Jerus looked over at the girl and ran the measurements through his head, mentally adjusting the blade and hilt lengths as well as thinking of adjustments to the guard that would provide protection from those dirty cheats that try to slide their blade down the length of yours and get your hand. "Money's of no concern, Lord Armond. However, I am going to need you to bring her by so I can confirm some blade requirements. Fortunately, I've already got the permission of the local black smith to use his foundry and test weapons when I need and to run some guard ideas I've had by the pair of you." Looking at the time, Jerus chuckled and bowed to the Lord. "Tell you what, soon as you're both up in the morning, come by the black smith's. I'll be up before the sun and have some sketches for you to review. For now, I've got to head to bed. Have a good rest of the evening Lord Armond." Turning, his sword slapping against his back, he jogged back to the black smith's and slipped into their house, laying on the bed prepared for him in the living room area after removing his weapons and boots. He looked forward to the next day, he always enjoyed working his craft.