[indent][h2][i][color=Purple]~ ♥ Nina Sari ~[/color][/i][/h2][/indent] Nina sighed as the bird-lady, Lorelei, spoke. [color=purple]"It uh, wasn't really you I was worried about starting a fight. Sorry, I didn't mean to make it sound like an accusation."[/color] She stood surprised for a moment as the self proclaimed "angel" handed her some type of card, and took it with a mumbled [color=purple]"thanks..."[/color] after a few seconds. Great, a celebrity. ugggh. She listened in half-interest as Lorelei asked Ash about setting up a time for an interveiw. From what she knew so far, it seemed like politics was the same down here as up on the surface. In which case, it's probably just as much a game of cloaks and daggers as up above as well. She was shaken from her thoughts, quite literally, when Ash put one of his skeletal arms around her and shook her gently, talking about "introducing" her to the underlake. Great. She didn't want to be a celebrity, she barely could stand being [i]seen[/i]. This would be, interesting, to say the least. A catastrophe at the most. She sighed internally, three days was a lot of time, and not very much time, all in one. She wasn't sure what she should say, even [i]if[/i] she should say anything, so she just nodded along to whatever Ash said, though she did get him to let go of her, not exactly comfortable with him being so close. [hr] [indent][h2][i][color=f6989d]~ [color=white]♥[/color] Isa Nikolai ~[/color][/i][/h2][/indent] Isa took a different path on the way back to the lake as she had on the way to the city, wanting to cover more ground quickly. She'd already checked the one path on the way to warn everybody, and hadn't found anything really there, so maybe this path would be more [i]revealing[/i]. As she walked along, a knife of blue magic already formed and gripped tightly in her hand, she thought she heard something down one of the branching cave-paths. Surely enough she went around the corner to see... Well, it wasn't any type of monster that she knew of, so by process of elimination: [color=f6989d]"Stop right there Human!"[/color] Well, now she's yelled at it, so she braced herself fro whatever this human might do next. She grinned slightly to herself, almost hoping that the human would choose to fight her. That wouldn't end very well... for them. [color=f6989d]"You're coming with me, dead or alive, and weather you like it or not."[/color]