[h1][center][color=ed1c24]Tatakai Academy[/color][/center][/h1] The premise is that each of our characters goes to a special kind of highschool where strength is respected as much as intelligence is. What you lack for in grades can be made up for in brawls with fellow students, just as long as you come out on top. Not even the student council is immune to this, if they are ever to lose a fight, then they get kick out of the student council spot and their rank will go back to rank C and they must defeat them to get it back. I say 'fight' a lot in here, but what does that actually entail? Powers. All of the students have unique powers that seem to have no fixed pattern on what they could be. Each can be powerful in their own right but some can't exactly function well without other things. Fortunately, the school also allows weapons to be brought in and taken with you whenever. With all of this going on, you would think it would be a tough time on the teachers, right? That's sort of the case, but many of the teachers in the school are previous graduates and have their own powers as well. School life is chaotic to say the least, but at the end of the day, all of the energy fades and you would almost think that nothing had even happened the day before. That is partially the work of the people in the nurses office, who seem to have medicines for pretty much everything, and the legendary re-constructors who have never been seen, but when daybreak comes their work is done. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [h1][center][color=ed1c24]Ranks[/color][/center][/h1] as you gain Points you will gain an equal amount of Ranks. You can only lose Ranks by betting them on a fight, or by breaking the school rules. Your overall school ranking is decided linearly with your Rank, which simply means you having higher Ranks than someone else means you are stronger. You'll need a certain amount of Rank to get good grades but that's not exactly difficult to do. You'll gain a set amount of rank for a victory and the other person will also lose a set amount of rank for a loss or due not wise to have that rank anymore, but you can bet more or less if you really want to. [hider=Rank C] Rank C is the lowest rank ever in this school. Each student who starts their first year begins with Rank C so they can beat others to go to a higher rank, some who are next year are still in rank C, As for Dorms is a fairly normal dorm by anyone's standards. It has normal accommodations with a maximum of four per room (using bunk beds), but you can request to have less. You are able to arrange who lives with you if you want, and meals are provided for you in the communal meal area but they are relatively standard in comparison to other dorms. Rank C houses the most residents [/hider] [hider=Rank B] Rank B is the same as Rank c but you can development a club but with a slow start and for the dorms are simply a step up from Rank C, requiring a certain rank to move up. The rooms are larger and each can even have their own desk inside. Rank B rooms also have their own bathrooms even though meals are still only communal. You can either have a full sized bed or a bunk bed. [/hider] [hider=Rank A] Rank A is Where are you are getting into the top and your Club is stronger then before. and now for the dorms are rather luxurious in comparison to the other dorms. Rooms are spacious and meals can even be delivered if you don't want to come down to get them. The A-tier dorms also have their own lounge and entertainment area. A-tier usually houses the least students of the three open dorms, but not just because of the rank requirement. [/hider] [hider=Rank S] Rank S aka Student Council are the stronger students in the Academy some mat think you are a fool to fight them. and they are five Students, Vice President, the Treasurer, the Public Relations Officer, and the Student Relations Officer and of course the President. let talk about their dorms are a little different from the others. Instead of having any set structure, their rooms change depending on what they want. Actually, the entire dorm's structure changes according to their wishes. Over the years, there have been greenhouses, tea parlours and even a store-front selling products and guided tours of the dorms. It should be noted that those tours actually took about an hour to complete [/hider] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [h1][center][color=ed1c24]Fights[/color][/center][/h1] Fights are a regular occurrence. If there aren't any random fights breaking out in the school, then that just means that an event where you'll have to fight hard is coming soon. You can fight for any reason, or even no reason at all. There are very little rules when it comes to fights, but the ones that do exist are strictly reinforced. They include: •Both sides must consent to the battle •No fighting can occur before or after school hours •Fighting shouldn't occur outside of arenas •Anything wagered on a fight must be given when the fight is over •The specific rules of the fight can be decided by the participants, but other than that anything goes •Lose to a battle in student council or a club captain can result Rank deduction or a club disband For some people, fights are their main source of Ranks but for others who can do well in their studies they don't need fights to pass. But if you really wish to excel in this school, you're going to have to fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [h1][center][color=ed1c24]Character sheets[/color][/center][/h1] [hider=Sheet] [u][b]Name: Appearance: Gender: Age: Year Level: Faction/club: Power: Bio: Theme:[/b][/u] [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet explained] [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b]: you can pick any pic you want, it can be in a anime, a cartoon, a comic or whatever [b][u]Year Level[/u][/b]: It's either 1st, 2nd or 3rd. Like how it is in Japan, ages are usually 16, 17 and 18 respectively but you can have skipped grades or not moved up grades if you really want. [b][u]Faction/club[/u][/b]: I haven't done any faction yet, but at least you know there's the student council. You don't have to wait for me to start making factions, you can make your own factions or clubs if you really want to. Just ask me about it so I can give the OK. [b][u]Power:[/u][/b] For your powers, you should give it a name and add strengths and weaknesses if you want. But for some powers strengths and weaknesses are a bit weird so you don't have to do it. [u][b]personality:[/b][/u] how to you act to others? [u][b]Bio[/b][/u]: You can make it however long you want about your character. [u][b]Theme[/b][/u]: what is your theme song? A normal theme is how your Character Personality fit in the song, A battle theme is Where your Character is ready to fight someone [/hider] [hider=The School Uniform] [img]http://g02.a.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1uaQNIFXXXXXsXXXXq6xXFXXXr/2015-Time-limited-Fantasias-Femininas-Christmas-Costumes-Japanese-Japan-School-Girl-Boy-Checkered-Plaid-Uniform-Cosplay.jpg[/img] The First style is the Rank C, B and A uniform, The second style are the Rank S uniform [/hider]