[h2][color=darkturquoise]Devon the Totodile[/color][/h2] [h3][color=khaki]Valiant Village, River near Central Plaza[/color] [/h3] Dylan actually agreed with his crazy claim, and Devon was actually quite relived. However, the part about his father being the same as him....And Dylan? Puzzled the Totodile as he stared at the Mudkip with a tilted head. His voice still low. [color=darkturquoise]"'The same as you and me'? What, amnesiac?"[/color] Devon didn't get an answer to his question. Heck he didn't even get a chance to respond to what happened next. Dylan butted his head against the Totodile's side. Beginning to push him under the bridge and out of view of Celty. The action was sudden, but Devon just kinda looked around and rolled with it. [color=darkturquoise]"Uh....Alright?"[/color] Once the two Water-types had stopped under the arc of the bridge, they were alone in the shadows. Dylan apologised for pushing Devon, and apparently had another much weirder question. Devon didn't really have much trouble seeing in the dark due to his status as a little blue crocodile, and focused his sight on Dylan to wave a passing hand at him. [color=darkturquoise]"Nah, it's ok. Just let me move myself next time. And shoot. I'm all about crazy."[/color] [color=0072bc]“Is it possible… Is it possible you were a human?”[/color] The question at first, meant nothing to Devon. He simply stared at Dylan with misty eyes. [color=darkturquoise]"...'Human'? Can't say I know what that is but...It seems....Really familiar...."[/color] Going over everything seemed to actually bring about more of the lost Pokémon's memory. [b]Human[/b]. The word seemed to tumble around in Devon's head for what felt like hours in the span of a few seconds. He knew what this meant. He knew what this was. The Totodile's cloudy thoughts, hindered by his random affliction of amnesia, were given true clarity for the second time. Devon's relaxed stance tightened. The Big Jaw Pokémon becoming as stiff as a board while looking past Dylan to the wall with dilated eyes. His bottom jaw hanging open as his senses no longer processed the world around him, instead becoming engrossed in an auditory hallucination. [hr] [color=942940][i]"It's... incredible how different we all are."[/i][/color] [color=darkturquoise][i]"Yeah. I'd say humans got the short end of the stick when it comes to the stuff we can do though. Pokémon can change weather, fire natural energy lasers, store crazy crap like electricity and fire in the bodies, and evolve in a matter of seconds when it took humans a few million years to do it."[/i][/color] A pause came before the second voice spoke it's next words. [color=darkturquoise][i]"You're something else alright. Without Pokémon, there's no way we would have made it to where we all are today. So....Thanks. I'm glad we're all able to be friends."[/i][/color] [color=942940][i]"Well... perhaps, yes in a lot of ways. However, I would say your species' ability to form lasting bonds with each other, as well as Pokémon... and your ability to facilitate friendship between different species of Pokémon as well..."[/i][/color] A soft, familiar chuckling flooded Devon's ears. [color=942940][i]"The same can be said for you, too. Thank you Devon."[/i][/color] [hr] Devon's dilated pupils soon shrunk back to their normal size, and the reptile blinked rapidly before staring back at the Mudkip bobbing in the water next to him. The Totodile wore a face of bewilderment as low whispers crept out of his jaws. [color=darkturquoise]"Dylan....I remember. I know what a human is. I [i]was[/i] human at one point....I had brown hair, brown eyes, pale skin, and alot of scars on my body.....You...You said before that we were the same. You were human too right?"[/color] The former human teen's head hung down as his long snout brushed the water. [color=darkturquoise]"How did this happen to us then? Why are we Pokémon?"[/color] [b][@Noklu][/b]