Jason had to clench his fist to keep himself from acting on the request of Jack, and was forced to remind himself that punching John's lights out wouldn't solve anything, well it would make Jason feel better, but it wouldn't really solve the problem. So Jason took a deep breath and, sensing that his companion was getting just as worked up as he had been but moments previously, Jason scratched Lucky behind the ears, a gesture that always calmed the canine down. Jason's head turned as he heard Josiah begin to speak. Jason pondered a moment, and then teleported next to Josiah, using the direction and distance the voice had come from and then aiming for the patch of grass a few inches feet away, making sure to grab Lucky's pelt and take the dog with him before doing so, for some reason whenever Jason 'ported, as he called it, Holding onto lucky always made him feel more confident, and as a result he tended to be more accurate. Jason responded to the question that had been asked upon appearing near the asker "I haven't gotten my schedule yet, and to tell you the truth I'd almost forgotten about it, what with being so caught up in doing so much nothing, let's go" Jason chuckled at his own joke as he joined Josiah, wondering if the strange twins would join them.