[color=0072bc][h3]Dylan the Mudkip[/h3][/color] [color=fff79a][h3]Valiant Village-Central Plaza[/h3][/color] Dylan waded in place, taking in as much as he could from Devon’s response. His confusion was well-founded, Dylan’s question giving a lot of freedom in what could be interpreted from it. However, the question at the front of the Mudkip’s mind wasn’t alone, how this transformation of his happened nagging at him once again, only to be left without an answer. The part about Devon’s dad did perk the Mudkip’s ears… er, gills, he supposed, up a bit, their symptoms deviating just a tiny bit. So the Totodile did have a memory after all? That was good to know, especially the part about him not being a Pokemon in Devon’s memory. That gave Dylan’s mind a bit of reassurance in what he was about to ask next. First things first, however, was to find a better place to ask it. The Totodile’s voice had started to raise a bit in volume, drawing the attention of Celty on the river bank. Luckily, it seemed she wasn’t going to pry about what she heard, allowing a sigh to escape from the Mudkip. Once Devon had apologized, lowering his voice again, Dylan turned his head back to his fellow water type, giving a small shake of his head before whispering. [color=0072bc]“No, it’s not weird really. It… actually answers one of my questions. If your dad doesn’t feel like a Pokemon in your memory, then he’s probably the same as you… and me,”[/color] Dylan muttered, adding that last bit under his breath. He couldn’t help but feel a bit open before asking his next question, glancing around the two once more. [color=0072bc]“Here… let’s go over here.” [/color] Dylan didn’t wait for an answer, starting to swim against the Totodile, pushing him away from the others with his head towards the underside of the bridge. Once they were in the shade of the bridge, the Mudkip stopped, glancing around, only able to see some of the kids still playing in the water, Celty no longer in view. Turning his attention back to Devon, he let out a small sigh. [color=0072bc]“S-sorry about being forceful there. It’s just, if the last question was weird, then this one will sound 10 times weirder, or crazier.”[/color] Dylan paused for a moment, looking up at the bridge hanging above them, the stone blocking all light. However, the pause didn’t last forever, the Mudkip’s attention snapping back in place. [color=0072bc]“Is it possible… Is it possible you were a human?”[/color] Oh god he hoped he wasn't wrong in his assumption... [@Light Lord][@Ninian]