[Center][b]Downtown[/b][/center] The blood under his nails hadn't even had time to dry before Drei began tearing through the man's clothing, looking for anything that would be of use to him. As he searched the corpse, he recounted what had happened in his mind. The man had come out of one of the nearby buildings, screaming like a maniac in his rush toward Drei. He had a metal pipe in his hand, raised above his head. Drei turned to fully face the man, his arm shooting out to grab the wrist of the hand holding the pipe as it was being swung downward. The sudden stop caused it to slip from the man's grip, allowing it to hit Drei in the head, though only hard enough to barely hurt. Pissed, Drei pressed the fingers on his right hand together, claws pointing forward together. In a quick thrust his nails tore through the flesh of the throat, where Drei then clenched his hand into a fist and pulled back, tearing out a chunk of meat. A kick to the stomach sent the terrified man falling to the ground, where he lay bleeding and suffocating. His mind returning to the present, Drei realized this poor soul had nothing of worth on his person. He stood from his crouching position, glaring down at the body. His stomach growled, and the smell of fresh blood in the air tempted him. Drei grabbed the body by the arm that had held the pipe, dragging it back to the building it came from. As Drei entered the large city structure he could smell faintly the scent of smoke, which he followed up one flight of stairs. There before him was this deceased man's humble abode, fire burning weakly with the smoke continuing up through a hole in the ceiling of the second floor. In the corner Drei found a pile of dried wood, which he used to feed the fire. Once it had begun burning well again, Drei picked up a stick charred at one end. It was obviously what the man had used to cook his meals on, ironic that Drei would now be using it for the same reason. The irony was lost on Drei however as he pulled out his hunting knife and ripped a chunk of calf meat from the corpse. This meat he slid onto the cooking stick, which he then held over the fire. The meat cooked quickly in the fire's heat, and Drei watched as his food went from a soft, wet red to a charred brown. Pulling it from the flames, he brought the meat straight to his mouth, opening his jaws and sinking his sharpened incisors into it, holding it with both hands so he could rip off a bit to chew. Drei had continued this until there was no more meat on the calf, and his stomach was sated. He knew all the smoke would likely have begun drawing other scavengers to his location, and he cleaned his knife on the trousers the man had been wearing. He tore a scrap of cloth from the man's shirt, using it to wipe his teeth down as he walked down the stairs. He poked his head out the doorway before walking back onto the street, and upon seeing his coast was clear he left the structure and began his stroll through the city once more. Drei had no idea what exactly he was hoping to find this deep in the city. Most stores had been picked clean in the first few years, so that only left peoples' personal stashes and the people themselves , most of whom were hostile to anything that moved. Looking towards the sky Drei could see he was close to the building he had heard be referred to as the Space Needle. Thinking there could possibly be some friendly survivors, he began walking towards it.