CS Name: Emilian [Theta] Age: 29 [*Enter time since the meteor crash here*] Country of Origin: America [France] Power(s): He Imitates Bio-manipulation in the form of Disguised appearances and occasionally weaponized Shape shifting, but this isn't his 'actual' power. Mutation - Changeling: His Physiological state was altered by prolonged exposure in the vicinity of the meteor, It's possible that he's not so much 'mutated' as just a new creature that absorbed memories of someone killed by the meteor. either way, it is sure that he developed a number of abilities, and tremendously thorough physical changes, leaving him anything 'but' human, physically at least. An important note, unless otherwise mentioned, most of these traits/abilities/advantages are null and void when he is using a human disguise. [Hider=Natural Body] Internal: His interntal traits 'are' present when disguised, though imitation human 'parts' may be added to reduce ease of detection. He no longer possesses the same internal organs as normal humans, instead having a minimal level of 'vitals', contained fully in his chest, mainly heart and lungs. This leaves plenty of room for his shape shifting to create different organs within the empty space, a vital ability for maintaining disguise as a human, such as creating a stomach. Being that he now has an alternate source of sustenance normal human food is no longer vital for him. Typically Ingested 'food' has all the nutrients stripped from it to aid in fueling the body, and the remains are turned into a thick glue-like substance stored internally, used to 'trap' prey using it's intensely restrictive sticky consistency. It can however build up 'too much', leading to rather painful bloating, just like eating too much for a human except that it has nowhere to go, forcing him to find somewhere to expell it... luckily, it tastes more like sugar water than 'waste' and has a strangely intoxicating 'flowery' scent that he can use to attract other insects or to 'mark' things. also, Due to long-term exposure to the meteor's radiation, and surviving mutation of course, he has become highly resitant to Radiation, not perfectly, but his shell provides an additional layer of protection from it [meaning also that damage to his shell disrupts that protection]. The Minimalist style of his natural internals also frees up a lot natural energy to focus on regenerating, it's not super fast, but several factors faster than normal humans, it also makes it difficult to 'bleed out' but not impossible. External: His body is 'not' protected by any of this when he is disguised. Also a little note, the Carapace creates it's fair share of weight. His body has 2 new layers of protection, a layer of flexible Carapace that kindof resembles toughened muscle tissue, and a second layer of hardened Armor like Chitinous plates. The Lower Carapace covers the body in it's entirety, Providing Staggering Protection from Impacts and force without sacrificing physical agility, and acts as a second layer of muscle for added strength. It also provides the majority of the body's pressure, environmental, and weather protection, which suffer proportionally to how much damage this layer has sustained. This layer is not very resistant to sharp objects or piercing things The Upper Carapace covers all non-flexible sections of the body, Mainly the Arms, Legs and claws, though also protects the face, Neck, Chest, pelvis, and back with a larger number of smaller plates that allows a medium between protection and flexibility. it leaves his abdomen, and joints mostly open, generally not protecting areas that are either important to avoid constricting, or can be easily protected with another part of the body. This Carapace is naturally shaped to allow a full range of movement for his body, as well as maintaining an aerodynamic effect. Being 'part of his body', these plates also tend to move, such as flaring out to remove the aerodynamic function and acting as air breaks, or 'bristling' when angry/threatened. The 'Plates' are strong enough to repel 'small arms' fire, and take a couple of hits from medium fire, though anything greater, or using special ammo, can crack, shatter, or pierce right through depending on it's power. It renders him highly resistant to impact based threats [Bats, Batons, 'fists', standard shotguns], including the 'force' of an explosion. [but not the shrapnel or fire of it] Under the Carapace he is quite 'soft' of course. Damage to the Plates takes time to recover properly... His Carapace is actually 'made' using a secreted Keratin-esque substance that hardens to form the plates. The same secretions are used to repairs cracks or replace unrecoverable plates. Simple cracks can be repaired in a couple of hours, a missing piece may take a day or 2, and a whole plate takes roughly a week to replace. The plate is actually replaced in the first few hours, but it takes time for the replacement to harden and strengthen to the original armor like quality, and can be easily re-broken during that phase. The Shell itself is resistant to a number of things, wind/force thanks to aerodynamics and toughness, Cold and Heat [though 'science' still applies when used together], high and low pressure environments. Note, however, that the Carapace being able to withstand something does not mean what's under it can do the same, He can still be frozen/cooked by too much heat or cold, and any considerable damage to his Carapace exposes his softer side to Pressure threats, among other things. Claws: His natural claws are long and made of similar material to his Carapace, though made of many smaller plates on the top, and tipped with single long sharpened plates, similar applied to 'foot claws'. These sharpened plates are also useful for hooking and climbing surfaces, provided they aren't annoyingly smooth or too durable to dig into. The insides/undersides of his claws are not as tough and can in-fact 'slip' out of the Sharpened claw plates. Limbs: