Finally done! [hider=Alistair] [h1][color=00a651]Alistair Havanda[/color][/h1] [hider=appearance][img][/img][/hider] "They call me Snow Leopard not because of how handsome I am, but how cold I can be." [color=00a651]What is your name? Do you have any nicknames? Please include them.[/color] My name is Alistair Havanda, but you can call me Snow Leopard, or Snowy. [color=00a651]What is your gender?[/color] Do you not have eyes? I'm clearly a man. [color=00a651]How old are you?[/color] I am 27 years old. [color=00a651]What species are you? Please include details about said species.[/color] I am a siren. We walk and talk much like your average human except we have the ability to control and breathe water and some of us can use our voices to charm others. Would you like an example? [color=00a651]What abilities and powers do you have? Do you have any expertise or “special skills”? Please include them.[/color] Like I said earlier, we have the ability to control water, make it do whatever we want. Contrary to popular belief, the singing isn't a common skill for my people. Very few of us are able to use our voices to charm living creatures. Only the best of us can do it. Unfortunately, the women tend to feel jaded and use it to bring you humans to their deaths. Lucky for you, we look down on that kind of behavior. [color=00a651]Are you skilled in certain types of combat? What type of weapon do you typically wield?[/color] As a good siren, I would just use water for combat. Water can cut through just about anything if it has the right pressure. I CAN give you an example, if you like. Are we done with these questions yet? [color=00a651]What equipment do you typically carry into battle? Or feel comfortable carrying into battle?[/color] I don't usually keep anything on me, but I guess I would take some food or medical supplies. [color=00a651]Are you affiliated with any other organization? If so, please say who and your rank.[/color] I don't associate myself with those fools. The only faction doing anything of real merit are those idiots trying to fight off those robots. Sure hope they get their act together and do something soon. [color=00a651]Where in Guild City are you from?[/color] I tend to wander all over, I'm a nomad I guess. I mostly hang around casual though, it feels like the right place for me. [color=00a651]What has your life been like so far?[/color] I was born in the ocean. Most of my people are, though I guess we appear in just about any place that's full of water. Swamp witches are a sort of low class siren. I left my life of comfort for the surface because I wanted to be free of my parent's restrictive lifestyle. Its not that fun down there, you know. Came here and never looked back My house was destroyed during Guildfall. Thankfully, I've by myself for a while now. You humans have nice little homes, very cozy unlike the frigid water of home. Though, some of my friends were killed during the collapse. Being forced to move wasn't easy, so many people got lost. Many more still need help. Why don't you go talk to them instead of questioning me, huh? [color=00a651]Would you like to include any additional information that we may have missed?[/color] Wait, what do you mean I can't smoke in here? Fine, I'm going to go somewhere else.[/hider]