[center][i][b]Sam Fisher[/b][/i][/center] Sam awoke to Bo standing alert and pulling on his sleeve. In an instant Sam was up with his pack on. Sam and Bo were a finely tuned machine. Bo's body language and growl pattern was enough for Sam to determine where the danger was at and how far. Slowly they circled out away from the wall they were next to. Bo had sensed something just at the range of his smell, perhaps just over a hundred yards out. Staying low, Sam was able to catch a silhouette of a person in the moonlight. As he noticed this Bo turned his attention the other way, where a campfire could be seen off in the distance. Who in their right mind would light a fire this close to New York? Regime agents wouldnt travel alone, especially at this time of night. Sam ran through possibilities in his mind. Odds are, it was Rebel agents making their way to the city as well. That was good and bad for Sam. More people meant it would be harder to sneak in if they decided to tag along. He couldnt leave somebody helpless out here alone if they were in danger. Sam looked at Bo who nodded. If it was indeed a Regime trap of some kind, they would just fight their way out like usual. Sam signaled Bo to stand down. Sam yelled out, "Hello. My name is Sam. My pokemon is here next to me. Please show yourself slowly, we dont want anybody getting hurt." Bo was low, ready to pounce at a moments notice.