[center] [img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/eec9ce20ac2ae0e77f721a72ce0faf04/tumblr_o5sml62nFK1s1ufrxo1_1280.png[/img] [@Delta44][@BeastofDestiny][/center] [hider=Black Coffee] Mimiko turns too Ryoki when she is finished ordering, 'Strait black coffee? Trying ot cure a hangover or is it really that good?' she gave a sly smirk. Ryoki looks over at the woman who had suddenly addressed her, staring at the lady with wide eyes filled with curiosity. She hadn't seen this woman before - she would've known if she had. Why? Well, that was because... [i]'She looks exactly like my waifu!'[/i] The Raven gasped as she studied the woman a little closer. She was indeed almost a perfect match! All she would need was a little touching up in some places and the resemblance would be uncanny! Thoughts of cosplay crossed her mind and Ryoki almost squealed. Almost. "Ah, no, it's not quite like that..." She answered when she came to realise the woman had asked her a question. "It's, how should I put it...? A little of both?" The Raven shrugged and sighs. "But the coffee really does taste great. Best in Shine City. I would know, since I've lived here all my life, hehe." That laugh -- more like a chuckle, if you could call it that -- wasn't exactly the most convincing sounding laughter Ryoki had ever performed. [i]'I must be losing my edge...'[/i] She thought to herself as she took another sip of coffee. [color=lightblue]'Is that so?'[/color] the girl gave a lightt chuckle of her own, her hands folding in her lap, [color=lightblue]'I'm assuming you've lived here awhile then,'[/color] she turned toward the lady next to her, [color=lightblue]'My name is Mimiko, I just moved in this morning. Although I'm not much of a coffee fan, I might try it one day,'[/color] her nose crinkled, 'Maybe,' she put out a hand to the stranger and pressed forward a smile. Her responses seemed a bit delayed, she assumed that this was just because the girl needed coffee to function. Ryoki took the hand of her current companion and shook it gently, however her grip wasn't soft. It was firm. Like a brea- "My name is Ryoki. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mimiko." Ryoki's response was simple and to-the-point. She found it hard to sidetrack herself nowadays with acts of perversion and ramblings. Conversation always seemed more difficult in most indtances, however this came unnaturally natural to the Raven as one could see her ice-coloured eyes ignite with another sip of coffee. "You say you just moved in this morning, huh? Nice. I think you'll like it here. There's lots to love about Shine City." In a voice that would make a whisper seem loud, Ryoki added: "And sometimes... Lots not to love..." It would require one to have been listening intently to hear, or to be close, however if either of those qualities checked out then it was definitely audible. Mimiko blinked and felt a bit heavier from the handshake, [color=lightblue]'Yes it does seem very nice, one of the more beautiful cities I have seen,'[/color] she gave a reassuring smile. Mimiko was a bit deaf, she would admit but she was quite good at reading lips to fill in the gaps. However, this girl seemed to speak without moving them as if the words just haphazardly fell out so she just added an, [color=lightblue]'Indeed,'[/color] and hoped it would cover whatever she tacked on to the end. Mimiko then turned her chair toward her new companion and crossed her hands with her arms resting together at the forearm, this girl was quite interesting to her. [color=lightblue]'Must have been quite the party last night,'[/color] she commented with a sly, almost knowing grin, [color=lightblue]'You look like a disaster,'[/color] she took a sip of her warm tea. She wondered if this was a normal happenstance or if the girl just begining a career of late nights and partying. Mimiko looked her over - black tresses were coming out of her head like untamable octopus tentacles held down by a single ribbon, her makeup was rushed and her outfit was...well it wasn't that bad. Interesting if anything, which was something Mimiko had much respect for. Ryoki had exhaustion in her eyes with a hint of sorrow as well. Maybe she regretted something from the previous night or perhaps waking up was the most sorrowful thing of them all to do. Mimiko dug through her handbag as she waited for Ryoki to finish speaking. "Oh, there wasn't a party last night, at least not quite. See, I work at the Casino up in the Heights. Despite getting one of the early shifts, I still don't get home till pretty late. Some other things in life have made waking up a total pain, but alas I've never been much of a morning person to begin with. Mochavine's coffee usually gets me up and moving." She spoke only of truth, making no effort to hide she was going through a rough patch like she used to, before... [i]this[/i]. "Do I really look that bad, though? Probably shouldn't have even gotten out of bed..." The woman sighs, one hand resting on her brow as she gently massaged her forehead. "Eh, it's no big deal. I'll touch up later." Hearing she looked like a disaster didn't do much to help Ryoki's self-esteem, despite knowing the woman sitting next to her was saying such things purely out of concern. Somehow she felt worse than she did when she woke up. [i]'I bet it's the stupid pills...'