[color=gray][b][u][center][h2]Vagrant[/h2][/center][/u][/b][/color] Ben watched as the girl took a blow square to the face from the bot, knocking her to the ground and hard enough that he knew from experience that her nose was probably broken. He glowered for a moment at the bot until, almost as quickly as she'd been knocked down, the girl got back up, blood covering her face and hands creating both claws and some sort of mask that covered the lower half of her face. For a moment it reminded him of those Oni masks you'd see in chinatown stalls. Either way, two facts dawned on Vagrant; The first was that if this girl or anyone else was locked in here with him, it was for a reason. He had no idea what her powers were and he didn't much care, beyond the fact that she had them. The second realisation was that this girls powers weren't being suppressed. Looking at the walls again, he pressed against them with his right hand, quick and hard. It took a little more effort than he was used to, but when he pulled his hand back, a perfect hand print was recessed into the metal. Apparently the field only didn't extend past the cells. Good. The girl calling out for some help snapped him back to reality. He had no idea how much of his strength was back or what kind of blows he could handle, so he'd have to take things easy. Looking at the bot, a single, impulsive and violent thought entered his mind. [i]Kick it.[/i] So he did. As the bot was swinging at the girl in that methodical, robotic manner that all mech-guards seemed to use, Vagrant stalked forward, quickly closing the ten-foot distance between him, the girl and the robot and, as the robot was readying another swing, brought his right foot up, placed it on the torso of the machine and pushed. It flew back thirty-feet, past a man in a guard uniform smoking a cigarette, until it was stopped suddenly by a metal wall, still operational but needing a moment to reassess the situation. "A foot works just as well." Ben muttered to the girl. He voice wasn't what you'd call grizzled, more like he was tired. Tired and struggling to sound emotionally invested. It was then that the man in the guard's uniform called something out to them. "You understand what the hell he just said?" he asked the girl as he sized the man up. "Are they using guards with powers here too? That sounds like something the uppity prick on the PDA might have mentioned." [@Marik][@Doc Doctor]