[color=gold]NAME[/color] Fell Obereon [color=gold]PHYSICAL FORM[/color] Vaguely humanoid in shape, Fell is comprised of a patchwork of bits and pieces. The mass of his body is largely made up of separate chunks of wood, stone, bone, and crystal inscribed each with a different rune or sigil indicating some demonic presence. His right arm is made of what appears to be solid gold, moving in impossibly organic ways. Stretching from his back are a pair of silken wings, framed in stone. In place of real feet, Fell sports a pair of iron spikes protruding from his legs, on which he seems always able to balance. Resting on his left shoulder is a blackened skull, which seems to constantly drip ash from the eye sockets. Through gaps in his mismatched body, one can see the harsh yellow glow of Fell's heart. The only visible part of Fell that remains human are his eyes -gentle hazel irises can be seen staring out from behind his iron mask. [hider=Fell Obereon][img]http://i.imgur.com/00SUHHW.jpg[/img]Sorry for potato quality[/hider] [color=gold]ABILITIES[/color] Fell relies on the abilities granted to him from the many of sacrifices he has made in the past to demons, devils, and the like. These numerous sacrifices have left him with many boons which he uses to great effect. [hider=Blessings] [i]Imo's Blessing-[/i] Deadly blade forged of cold iron -now broken after demonic incidents. Came at the cost of his father's life. [i]Zesuc's Blessing-[/i] Overall increased agility -putting him at peak physical form for a human. Came at the cost of a pound of flesh. [i]Pulnon's Blessing-[/i] Strength increased -putting him above the average man, but no grand power. Came at the cost of his right arm [i]Acernas's Blessing-[/i] Fluid gold right arm. No special effects, just a replacement arm as durable as gold. Came at the cost of his most valuable possession -at the time, a jeweled heirloom from his time in the church. [i]The Tyranny of Lord Eldron-[/i] Is able to produce a small powerful burst of light energy, that also briefly increases his own speed. Provided by an angel, a reward for disposing of demons. [i]The Council of Father Geriane-[/i] The skull of his father, now perched on his shoulder. Speaks to him, providing spiritual guidance. Came at the cost of his final relic from his time at the church. [i]Erre's Blessing-[/i] The ability to summon small imps, about cat sized. Though cowardly, weak, and useless in a fight, these imps each provide Fell with a special resistance when summoned. Only one will remain summoned at a time. Though originally he had resistance to each element, Fell is now only left with Quas, an imp providing fire resistance. Came at the cost of much of the flesh from his lower body. [i]The Fool's Curse-[/i] Mind altering effects, such as hypnosis, are far diluted. Came at the cost of his mind -reducing him from a once tactical mastermind with genius foresight to an impulsive mess, focused only on the present. [i]The Lust of Ivratri-[/i] A glowing rune in his chest exudes an aura of pain, only present after having taken enough damage to expose the light. Came at the cost of his heart. [i]Body of Shidi-[/i] Replacement of all of his remaining flesh (save for the face), with rune inscribed stone. General durability increase, as well as immunity poison, and the like of which that would harm only flesh and blood. Came at the cost of his remaining, flesh, blood, and ability to feel. [i]Mifro's Blessing-[/i] Silken wings sprouting from his back, framed with stone. Though they are magical, they do not actually enable flight, only controlled gliding. Cost the life of his first true love. [i]Blessing of Halarin-[/i] Upon taking critical damage to the stone parts of his body, Fell can replace them with wood, which will naturally integrate itself into his body. Though weaker, this replacement body will continuously repair itself when provided with a supply of wood. Came at the cost of the life of his best friend and companion. [i]Vavavel's Blessing-[/i] Hefty iron mask on his face hides his demonic nature from all but the most powerful arcane observation. Came at the cost of a month of servitude. [/hider] [color=gold]WANTS AND NEEDS[/color] Fell has one primary driving force behind his actions -power. Throughout his life, Fell has fought and won thousands of battles. But for each victory, he faces dozens of losses on a personal level. Because of this constant cycle of loss with which he is cursed, Fell seeks out any way to empower himself in the hopes of someday becoming a decisive victor and winning back that which he has lost. Along with this, he has a strong sense of vengeance, and goes after those who wrong him with a fiery passion [color=gold]RELATIONSHIPS[/color] He is widely known among demons, and generally respected for his dedication and perseverance -as well as the fact that he always keeps his word. Nonetheless, many are wary of him, due to his uncanny knack for killing them. He has very few relationships with others, as those around him tend not to last long. [color=gold]BACKSTORY[/color] Fell has a history of sacrifice to the infernal, almost written in his blood. Coming from a long line of diabolists, the name of Obereon had incurred many debts. As such, the birth of Fell was no act of love, nor happy accident. Fell was planned as a sacrifice to a more insistent demon hunting the family. Instead of accept the sacrifice, the demon was disgusted by the Obereon family's attempt to go back on their word, and slaughtered them -leaving the child alive. Hearing of the incident, the church thought it only just that they take in the child -not only to save it from obvious starvation, but to also set it on the righteous path. Growing up in the church, Fell had his past hidden from him for his own protection. However, demons tend not to stay hidden for long. In the many months leading to Fell's 10th birthday, he was haunted by recurring nightmares, of a goat-like figure, standing over him and laughing. It was on the morn of his 10th birthday that this nightmare became reality -as Fell awoke, he saw the entire community of his church on the floor, surrounded in pulpy gore -but not before he smelled them. The irony scent of blood mingled with a distinct odor of rot to paint a disgusting image in the boy's head, something he would never forget. In the orgy of blood, Fell saw the figure again, a deep throaty laugh filling the room. It was here that Fell made his first deal with a demon. He lost very little in exchange for the return of his 'father', an elderly priest who had shown the boy nothing but unadulterated love. In exchange for a simple favor that the demon would later cash, Fell's 'father' was returned to him. Eight years of recovery followed. When it seemed that the two would finally be able to return to their normal lives, Fell heard the dreaded laugh once more. The demon returned, demanding it's debt repaid. Taught to honor his word, Fell fell to his knee and swore he would do anything to please the demon. This elicited only more laughter. When Fell looked up to the demon, he saw it was gone -in its place, a violent blade was impaled in the ground. In the reflection of the blade, he saw only his 'father', no matter what angle he looked. When Fell realized what it was the Demon wanted, he screamed, kicked, and swore, refusing. The only response he received was a flashback of the original gore, and the realization that the demon could do far worse. So it was, that Fell parted a second time with his father. Over the course of years, he sought out every possible way to bring his father back, and exact revenge upon the demon who had torn apart his life. Endless searching through tomes and libraries lead him to only one solution -one he loathed. And so it was, twelve years after the death of his father at his own hands, that Fell now stood over the body of the demon who wrought this destruction upon him, his father at one shoulder, a figure robed entirely in red at the other. Fell turned to the demon clothed in bloody crimson to ask the price. Before he could open his mouth to speak, he was faced with a nauseating sensation that sunk deep down, permeating his bones, and a scent of ozone. The demon was gone, and with it, his left hand. And so begun an endless cycle for Fell. A violent loss, followed by a victory that inevitably cost more than he gained.