Being internal, this effect is present in human disguises. The Musculature in his limbs is of a denser nature than normal human muscle, allowing more force for mass without sacrificing flexibility, though it adds to his collective weight. This trait makes it easy to leap considerable distances or heights, or to be dangerous while still unarmed or disguised, and in-fact is the main 'capability' he has to rely on if forced into a fight while disguised and unable to aford exposing himself. wings: 4 Large Insectoid wings, you know the kind, fairly fragile over-all but great for high agility flight, not the best in terms of raw speed, but good for quick dodging, they make a lot of noise though since they 'buzz'. Being fragile, they are easy to damage, though it takes a lot of bullets to make enough 'holes' to ground him, a physical object hitting them is likely to snap a large enough piece off. They are 'rebuilt' in a similar fashion to his Carapace, though it takes time to do so since they are more intricate than just 'make a shaped hard material'. He can stay airborne as long as he has one working 'pair' of wings, though if one wing gets damaged it's partner has to shut down to avoid spiraling out, and cuts his agility in half overall. Senses: His Senses stay fuctional when disguised, though their 'protections' do not. His eyes appear slitted and red, Bright red ovoid irises. His eyes naturally see clearly and can still function in very low light environments. His hearing and sense of smell are mildly enhanced, but more importantly he can 'smell' various emotions, though it's more accurate to say he can smell the phisiological hints put off by certain emotions. when not disguised his Carapace can be used to 'close off' senses to prevent dibilitation from horrid stinks or loud noises, though this doesn't work while disguised. when not disguised, he possesses several unique 'lenses' that he can produce over his eyes, one translating body heat into vision, Another that translates 'sound' into vision [note, his buzzing wings defean this vision for him], One that is fairly solid to protect against wind sheer and debris in the air while flying, and one other that is protective against offensive lighting [like flash grenades or looking at the sun, but using it greatly darkens his vision] Horn: The horn of course is not present in a human disguise. It is the main focus of his so called 'magic', acting kindof like an 'antenna' that focuses his Physical energy into what he wants to do with it. If the horn is disrupted he can't focus it, which is very painful mind you, and if it's broken he'll lose that ability entirely until it can be regrown, which can take up to a week depending on the damage, also making it difficult to shape shift, though not 'impossbile'. Holes: The holes that appear in his body, namely in 'empty places' such as along his arms and legs, wings, or abdomen, Serve the purpose of minimizing the ammount of 'body' that requires energy provided to it. He can choose for these holes to be present or not. while present in greatest number he can reduce his energy consumption by about 66%, to 1/3rd it's usual, but having so many also makes his body more fragile, disrupts flight, and creates trouble with his defensive Carapace. It tends to be resorted to mainly when he is starving, a point where it's difficult to acquire suitable 'provisions'. Though couple many holes with a meditative state and he could theoretically survive impressive lengths of time without any feeding. [/Hider] Some of his actual 'abilities' might qualify as what one may describe as 'magic', and is all in-fact powered by how much physical energy he currently possesses... funny enough, I have explanations both magically and scientifically for his abilities! XD [Hider=Empathic Feeding] Passive Feeding it always active, even while disguised. To feed aggressively he has to 'partially' undisguise. The most important change in his phisological needs is the ability to feed on the Emotional energies, or perhaps chemical signals, released by other creatures, turning it into raw energy for his body to sustain himself with. Different Emotions smell, look, and taste differently to him, some are certainly preffered. He's capable of detecting and reading the emotions of other creatures, and draw in the ambient emotional energy left behind by them, or those directed specifically towards him, which is his main method of feeding that leaves others relatively un-harmed, but requires him to be present in a populated areas in order to turn out enough energy to survive on. He can also feed 'aggressively' using physical contact and forcibly sucking out a preffered emotion, or several. Aggressive feeding has a detrimental effect on someone, depending on how far he goes someone may find a specific emotion harder to feel, or may find themselves feeling exhausted lacking emotions in general because he 'took' all of it, a state he reffers to as 'being a husk'. [Scientifically speaking, one could imagine that he forcibly withdraws the chemicals the body uses to make someone feels that certain emotion.] All of these effects that be recovered from, generally within about an hour up to 2 or 3 days depending on the severity of the feeding... more importantly though, being drained and lacking emotion leaves a target highly vulnerable to 'suggestion', or 'hive command' more so. The Emotional expertise that comes with this feeding gives him a sizeable ammount of skill in knowing how to inspire certain emotions in other creatures, though without 'magic' he cannot directly influence it so much as nudge someone in the right direction, he's fairly skilled at knowing what sounds, scents, or other things naturally inspire certain things. Just a note, feeding too hard on a specific emotion tends to inspire 'him' to be affected by that specific emotion until it is properly 'digested'. It's also important to note that 'most' of his abilities run off of this energy, and