"I'd say the same about my team but they're not here!" she laughed as they headed out. Once they arrived inside the cafeteria, she headed over to the salad bar where she prepared herself a salad topped with sliced peaches and sprinkles of shredded cheese. For the main entree, she grabbed a slice of cheese pizza and a brownie for desert. She kindly greeted the lunch lady and showed her Beacon ID to her. She decided to go on off ahead of Amarok so she could reserve a spot of the long tables nearest to the door that had a view of a garden where students were planting herbs for their Medicine class. From across the large room, she waved her arm at him. She had never been this much happy and excited to meet someone new since Velvet was generally bashful even before Team CRDL came to make life harder on her. She was a little bit acquainted with Team RWBY and others but not on the basis of "friends-friends".