[h3]Deven Zoria and Jenna Fellrein: Lyn's Hunt- stumbled across friends[/h3] [b]Deven[/b] Quickly the discomfort in his arm turned to pain as the teeth bit deeper and deeper denting his armor. He had to end it fast or else it would very likely break through it. But just as he stabbed the blade forward the beast knocked his blade aside with it's paw. He was able to cut into the beasts shoulder in the process but it wasn't anything too helpful. As the beast climbed in height Deven felt a bit of a sinking feeling as his arm slowly climbed higher than his own head. Then the beast released his arm as it howled in pain and swiped him with it's paw with enough force to send him stumbling backwards. Deven gasped as he struggled to maintain his footing, it took several steps backwards but he was able to keep himself standing. Thanks to his armor the swipe hadn't hurt him other then send him stumbling back but it's claws left a nice scratch mark in his armor. Deven scanned the beast over as he tried to figure out what happened. The beast's legged seemed to crumple under the weight and he spied the girl finish rolling out of the beast's reach. He watched the beast turn it's gaze back on her as she rolled away. He had to move fast he needed it's attention to stay on him. With his right arm now freed he was able to grip his sword in both hands again, the dent's still dug into his arm but he was still able to function properly despite them. Covering the distance between him and the Alpha in quick strides he drew his blade back and prepared to deliver a slash down the beasts side. "Eyes on me you big bastard!" He growled as he prepared to swing [b]Jenna[/b] As Jenna reached for another arrow and drew it from her quiver she watched as the beast threw the girl aside straight into the elf before collapsing to the ground. Quickly she nocked the arrow but before she drew back she was distracted as something suddenly jumped into her view. Out of nowhere the other beast appeared, much larger and much more intimidating than the other, it was three feet tall at least on all fours and easily much longer. Coming back from the surprise of the beast suddenly becoming visible Jenna turned her gaze back to the other and watched as the girl who had just been thrown managed to regain her footing and prepared to deliver the killing blow to the what appeared to be dying animal. Content with the knowledge that it would soon be dead Jenna turned her gaze back to the large one just in time to see it rising to it's full height. "Shit Deven." She mumbled as she spied his arm locked in it's jaws. She drew back her bow and lined up a shot, Deven stood between her and the beast but luckily for her it was quickly becoming taller than him, she just had to aim above him and to the side of his arm. But just as she was about to release the arrow she caught the girl moving and watched as the beast howled in pain and released Deven's arm before collapsing to the ground now safety hidden by Deven's body. "Damn" She cursed as she quickly moved to change her angle on the beast. After shifting to the side a few feet she now had a clear line of sight on the beast's front and right side. She once more took aim as Deven began to clear the distance, taking in a calm and steady breath she lined up her shot and let loose aiming for the beasts neck.