[/i] She thought to herself somewhat angrily, before relaxing into the stool at the bar and taking another sip of her coffee. [i]'Calm, Ryoki, calm. This is Mochavine. You can't be bringing down the atmosphere with your negativity!'[/i] This train of thought brought about an unconscious realisation in Ryoki, and, taking yet another deep breath, she puffs up her cheeks before slapping them with her hands simultaneously. "Ow..." Despite the slight pain, it felt good to do that again. Often when Ryoki felt down before now, she would lightly slap herself and tell herself to snap out of it. The effect was almost enough to make her smile again. "If you need a guide or something to help you around the place, I'd be more than willing to help." She adds with a small nod. "Of course if you're busy or something that's OK too." [/hider] [hider=Ugly] Mimiko nodded absentmindedly as she listened, still sifting through her purse. She pulled out a couple of dull silver pins and reach up to Ryoki’s hair with a couple between her fingers like a fashionista wolverine. The girl slapped her cheeks and Mimiko looked up with a bit of surprise. [color=lightblue]'No, actually, I'm not busy at all,'[/color] she brushed some of her new acquaintance's hair up and together, [color=lightblue]‘It doesn't look too awful. I will just fix this really quick,’[/color] she slipped the pin up and under the hair. She took a piece around the middle of her head and tucked it under to hide it and installed another pin. She twirled the back around and then fluffed it out. As a finishing touch she straightened and tightened the ribbon. [color=lightblue]‘There, much better,’[/color] She leaned back to look at it from afar. She began putting her purse back how it should be. [color=lightblue]'You said you worked at the casino? That is quite exciting in itsself,'[/color] she raised an eyebrow. The girl definitely had the looks for working at the bar or dealing cards. Ryoki was touched by this act of kindness. She'd never had her hair done up in such a fashionable way before, mostly just letting it loose and not bothering with clips and pins and the like. She had to admit, though, that it felt nice having it done up. "Thank you..." Her mouth gave way to a genuine smile of happiness, and she looked like she was about to cry. Thankfully for Ryoki she manages to hold back those tears and retain her dignity. "I've not really been good at tying my hair... I don't do it often. You really didn't need to do this, so... thank you. As for the casino, it is rather exciting. You meet lots of new people, make good friends, get lots of money from tips. It's not a bad job, if you swallow your fear of presenting yourself in a bunny suit, ehehe!" [color=lightblue]'It was nothing, really,'[/color] the girl said with joy sqinting her eyes. It seemed as if the two girls were on opposite ends of a spectrum. Mimiko admired the girls emotion-filled smile and could not help but smirk herself. Her mind was suddenly filled with this girl dressed up in a bunny suit, coaxing her smile to its fullness, [color=lightblue]'A bunny suit? You must be quite popular,'[/color] she shook her head to shake out some unpure thoughts, [color=lightblue]'Although-'[/color] she looked up to catch a man staring at them in horror it seemed. Mimiko was readying herself to take up for the girl, Ryoki can wear a bunny suit any time she wants! Ryoki didn't seem to notice the man's horrrified expression. Her full attention was on Mimiko. Well, at least until the man next to her began eating his waffles... "Alright sir, here are your waffles!" [i]'Oh sweet merciful Jesus...'[/i] Kyle's body was never more prepared than in this moment as he gazed down upon the light fluffly and goldeny deliciousness that was before him. He carefully poured his syrup, making sure to get into every crevice and dimple in the tasty treat. He cut into its fluffy surface, first seperating the four quarters of the waffle, then with a stab of his fork, he shoved one of the quarters into his mouth and ate happily. His mouth was suddenly filled (stuffed) with a sweet and delicious pastry, though he was somewhat disappointed to find that the syrup was indeed not real maple syrup. He internally sighed as he chewed his food, his cheeks stuffed, it was at that point he heard the woman next to him asking if she looked bad. Kyle's eyes shot over and he took a gander at the lady, sure she looked a bit disheveled, but to perfectly honest... Kyle with a full mouth of food protested, [color=LimeGreen]"Arf u kiddin meh?! U luke gorgus!"