over-using them can leave him effectively 'starving'. [/Hider] [Hider=Hive command] This is mostly an ability that allows him to impart commands onto lesser insects or others of... whatever the hell species he 'is' now, one of few 'natural abilities' that work without need for excess energy. It 'can' however be used on anyone who's been forced into a 'husk' state. He 'can' also use this to communicate with a 'hived' target as well as retrieve information/memories from them, including those of bugs, as well, being hardened for the role of commanding these targets makes his mind more resistant to outside mental assaults or intrusion. [/Hider] [Hider=Shape Shifting] His shape shifting ability rapidly re-writes the structure of his body, taking on the appearance of a burst of red flame rolling over his form, into the shape of whatever it is he intends. It takes a sizeable ammount of energy to transform into something other than himself, though he can alter his natural body with it, as well as make smaller emergency changes to whatever he's turned into, such as short term use of turning a hand into a claw. Disguises will deteriorate over-time, starting to show little red tints in his eyes and black splotches on skin by the end of a day, becoming more intense by the end of the next. Thus, he has to renew a disguise on a daily basis in order to remain looking like a normal human. Though the human form uses less energy than his natural body as long as he keeps it renewed. For the most part he can use this ability to fabricate any manner of change imagineable, even creating clothing, weapons, or armor, though some things remain impossible, such as creating complex weapons, like guns or explosives, and he cannot turn into anything that takes more mass than his body naturally possesses. [/Hider] [Hider='Magic'] Aside from 'limited telekinesis' he cannot use any of this without undisguising. It may or may not actually 'be' magic dependig on the interpretation of the observer, but using his unique horn as to channel physical energy allows him to create certain unique effects. This horn glows red when being used, depending on how much effort is going into it. There are more things that can be done with this channeled energy than what is listed below, but these are the most common. The most basic effect is Limited Telekinesis, covering affected objects in a red aura, allowing him to remotely affect roughly a dozen small objects, or several moderately sized objects at once... roughly speaking at most he may be able to lift one large wooden desk with his Telekinesis. The effectiveness is cut in half when disguised, though objects still 'glow' when affected. Energetic effect: By Manipulating that physical energy in a certain way, He can create a great ammount of heat to a point of combusting things in a certain range of where the horn is aimed. This effect can be 'condensed' and released to imitate a fire-ball like effect. This effect can be reversed to create a freezing effect, though it would filter this absorbed heat into his body. This effect can use just raw energy to condense enough of it to make electricity/lightning any lightning fire produced happens to be perfectly 'red' in color. These effects can be over-charged to affect an area instead of an aimed line. These effects are not blocked by 'all solid objects', though can be mitigated or negated by 'certain types' that are particularly dispersive to the energy in them. [I.e. the combustion could go right into the gas-tank of a car like the metal isn't there, but a stone wall would probably disperse most of it.] Empathic Effect: Expending some of that Physical energy to stimulate a certain emotional effect in a target or an area. Environmental Control: A form of ability that lets him 'absorb' things like radiation, hazardous chemicals, or poisons in the air to spare other's the threat of dealing with them. This can cause detrimental effects in his body if it ends up being something he can't handle. He can also reverse this to release this things at other targets. Emergency Purge: Exactly what one might reffer to as a desperate last move, It collects as much energy as possible from his body, without leaving him crippled and helpless from the loss, and discharges it either in a Radial blast of raw energy or a beam style... It's designed to empart great threat onto whatever is threatening him to allow either a desperate victory or escape, as after using it he's left with only a vital ammout of energy needed to sustain himself. a lesser purge can be used for certain situations to avoid harming himself with the loss, including sharing this energy with someone else to energize a natural healing process or stave off fatigue. [/Hider] Greek Name: Theta Side: On the run [Good or bad?] Appearance: Being a shape shifter, he tends to change his appearance very frequently to avoid being tracked, though his current diguise would be: [Hider=Image] [IMG]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/065/d/c/self_by_cabin_pressure.jpg[/IMG] A Roughly 6 foot man named Emilian, Just throw in a Fedora worn forward to slightly conceal his eyes. [/Hider] His true appearance though: The image is 'not' him, but it is the only thing I could find that accurately implied the structure of the Carapace I wanted to imply, and it's not all that inaccurate with the body structure either, though he'd be a lot more set for 'up-right'. [Hider=image] Original art came from Deviant-art, I cropped it to be smaller and fit better here. The main details to know are that the eyes are red, wings have reddish tint, is roughly 7 feet in height [but tends to hunch or crouch a lot, and can move on all 4's], and the hair would like-wise be red, and shorter. Also, there's not hardly to many spikes and sharp edges. [IMG]http://oi58.tinypic.com/zu1jeq.jpg[/IMG] [/Hider] Personality: To say he has difficulty forming a specific 'identity' for himself would be an understatement, due to the nature of his