Kirin began to leave when Mr. Clarkson placed his hand on his shoulder. "Wait, I think you forgot this" Kirin turned to see an open palm balancing a rather exotic-looking iPod touch. "Is this yours? I saw it on my desk just now, but I don't remember it being there when we walked in so I figured you dropped it." He nudged his hand toward Kirin, waiting to see if it was indeed his or not. --- [Current time and date: 12:55 PM EST on Monday, September 1st, 2014] Alex was heading back to the school from the field, looking at his camera as he walked. Having deleted the picture of his dream woman, he looked up just in time to prevent himself from walking right into a man who was standing in one place. This man was rather tall, and appeared well built. The odd part, however, was the fact that he was wearing a black army jumpsuit and a strange round helmet. The helmet had wires protruding from the back of the head connecting downward toward a device on the back of his belt in the shape of a box. On his right hand was a gauntlet equal in complexity as the helmet, with wires and other tech attached to it at various places. The man turned to Alex and revealed that his helmet had a face guard covering his mouth and nose, as well as a sophisticated set of goggles completely obscuring his face. He stared Alex down for a good five seconds, and then simply walked away, toward the school.