[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ce/e1/18/cee11876358f7a514a6cdb395aed7bdb.jpg[/img][/center] [h1][center]Age Of Immortals[/center][/h1] [hr] The year is 2029. An exciting new energy source, dubbed [i]Vestis[/i], is changing the way the world functions. None of this matters to the Immortals. They have existed since the dawn of man, unable to die. They still walk the Earth, their numbers unknown, hunted by every world government. Some use their abilities to ruthlessly obtain power, some take the time to learn every skill they can, others search endlessly for a way to die. Whatever they have done in the past no longer matters. For nigh is the dawn of a new age. Like it or not, they will be part of the [i]Age of Immortals[/i]. [hr] [hider=The Immortals] The Immortals are human-looking beings that have walked the Earth for longer than they remember. They seem to vary in appearance of age, most look to be between 19-30 years old, while others can look as young as ten or as old as eighty. They have no outstanding abilities aside from the fact that they cannot die. Any wounds they take will begin to heal themselves within hours or even minutes depending on severity. It has been confirmed that they do feel pain. It seems as though it [i][b][u]may[/u][/b][/i] be possible for an Immortal to die if another Immortal inflicts the wounds. NOTE: Many Immortals make for dangerous enemies, they may seem almost superhuman in whatever skills they may possess. They’ve had all of eternity to hone them. [/hider] [hider=Vestis] Vesits is a new energy source synthesized of unknown materials. It is found naturally, deep within the Earth, but in such small amounts that it isn’t profitable to find and refine. In it’s raw form, it takes the form of a syrupy liquid. In its refined form, it takes the appearance of a crystal. Most weapons and vehicles are either enhanced or powered by Vestis, with special slots for Crystals. Some individuals have the ability to trigger whatever element the Vestis crystal is (Fire, Water, Earth, Lightning, Dark, Light, Healing) with only their hands, the element coming off in different colored “streams”, similar to Force Lightning from [i]Star Wars[/i]. Crystals may be broken for a sort of “explosion” of the element. [/hider] [hider=Technology] Technology is mostly the same as it is in present day, with the exception of Vestis powered or enhanced machines and weapons. A sort of Laser-like weapon using fire Vesits has been created. Most firearms use bullets with tiny Vestis crystals implanted into them, giving them strange elemental effects. [/hider] [hr] And that’s the interest check. What do you guys think? Have questions or comments? If I gather some interest, I’ll add a CS.