[h3][u]Cosh: Alpha (Last one)[/u][/h3] When the Alpha clamped down on steel, his jaw shut down much like a gator’s and wouldn’t release. The Alpha snarled in response to the man’s muscle flexing underneath as his hand shifted his weapon to the other one. The Cosh’s eyes narrowed in acknowledgement over Deven’s arm raising it and pulling back, tilting the blade tip toward the beast’s neck causing him to growl in warning. His teeth clamped down harder causing a deeper indentation in the armor surface. The metal holding up surprisingly well despite the jagged teeth trying to sink in and rip the flesh to pieces. When Deven lifted his arm back to stab forward, the beast’s hind legs folded underneath and his weight shifted. There was a slight pull on the man’s arm that would shift his balance forward as if the animal was trying to topple him. That wasn’t the case. His hind legs were too far underneath him to be able to jerk him toward himself without falling down, the legs started to lift upright. Gradually the creature rose from from a 3 foot quadruple to a 7 foot bipede. As he rose upright, his arm pulled up and his hand like paw smacked the sword tip. The end had started to jab downward causing it to skirt the shoulder creating a shallow cut, drawing more blood yet the beast’s fangs didn’t release. That’s when the vampire slashed across his leg. The hind tendon felt pain sear through it as blood sprayed from the impact, his teeth released while his other hand like paw came up to slash at the man’s armor. When it hit, there was enough force to send him backwards as the beast’s leg crumbled under his weight. His jaw howled in pain again. Her cut wasn’t enough to fully render the limb useless but it was enough to make running and dodging difficult. He hadn’t even gotten a chance for a counter attack before he spied her figure balling up and rolling away a few feet out of his reach. [h3][u]Lyamis, Catacombs[/u][/h3] Lyamis heard Myrn’s sassy quip, though he didn’t agree with it, and stayed quiet about his opinion. He hated warriors who freely risked themselves and accept death all too willingly, a fact which was honorable but a waste of their skills. Even now, he was disgusted by the death that could’ve been prevented if they had had the will to stop it. If they had been more active in the world rather than isolatist they were becoming, there might’ve been more warning to what had happened. [color=fff79a]”Thanks Darius. I owe you one.”[/color] She thanked the man, her body relaxed slightly at the touch and allowed medical treatment. However, when she noted Lyamis’ coils tighten about her and immediately started to struggle. Her words sounded alarmed as she spoke to him in irritation and anger. [color=fff79a]”Oi! Get your tail off of me, I'm hurt, not crippled.”[/color] Noting her struggle, he loosened gradually and considered letting go before she felt the pain from the medicine. Her arms weren’t included into his grip while they curled and griped his tail, using it as something to anchor through it. His coils neither increased their grasp or loosened it anymore as he tensed slightly at the reaction to the medication, his head looked at Darius with a questioning glance. [color=fff79a]”Ow. Ow! Ow ow ow ow! Gods, why does healing hurt?”[/color] She said through clenched teeth. Lyamis shook his head as he watched Darius address the new creature that arrived, the Headmaster. He studied with curious eyes though he didn’t speak for the fate of his race. It was up to the college if they would be forced back down the tunnels and live out the Ravine’s wrath a second time, their survival odd dim with that notion.