origin he has something that feels like 'artificial memories', he actually refers to himself by the Designation 'Theta' that he discovered he was named by humans that hunt him. He's not actually sure if the memories are 'his' or just something absorbed from another after the meteor hit, or from his first target upon awakening. Of course this works wonders for using his disguises as a survival mechanism and allowing him to be naturally skilled at pretending to be other people. He 'does' however find himself preffering to avoid harming others where possible, tending to favor being harmless and unnoticed, even using his unique abilities to try and make others 'feel better', to reduce anger or hatred, and so on. He is, however, also highly logical, and tends to be free of hesitation or emotional conflict when striking someone down who was a threat to his own well being. History: [Hider=The First Memory] The First thing he actually remembers is waking up in darkness, feeling starved enough to descrice as his 'body felt like it was eating itself', and lacking all sensory input aside from an odd sensation that seemed to draw him in various directions around him, a sensation that felt like a primal scream in his mind demanding 'these are food sources!'... Yet he seemed to be buried alive and unable to chase this pull, allowing that desperation to build. It'd be a bit cliche to say that seconds seemed like days in that state and more than once he wondered how he was still alive at all... then sound finally reached his ears and his attention shifted... one of those sensations was far closer than before, something was moving around above him and seemed to be dragging heavy objects away... Then light broke in to his vision, something instinctively slid down over hi2s eye to protect it from the painful light. More stuff moved, more light poured in, then he got to see it, that Sensation pulling him towards food was coming from a human that peeked into the new hole and seemed to immediately fall back in shock. His thoughts had shut-down though, instinct taking over as soon as a source of filling that desperate hunger made an appearance, and all at once he scrambled out of that hole and was ontop of his prey in seconds... loud noises came from it, but as far as his body was concerned it needed food and that's where it was going to get it... It didn't take long to calm that raging hunger, quite suddenly though, other loud noises started coming and he felt things Smacking into him... a different instinct took over though and prevented him from wonder why it wasn't hurting, moments later he sprung into a bloody fight, and a long portion after that started became blacked out memories. The memories of what went on are actually troublesome and give him an ever present fear of what may happen if he lets himself get too hungry. [/Hider] It would be days before he 'settled' enough to have other memories start surfacing and remember where he was, what he'd been doing there, and to start to wonder what he had become. He 'had' been a man named Emilian, a Technical Engineer who'd been part of an impressive German Engineering Firm prior to the Meteor strike... or at least that's what he thought, the way the memories acted in his head it was like he'd taken them from someone else, but it was the only identity he had at the time, though he'd later learn that those hunting him called him Theta, and actually preffered to stick with 'that' when undisguised, it seemed more comfortable for some reason. He quickly learned about the 'mutations' and the instances of individuals vanishing, it wasn't hard to figure out what was happening... He couldn't quite decide if he should be excited or horrified over what he became, so ultimately he settled for being indifferent about it until he foud a purpose for it. In the mean-time he got to exploring his new 'self', and though what happened when he first awoke horrified, that indifference quickly turned to excitement when he discovered some of what he could do, and the fact that it'd help him blend in safely without having to prey on other people like some animal. Once he discovered that he could sustain himself without having to suck the life out of people he began integrating with people on a regular basis, finding populated areas to be the healthiest for him, though like-wise the most dangerous because of the increased chance of being discovered... More importantly still though, it seemed like the best place to look for other individuals with unique mutations, or, god forbid, other's that actually fit whatever 'his own kind' is now, people he saw as his best chance of finding someone that would understand what he's going through instead of the expectable 'scream for help' that would come from normal people. He finds himself being very cautious in this venture though, when undisguised he looks a lot more dangerous than he actually wants to be, and if the response the last time he revealed himself on purpose to someone was any hint, A Government agent discovering him tends to result in some big guns coming out, figuratively and literally speaking... He has intimately acquainted himself with the limits of his new body, while he doesn't have much to fear in terms of 'threat' from most normal people, he finds that those hunting the people affected by the meteor tend to have equipment far more effective for dealing with him. Other: Since some potential concerns were raised, I thought I'd mention that I have a considderable list of limits and weaknesses in mind to balance out the large 'number' of abilities he has. I don't like listing weaknesses right out because I find it a lot more fun when other's have to wonder about what those weaknesses are, give a 'mental exercise' so to speak. But if several people complain about him being too tough, I'll just suck it up and explain, if someone has a concern about a specific thing, feel free to ask and I'll see about alleviating those specific concerns.