[center][h3][color=navajowhite]Carmina Baltazar[/color][/h3] [color=navajowhite]Location:[/color] Callaway Hall, 4A [color=navajowhite]Interacting with:[/color] The Ladies of Room 4A [sub][@Harley Q],[@princesstee],[@alexfangtalon],[@Ultimate Spidey][/sub] [/center] [hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/oASM0VZ.jpg?1[/img][/center][hr][hr] Carmina gave a flourishing wave to the room mates that introduced themselves while she danced in place, noting each of their names mentally: [i]Pippa[/i] the brunette, [i]Lemon[/i] the blonde, and [i]Selassie[/i] the curly. Very... interesting names, to say the least, but they wouldn't be hard to remember. So far, they seemed friendly enough. The Latina didn't think she was going to have to slap a bitch yet anyway. At Pippa's mention of a senior party, Carmina's dark eyes lit up and a wide grin stretched out across her face. [color=navajowhite]"Ooo! [i]Una fiesta?![/i] I used to go to [i]all[/i] of the big parties here when I was in high school. Well, up until I moved to North Carolina anyway."[/color] she began to rant. [color=navajowhite]"When I was 15, I made out with a 21 year old here! I think his name was Jasper or Jason... or something. He might still go here actually, so I might want to get [i]reacquainted[/i] with him."[/color] Her words were filled with a mix of excitement and scandalousness as the memories of being a wild, party-hard high schooler flooded her thoughts. [color=navajowhite]"If I remember right, his [i]verga[/i] was like... this big."[/color] the unashamed Carmina told the room, holding her hands out about 9 inches apart to make it very clear what she was referring to. Perhaps that was too much information to divulge, but she did not seem to care at all what the others thought. Her motor mouth was still running. [color=navajowhite]"Oh, have you guys ever been to the Dream-Up Festival? It's [i]kind of[/i] lame, like... some of those theater people are so fucking weird! I went to one of those productions and they just kept repeating the [i]same[/i] shit for 10 minutes."[/color] There was a visible expression of disgust that crossed her face at the recollection. [color=navajowhite]"Why don't we go to the mall instead? I want to get a new outfit for this party anyway. Also we can get some pastrami from Katz! [i]Es muy sabroso![/i] Oh! And bubble tea!"[/color] An orgasmic moan escaped her lips at the thought of pastrami and bubble tea, and the sharp pain of hunger gripped her, even though she had just eaten not even two hours ago. If there was one thing Carmina could do all the time, anytime, it was eat. Rubbing her hands together eagerly, she strode over to her closet area and slipped on a pair of teal flip-flops (or at least she thought they were teal, they were actually a deeper shade of blue), not exactly going for anything fancy. Clapping loudly once, her dark orbs leered at her roommates, clearly all ready to leave although her hair was still slightly damp from her shower. [color=navajowhite]"Okay, [i]mujeres bonitas[/i], I think that's the plan! I've lived here since I was 7, so I can show you all around the city, show you what's what, and get you intimate with the culture here. [i]We are going to have so much fun![/i]"[/color] the tiny woman exclaimed to her new friends. Pausing briefly, she remembered she hadn't given her name out yet. With a short laugh, she listed off all the names they could call her. [color=navajowhite]"Oh yeah, I'm Carmina. Or Caramel, Carmie, Mi-mi, Mina, [i]la profesora de sonido[/i], Ms. Baltazar, Adora, Addie... You know, whatever you want to call me."[/color] If it wasn't clear to them yet, Carmina was an extremely talkative woman, someone who did not know how to shut up. She was also quite spontaneous, considering she was out the door by the time she finished her last sentence. If they didn't hurry up, the Latina was liable to leave them in the dust and go off on her own adventures. A cheery, whimsical smile was plastered on her face as she started down the hall, dreaming of tonight's big events and the muchachos that awaited her. Oh the college life... How wonderful it would be!