[b]Post from [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3517997]Mark Thomas[/url][/b] [b]9 April 2018, ~9pm:[/b] Henry's Tavern and Brewery, ([url=https://www.google.com/maps/@45.5229417,-122.6832167,3a,75y,50.17h,98.95t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sdRhJ703RVm_vW4-8iT2fGw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656]Google Map link[/url]) NW 12th and W Burnside, Portland, Oregon [b]ACTION:[/b] I gather my 9 fellow survivors in the 1st floor brew pub, but the noise from the mayhem outside the barricaded doors is overwhelming. We move the gathering up to a 5th floor store room (where we are in the process of setting up a sort of "Command Room"). We talk for an hour or so about our current situation (as outlined in the actions below). I see such a wide variety of expressions and reactions amongst the 9 people with me: fear and anger, despair and determination, panic and clear thinking. In my mind and to myself, I don't blame those who fear that this is the end of their world ... that they, too, will die a horrific death just as those on the streets below have in the days leading up to this one and very well might in the days to come. I am one of them, to be honest. I may have a plan and a seemingly secure place in which to execute it, but ... I know we're all gonna die here eventually. I don't tell anyone that, of course. One of my greatest qualities as a business owner and people manager is my ability to convey confidence and assurance. These 9 people will never see me falter, I can guarantee that. [b]ACTION:[/b] The following conversation starters from Mark occur during the hour I mentioned above. [LIST] [*]"The only way we get through this safe and secure ... [i]alive[/i] ... is organization and cooperation ... [i]team work[/i]." [*]"We need a complete inventory of everything we have in the building and on the grounds." (See more about this below). [*]"We need to check every potential access into this building, too. Windows, doors, sewer man holes, the top of the walls. We HAVE to make sure that these Darkseekers cannot get inside, or we are all dead." [*]"We need to set up living quarters for all of us up here on the 5th and 6th floors. The fire doors will add to our security at night. And we need to organize a rotating watch ... maybe 2 people awake at all times ... I don't know ... does anyone have that kind of military or security experience, to organize something like that?" [*]"And we need to see what kind of help is available to us from the outside ... the government, the army, the national guard, the cops ... whoever." [/list] Everyone pitches in, and we begin. [b]ABOUT INVENTORY:[/b] The result of the inventory we take is as follows. (I am sure I will add more areas of inventory as they are suggested to me.) [list] [*]Food: [list] [*]Because we are a tavern, brewery, and restaurant, we have LOTS of food. [*]Meals: 1,000 servings [*]Well balanced, for now. [*]We don't have lots of "canned" or "packaged" food because our menu was relatively local, green, and sustainable. [*]We have more perishable food than we can possibly eat before it goes bad, though. Any ideas? [*]We have a freezer full of various items, but -- like I said -- the menu didn't call for lots of long lasting food stuffs. [/list] [*]Drink: [list] [*]Beer: lots! [*]Wine and liquors: enough. [*]Fresh water: we are still getting water from the City, which goes through our filtering system. We're good for now. [*]Juices and such: lots! [/list] [*]Weapons: We could get very detailed about models and calibers of weapons, but we won't. [list] [*]Rifles: 5; 2 with a scope. Ammunition: 200 rounds. [*]Shotguns: 3. Ammunition: 60 rounds. [*]Pistols: 6. Ammunitions: 120. [*]Bows: 2. Arrows: 20. [/list] [*]Vehicles (in the parking area inside the "secured" parking area): [List] [*]Compact electric delivery cars, 2. Charged. [*]Compact hybrid delivery vans, 2. Charged. [*]Personal vehicles: 4 (yet to be described). Fueled. [/list] [*]Fuel and energy: [List] [*]Electricity: still getting power from the grid. [*]Emergency generator, diesel. Fuel: 200 gallons. [*]Gasoline (stored): none. (See vehicles above.) [/list] [*]Sleeping needs: [list] [*]Everyone brought their own sleeping bag(s), and most brought some sort of pad. [*]It would be nice to have some real mattresses. [*]Mark has a fully furnished bedroom (for late work nights). [/list] [*]Flashlights: 18 (of various types). Batteries: insufficient, depending upon use. [*]Tools: the Brewery has a small shop, but its just your basic repair tools. [/list]