Lance watched the healer answer simply then make her way out the door, he stood there for a second before blinking hard and following suit, hurrying to keep up. "Uh, I think...that we can get some health potions from a stall going that way..." he pointed towards his left down the road where a smoldering stall layed and a grumbling chef had recently made his way back down. "N-not that one..." he mumbled about the clearly destroyed shop. He hoped no one had been hurt, it looked pretty intense in terms of damage....Lance sighed and started to make his way in the general direction, making sure not to go faster then his new partner, he didn't want to seem rude...sure they weren't exactly in their natural social habitat but still, one should be civil. "I-I think I have enough for a good amount...I can give you some for when we know, fight things." He reached his destination of a familiar little stall, it had a middle aged woman behind it who had a slightly genuine slightly fake smile. She was an NPC Lance had talked to many times already. "H-hello again miss...uhm...12 I think this time..." the lady nodded and accepted the gold Lance was sending to her through transaction. He received the potions in his inventory and lost quite a good amount of gold. He would need to kill a decent amount of monsters to make that back up... "Uh, five for you..." he said turning to Colleen and sending her a trade request. He planned on keeping the other five for actually combat later and using the other two to heal himself back up now. He looked to the blacksmith they were near and debated on going to get his armor fixed, he did say so earlier but he didn't have any other armor and going to buy some more then paying for repairs would take too much time and gold as on right now. So he supposed he would just have to hope for the best when they reached their hunting grounds. "W-we should get going soon. If we want to get a proper amount of gold for tonight we will have to get hunting..." Lance wasn't sure about how vocal to be with this person, she seemed very quiet and he wasn't exactly used to being the more talkative end of the conversation, maybe he was saying too much? Maybe to little...Either way it worried him in the back of his mind, despite living in a life or death style now, Lance, or Louie, was till a kid with social problems inside.