[URL=http://s1302.photobucket.com/user/enrika01/media/Dylan-G_zpsf768aee8.png.html][IMG]http://i1302.photobucket.com/albums/ag138/enrika01/Dylan-G_zpsf768aee8.png[/IMG][/URL] [b]Tagress: Hospital: Outdoors [/b] The nurses were polite enough when he asked them if he could sit outside for a while, though they had seemed at bit unsure. It was nothing his winning smile couldn't overcome, though, and with a promise that he wouldn't move about too much, Dylan found himself escorted out into the morning light. The nurse had set him up with a glass of water and a pillow for his back and promised she'd be back to check on him later. That was nearly an hour ago, and Dylan found himself not minding the quiet. Really out of all the Pride he was one of the least injured, having only taken serious damage to his ankle. The rest of his injuries came from simply using too much magic and that was something that would heal in time. No, what crippled him were his memories of that night. Of the demonic children he and Lucy had fought, of the terrifying beast Oren had become, and Abraxis and the vampiric lord Lucifer who had nearly destroyed the Pride on his own. Though he did his best to hide with it a cheery smile and an endless stream of flattery for the hospital staff, Dylan hadn't slept through the night since they arrived. In his hands he held the notebook he requested when he first regained consciousness. It was his best way of working through trauma, and in three days he had managed to nearly fill the book with the dark and disturbing images of that fateful night. Putting the final touches on the latest in the series - Lisette's and Syed's amazing combination of lightning and magical arrows - he finally allowed himself to truly smile. The Pride really was amazing.