[Hider=Blank]NAME: Blank ABSTRACT: A mysterious teen who crashed on the Island. APPEARANCE: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ae/37/ed/ae37ed19844af7f44956a8cf5ca17425.jpg[/img] DETAIL: History: Two years ago, Blank crashed on the Island riding a strangely shaped hang glider, carrying only his bag of supplies and his sword. He was taken in by one of the families after admitting he had no memories, but since then only a vague sense of some purpose has returned to him. Personality: Blank is quiet and thoughtful, but kind hearted. He might be a warrior, since he has some skill with the sword, but he knows as little as a newborn, relying on instinct to interact with people. He tries to avoid contact with people he doesn't know, is almost adorably shy, and is always happy to let someone else take the lead. Equipment: Sword Bag containing dried food and water. Strange hang glider. [/hider]