[/color] ...What in the actual fuck was that? Words? Which he was suddenly at a loss for as the two women suddenly stared at him. Still with a full mouth of food he looked somewhat pancicked as he suddenly brought attention to himself, [i]'Calm your shit Parker'[/i] He forcefully swallowed the mound of waffle down his gullet and took a drink of milk before saying, [color=LimeGreen]"Sorry, just...um, what I meant to say was, I don't think you look like a disaster."[/color] He gulped a little at his own awkwardness suddenly having complimented a woman out of nowhere only because he oeverheard their conversation. Shameless. Mimiko scrunched her nose at his interaction and decided to butt out, turning back to the counter and folding her hands on the cool marble. She detested nonsensical compliments. It was quite obvious that he was trying to get her out of the clothes that she had thrown on this morning, despite working late last night. Besides, the creep was eavesdropping - what an attractive attribute. At very least he was not judging her for wearing a bunny costume. The Raven was indeed surprised by this compliment, seemingly coming from out of nowhere, though it still made her blush a light pink. "Uh... Th-thanks." She says, looking to the man whom had complimented her, before gasping in surprise. He looked familiar. [i]Really[/i] familiar. It was hard to forget the face of someone so distinctly different from a majority of the populace, but, just to be sure, she pulled out her phone and scrolled down her contacts list before finding the appropriate number and selecting "call". Kyle's phone began to ring. Suddenly aware of a buzzing in his pocket, Kyle excused himself for a moment and answered the phone, [color=LimeGreen]"Hello?"[/color] "Kyle... Parker?" Quizzes Ryoki through the phone. "Can you, umm... look to your left real quick? This is Ryoki by the way." States the dark-haired musician in a quiet voice, very much unlike herself. Should he oblige, he would see Ryoki sitting next to him, pointing to her phone... which clearly showed his contact details. "This is you, right, Kyle?" She asks forwardly. "From... Shine Con?" Kyle obliges, somewhat confused as to why he's being given directions over the phone. He turns to his left and stares straight into the raven haired woman, who's voice was not only coming from her, but from his phone as well...wait a minute... Raven hair, pretty longish...yellow and black scarft... Shine Con? [color=LimeGreen]"Ryoki?"[/color] It finally clicks with him as he recognizes the woman from the Shine City Anime Convention the previous summer, [color=limegreen]"Oh man, it is you, I haven't seen you in like...a year, how have you been?"[/color] He smiled a bright and genuine smile, happy to see somone he recognized after being sequestered away for so long by himself. "I admit, I've been better, but today has been OK so far." Ryoki replies with a faint smile, happy to see that someone she hadn't caught up with in a year had suddenly bumped into her. "I was meaning to catch up with you several months ago, at the beginning of the year, but things got really hectic. Sorry about that." She seems... different from the last time the spoke. True, they hadn't seen each other long last year, and it had been a year since their meeting, but she did seem noticeably less cheerful and... strange. Though it could always be ones imagination. [color=LimeGreen]"Okay is good,"[/color] He said, looking over the woman, she hadn't changed much physically, though she did seem less...happy? It might have just been his mind playing tricks, but she looked older, like she had seen some things, but he didn't want to actually tell an older woman she looked older. [color=LimeGreen]"Yea, the New Year was pretty crazy for me too, so it probably worked out for the best. That being said, we're catching up now haha."[/color] He looked around Ryoki to the other woman sitting next to her, noticing she had turned her attention away from the two. [color=limegreen]"I'm sorry,"[/color] he was feeling a little bad, [color=limegreen]"I didn't mean to interrupt your conversation with your friend here or unintentionally eavesdrop on it,"[/color] he coughed into his fist out of embarassment. Ryoki looks back at Mimiko. Then back to Kyle. A devilish grin which she hadn't donned in months found it's way to her face as she eyed the two people sitting next to her. "Oh, no worries! I'm sorry I didn't introduce you two, but I just discoveed you're here, sooooooo..." She trails off and leans back so the two could see each other easier. "Mimiko, this here is Kyle, a friend of mine from awhile back. Kyle, this is Mimiko, a new friend and new person to Shine City." [i]'If only this were an anime or some kind of role-play I could force them together... Mrr grr grr...'[/i] [/hider] [hider=Pain] Mimiko perks up, hearing her name. She turns and her ponytail unceremoniously slaps her in the face, [color=lightblue]'Oh, hello,'[/color] she began as she pulled her hair out of her sticky lip gloss, [color=lightblue]'So he was not just an absolute stalker? I am glad to hear it is so,'[/color] she gave him an impatient smile. She offered a hand to him, leaning out of her chair in order to reach. Kyle raised an eyebrow, [i]'An absolute stalker? The hell?'