automatically assume you are one of...[/b][/color] Jossie trailed off, even with her speaking as softly as she was, she was pretty sure Lyn got the idea, [color=green][b]"Anyway, I'm pretty sure he knows about you too, which is the only reason why he gave you what you wanted... that and the metal you are carrying around."[/b][/color] Propping herself up on the bar, Jossie sighed and rubbed her face, Miro had been the last male she had thought she would see come to the bar, she rarely saw him, but she guessed it was a good thing he popped up now when she needed new identification anyway. [color=a187be]"Hey,"[/color] Lyn scoffed, patting her side, [color=a187be]"He should have some respect. This gun is probably older than he is."[/color] The girl kicked her feet up against the wood grain of the bar front, tipping her stool back a bit, balancing it on too feet. [color=a187be]"Besides, do you know how hard it is to find SP4 around here? Trust me, the hassle it would take to replace one of those rounds isn't worth it, tell him he's safe."[/color] Lyn's chair returned to the ground as she leaned forward, peering at Jossie's face. [color=a187be]"Enough about me. Let's talk about the young girl, working in a trashy bar..."[/color] Lyn leaned a little lower, peering under her bangs, [color=a187be]"With two different colored eyes."[/color] Jossie stared at Lyn for some time before the corner of her mouth twitched up, the nagging feeling in the back of her head coming full force after hearing the girl who was clearly the same age as her, or pretty damn close, calling her 'young girl'. [color=green][b]"Now I am curious to know what a [i]thinker[/i] like you is doing in the same bar as a girl like me, walking around with the man who supplies me my IDs? Adrian found me when he was scoping out the condemed apartment I had been using as my home. Hasn't tried to do anything and has offered me a job under the understanding that I get to keep living in the apartment and he feeds me. Pretty good trade off if you ask me.[/b][/color] [color=a187be]"You know what I'm doing here. The same thing you are. Hiding, running. Running from the men that made you. Hidding from the ones that are coming to take you back. From the ones that did this to me."[/color] Lyn pulled a small PDA-like device from under the edge of the bar that she had been concealing, showing it to the bar girl. On it was an ASC II type terminal, along with a long cross-referncing sheet of data. On one side was records from the oh-so familiar government test programs. On the other side was POLTAVA personel files. [color=a187be]"Please Ms. Vulcas, don't play dumb with me. I'm much more of... 'a thinker' than you'd like to believe."[/color] Jossie made a face, [b][color=green]"Would you rather me just say your title outloud for everyone and their mother to hear? Or lack there of considering the circumstances of it all. I'm not daft, but I'm also not entirely happy with the fact that I've been found by you guys, I've stayed away from the larger groups for a reason. I still do my missions when I am told and I am not breaking any rules."[/color][/b] In truth, she had never been one for staying within confined areas with a large amount of people after being set free from the lab, mainly because the areas were always so bright and she couldn't deal with not being able to see. [color=a187be]"To be honest, we didn't come here to find you. I came here to get drunk. Something about almost dying makes you want to do that. I'm not here to rain you in, or do anything. You have superiors for that."[/color], Lyn extended her hand, gently brushing it against Jossie's arm in a caring way. [color=a187be]"It's just nice to know where my girls are. Especially after recent events. Plus, we technically didn't 'find' you. Trust me, there is no finding to be done. We will just go where you are. Even when I can't find you, I have others that can."[/color] Jossie made a face before letting out a sigh, [b][color=green]"As long as I can keep to where I am I'm fine with that,"[/color][/b] she murmured, [b][color=green]"If you need a place to crash for a little bit, I know where there is a bed in the building so you can rest while Miro and Adrian hash out whatever they are talking about. With injuries like that it is best if you get as much rest as you can while you can."[/color][/b] With that said, she slipped off the bar and walked around it to help Lyn to the room she had found, pretty intent on not taking no for an answer considering how banged up the female was. [b][color=green]"Guarantee some of your bandages will need to be changed if you have any, and on top of that, coughing up blood is never a good sign. Rest and water until they are done Boss."[/color][/b] With that said, Jossie gently grabbed Lyn and led her out of the bar, deciding that it was a better idea to just bring the female to her home instead. [color=green][b]"Adrian I will be back in five, she needs to rest so I am bringing her to my home,"[/b][/color] she said, [color=green][b]"Miro you don't need to worry abou ther, say a single thing against my Boss gettinng rest and I will punch you in the face."[/b][/color] While her tone was hushed, that was not enought to diminish the clear threat that was there as she brought Lyn out of the bar and down the street to her apartment only about a quarter mile down. [color=green][b]"So ignore the naked chick, her clothes are probably dry now but at the time they were soaked. I have no idea if she is still asleep or not... but no funny business in my bed please, I don't want to have to replace the mattress with money I don't have."[/b][/color] With that said, she opened her door and led the other female straight to her room where Joy seemed to still be passed out. [b][color=green]"Rest up, water still runs and its clean so help herself to all the water you can stand. I have to get back to work."[/color][/b] [color=a187be]"No funny business? How do you even know I swing that way?"[/color] A sly grin spread across her face [color=a187be]"Rather, how would you ever find out?"[/color] After a small chuckle, Lyn assured Jossie it was a jest before waving her off back to work. [color=a187be][i]Not that I really need the rest. I guess I forgot that low-tier operatives like her really don't know what kind of drugs we have access too. But it is good to see how my girls are living...[/i][/color] Lyn drifted over towards the bed, plopping down next to the naked female. She attacked her with a gentle poke to the ribs. [color=a187be]"Hey. Hey. You awake?"[/color]