Cynbel smiled when Heimdal approached him. He had only just seen him fight and thus held an instant advantage over him and the man who had just fought him. The man whom had just been beaten by the giant was an undeniably skilled fighter, but he seemingly lacked knowledge of attacking someone more powerful than ones self. It was a lesson hard learned in Cynbel's mind, before the Empire invaded his homeland he too would wildly charge at his opponents, more often than not he would come out on top. That didn't work against the Empire though, they were heavily armoured men and his countrymen that didn't learn to take their time and pick striking opportunities well soon fell to the invaders superior armour and weaponry. It was a lesson that would undoubtedly come in handy in his fight against Heimdal for he was greater in stature and as hard as it was for the confident Celt to admit, even to himself, skill too. Cynbel hoped that his great balance between speed and strength would see him to victory against the larger man. Walking over to the weapon chests Cynbel picked himself up a shield and a gladius, the same as Heimdal he noted. The two made their way back to the sand and faced each other, both of them getting into a similar fighting stance. “You think you will do any better than the last man? See the Dominus words into your thick fucking skull. You are nothing.” Heimdal taunted, likely hoping Cynbel was foolish enough to charge in and be battered. “And if observation is anything to go by thus far you are a man who calls himself a warrior and yet seemingly prefers to talk rather than fight.” Cynbel retorted, allowing himself a quick chuckle. “Save your words, attack me and we shall see who the greater warrior is without luring words.” His words didn't get the man to charge, but that would have been too much to hope for anyway, they did get him to stop talking though, at least temporarily and he even began to approach, apparently now ready to fight. “So the word warrior ceases talk and is ready to fight? That's a small victory in it's own right. Worth at least the mansion, no?” Cynbel taunted, joining the man in walking forward and readying himself for the powerful blows he would need to evade or block. Heimdal swung first, a powerful and surprisingly fast swing that Cynbel ducked under in the nick of time, rolling under the man's shield and swinging for his leg but luckily connecting with the back of the ankle as he raised it to evade. Cynbel quickly tried rising but had to stop due to having to raise his shield and block the man's furious side swing. Even through the shield Cynbel felt pain in his forearm as the blow connected, the man’s strength even greater than Cynbel had given him credit for. The boot to his shield was unexpected also and forced him to roll backwards and get onto his feet. It would be a truly difficult fight, he could not be as brazen as to attack the man straight up for the man held superior strength and would crumble any offense with one blow. On the other hand he was wise and cunning enough that Cynbel's evasion techniques would not last for long. Cynbel took the man's surprise at him actually connecting as one of the few opportunities he would get and side swiped at the man's head. Cynbel had been wrong, he was ready and waiting. He quickly pulled back and dodged the sly swipe before using Cynbel's surprise and ramming his shield with his own. Before the Celt could cock his arm back and crack the larger man in the nose he saw the man's own giant fist coming at him fast. He pulled his head back as much as he could but the fist connected, slamming into his forehead and making him immediately dizzy. Luckily he hadn't felt the full power of the punch but it was still quite the blow. If he didn't get out of the lock he knew he was finished so he did the only thing that came to mind, dropping down onto his back as quickly as he could and launching a kick at the large man’s genitals. His foot connected and the man gave a grunt of pain that made even Cynbel sympathetic. The larger man dropped to his knees, Cynbel thinking it due to the pain. Once again he was wrong. As he went to get up the large man hurled his fist forward, connecting with Cynbel's temple and knocking him straight back down to the ground. He tried to get back up but was too dizzy to stand, quickly tumbling back down to the ground and staring towards the bright morning sky as stars circled in the corners of his eyes. “Pathetic attempt at victory! Desperate and weak. You are nothing.” Heimdal repeated, walking away. Cynbel waited for another fifteen or so seconds before finally attempting to get up again, dizzily stumbling over to the wall as he slowly regained his senses. “That giant has balls of steel.” He chuckled, putting a hand to his pounding head. “Fuck, and a fist that could rival a battering ram.”