[/i] he thought, eyeing the woman somewhat suspiciously, [i]'Oh great, she's one of those high horse types isn't she?'[/i] The thought pervaded his mind, but its not like high society ever intimidated him, and at the very least to not be rude, he'd accept her handshake. [color=limegreen]"Not an absolute stalker, I only do that as a hobby, usually Tuesdays."[/color] He gave a little grin and let his hand stay gripped to hers just for a little longer than normal, but not too long; just enough for discomfort. Mimiko's stomach churned a bit had the instant need to find the nearest source of hand sanitizer. She pressed forward a smile and humoured him with a a chuckle, [color=lightblue]'Yes, quite funny...'[/color] she trailed off before taking her hand back. She fought the need to wipe her hand off on her shirt. She understood that he was attempting to be humourous, but she also understood that she had the most milk-curtling vibe about him. She cleared her throat and gave the smallest of bows, [color=lightblue]'You are quite the comedian but I do suggest you keep your job - that is if you have one,'[/color] she was being quite short with him. The words [i]'What a total bitch'[/i] swarmed in his mind like a nest of angry hornets, though his face was kept composed, his little smile still gracing his lips, he didn't exactly want to cause a scene, but she was making it really hard not to tool around with her uppityness. Still Ryoki was in the middle of the two, and it could get very uncomfortable, very quickly for her if he persisted, so he let it slide, though he'd at least let one truth slip. He leaned his elbow atop the counter, a slightly unimpressed look on his face, [color=limegreen]"You must make a lot of friends... well at least you made a friend with Ryoki and I."[/color] He turned his attention back to Ryoki, [color=LimeGreen]"The last time we saw each other was....Lancom Arcade right? We met up with your sister if I remember... OH! How is Mokyu by the way? Does she still DJ there?"[/color] Kyle stupidly asked the question, completely unaware of the fate that befell the younger sibling. The short-tempered man amused Mimiko. He seemed to nearly twitch with the seething anger within him. As he leaned on the counter she was sitting at she refused her body's need to lean away from him, instead she let her face rest in its regular half-smile and used her normal sweet-toned voice, [color=lightblue]'I suppose I thank you,'[/color] she was not sure how one should reply to a seemingly strange comment. She felt releived when the conversation turned back to the raven-haired girl, turning her body to face her with interest. Ryoki's head had been darting back and forth between the two for the duration of the conversation, however at the mention of her sister, Ryoki's face suddenly turned grim and she stared blankly at the bar. Well, it wasn't quite a blank expression. It was one filled with pain... "Say, umm... did you ever hear about what happened at the New Years Ball, Kyle? The, uh... incident...?" She asks. It would be easier on her if he knew already about the incident. It was all over the news so it was unlikely that it was missed by anyone, but she just wanted to be sure of herself more than anything. Her face suddenly shifted into something...darker... he answered her question curiously, [color=Limegreen]"Yea, I heard there was a terrorist attack or something, I was actually at the ball before it happened, ended up leaving with one of my friends early, she wasn't feeling too well."[/color] Fortunately he had pulled her out, otherwise Amity Bellerose would have been the terrorist that caused the terrorist attack. A realization suddenly dawned on him, [color=limegreen]"Shit, you guys were at the ball too weren't you? Is Mokyu alright? She wasn't too close to the victim was she?"[/color] With every word he spoke, he couldn't begin to imagine how much worser he was making this. "We were... See, she was close to the victim... A little too close..." Ryoki replies, and he could see she was just moments away from turning into a crying mess. Her throat suddenly felt very dry, and the pitfall feeling in Ryoki's stomach returned. However, despite this, she still managed to choke out: "M-Mokyu Mochizukki... M-my sister... w-was the... the... the one k-killed that n-night..." She was now quite visibly shaking, and, in an attempt to calm her nerves, Ryoki gulped down the rest of her coffee. However, it didn't appear to be working. Her emotional state was deteriorating rapidly, it seems, and there was hardly a hope in Hell of anyone stopping it. "I-I'm sorry, I need a minute..." She sobs, wiping her eyes as she removes herself from the bar, and heads into the womens restroom... Mimiko's expression started at interested, then shifted to shock, and sorrow along with an overall overwhelmed feeling. She