Ssarak's attention was drawn wholly to the Headmaster, Khan, when he began his announcement, in large part due to the sheer volume of his rune-amplified voice. He gave a brief explanation of the demonstrations that were about to occur, mentioning that the Hydromancy demonstration would not be given by the normal instructor. Ssarak did not care about this too greatly, though he supposed the hydromancers in the room might be a bit disappointed. First up were the electromancy and pyromancy demonstrations. While these were not directly applicable to Ssarak's path of study, he did suppose they would at least be entertaining. He continued eating his meal, but the instructors still of course had the majority of his attention. The Electromancer appeared to be a middle-aged Human male whose appearance seemed clean and proper in every way except for his hair, which stood straight up on its ends .The Pyromancer was a formally dressed white-scaled female Esyire, the first he had seen since arriving at the college (unless he was counting Aruna). The very first true example of the power mageblood could hold was quite a shocking one. The electromancer stood, then released a deafeningly loud lightning bolt at the ceiling. While Ssarak was staring up at the ceiling, he barely noticed his loosely-gripped knife levitate out of his hand. He was surprised and impressed at first, though he then became mildly annoyed, as he was still using it. He reached up to grab it out of the air, but it floated just out of his reach. He halfway stood up to get a bit more reach, only to have the knife drop suddenly, landing right between two of his fingers on his other hand. Ssarak quickly sat back down, pulling his hand away from the cutting utensil. Perhaps, he reasoned, it would be wise to pay a bit closer attention to the demonstrations, lest he accidentally impale himself...or worse. Besides, he was beyond anxious for the psychomancy demonstration, as he had indicated several times to others. Other magebloods could dominate battlefields, burn cities to the ground, or shape the ground itself to their will, but psychomancy was for those two wished to dominate others without ever even raising a hand in violence.