Ridahne studied him carefully as she sat there, squeezing the nozzle gently so that a weak stream trickled into her mouth. Proper lady, she was not. His hand went to his side and she saw an unmistakeable flash of pain across his features. Pain. [i]Oh.[/i] He must have been injured somehow, though she wasn't yet sure how. That explained the blood spitting...she tried to guess what happened to him;broken rib that punctured a lung? Some kind of gas exposure? No, his body hurt, his flesh hurt. A puncture wound of sorts. Of course. Ridahne kicked herself for missing it, as she hadn't really bothered to dig deeply onto his person for interesting objects. Mostly, she checked the pockets of his duster and anything readily accessible, as that's where people kept tools anyway. Tools she could find useful or at least valuable. She never once bothered to look underneath his shirt. A slow smile crept onto her inked face, warping and bending the marks like they were tentacles of a living being. "Who said I can't do both?" Ridahne rose, stooping down to grab something from a crag in her little broken fortress. In a flash of silver, a sword sprouted from its hiding place and glimmered in the sun, shaded as it was by a dirty sheet overhead. It was a shorter blade, a one handed thing that was clearly very well made and served both a ceremonial purpose as well as a practical one. It and her knife were the two things Ridahne actually took care of to keep clean and maintained. It looked at home in her hand. She used it to hook under one side of his duster and peel it aside, then slid the tip underneath his shirt and lifted it until she could see the hastily bandaged wound; she felt confident she could hold her own against him in a fight right now, but she wasn't about to get too close and take her chances. "Ah," she sighed in understanding. She withdrew her blade and went to sort through a canvas bag, returning to him with a fresh bandage, a flask, and a yellowy green salve in a plastic bag. "I might be a lawless thief, but I am not altogether cruel. Here." She lost a little of the harsh disdain in her voice this time, sounding just a bit more sincere. He solicited some kind of work in exchange for some of his things back, and Ridahne gave a little smirk. "I might be interested." She was playing coy, but secretly she was absolutely desperate for the idea of food and maybe a little money. "But it depends on what kind of work you're talking about. And how much is in it for me. Also..." She produced the black case from her bag and held it delicately between her thumb and forefinger, holding it aloft to the light to get a better look at it. "By some of your possessions, do you mean this?" She did not move to offer it to him, but instead turned it over in her hands as if dangling it in front of him. Her tone turned serious, but not dark. "Start talking. I want to know what this is and what kind of job you have in mind."