felt like several plots were folding out in front of her. A survivor of a world-known event and a victim's family member were casually speaking in a Cafe filled with people moving through the blur of their lives on their way to work. They were discussing these tender moments in front of what was nearly a complete stranger. Before she could think Mimiko's slender hands were already poking through her purse and pulled out a silk handkerchief. As soon as her hands were heading to slip the small square to the broken girl, she was gone. Mimiko shot Kyle the dirtiest of glares, stood up and dusted herself off then clicked her way through the shop, across the room in a sweeping motion. Between Ryoki's sprint and the way she slipped through, a lot of people craned their neck to watch. The usual chatter had lulled down to a dull hum and a single mug was sat on a plate. She sent them a shot for good measure, saying very clearly, [i]This is none of your business[/i]. She did not come in just yet - Ryoki very obviously needed a moment alone. Kyle stared in absolute horror, he had no idea whatsoever, little Mokyu, that sweet and bounding girl, he felt sick to his stomach, not just because he didn't know, but he had made Ryoki live through that moment again. [i]'How close was she to the victim?'[/i] Dead Center. He felt like he deserved the glare Mimiko shot him, and he felt like a damn helpless fool as she ran off to the bathroom after his friend. Leaning over the counter, a hand running across his head, unbelieving of the storm he had just brewed; he wasn't even hungry for the waffle anymore...he felt awkward, he wasn't sure if he should leave and avoid the humiliation of having made a girl cry, or did he stay and try to make ammends? He needed to at least apologize, though it would be more awkward to go walking into the girl's bathroom. He opted to remain seated and avoid curious eyes, even though Mimiko made it clear it was no one's business, people were still bound to try and rummage through the business; he'd be no part of that today. Mimiko quietly pushed the heavy wooden door open, although it disagreed and squeaked as it shut. She walked over to the mirror and began taking out makeup and laying it out on the counter. She wetted the hankercheif and added a dab of remover to it before crossing her arms and leaning up against the sink. She knew there was at least one person in here other than Ryoki by the feet on the floor. She waited and made no attempt to make a specticle. Ryoki was... not in good shape, that was clear. She was doing her absolute best not to sob and cry, but it wasn't exactly easy when the thought of her sister being gone forever was presented to her. It was just... so hard to accept it. She didn't want to accept it! Why did Mokyu have to die?! What did she ever do wrong...? The sweet and innocent little sister that Ryoki cherished more than her own life, just... gone. A crimson red glow was all she saw, and when she turned around to look, just- ... She was going to be sick... It wasn't a pretty thing to witness, what with Ryoki crying her eyes out whilst trying not to empty her stomach, but it gave Mimiko some insight as to just how difficult things were for her new and presumed first friend in Shine City. Ryoki had suffered a lot in her life, but the loss of her dearest sister... it was almost enough to drive her insane. She could only be thankful that her brother hadn't been caught in that incident also. The thought of Kimasu being shot as well was... well, it wasn't good for one's mental health. But, try as she might to sway the thought from her mind, the image of Kimasu laying down lifeless alongside Mokyu was... ... enough to make her hurl again... She wanted to scream, to cry out, but the Raven couldn't find her voice. She just wanted to disappear, to fly away, to go back in time and relive a moment that wasn't this one. However, time was a cruel thing, and no matter how hard she wished, Ryoki was not taken away. No happy place to go to; no drug to take her mind off of things; no energy to think any differently or make a change. She could only sit there, in the stall of a bathroom in Mochavine, trying her hardest not to cry in front of others - to try and be strong. Unfortunately... Ryoki wasn't that strong... There was nothing Mimiko wanted to do more than rush to Ryoki and scoop her up. She also knew that this would solve nothing. Her stomach flipped and turned from the small sounds that came from Ryoki's stall. She shifted uncomfortably and began to tear up herself. [i]'No,[/i] she thought to herself, [i]'The last thing she needs is someone else crying or feeling sorry for her. She needs someone to be strong to help pull her up,'[/i] Mimiko took a cleansing breath and shook the sadness away. She would be the voice of reason as she waltzed to the stall with the familiar dark shoes. A faint knock. [color=lightblue]'Ryoki?'[/color] she said softly, her head bowed, listening intently, [color=lightblue]'It's Mimiko,'[/color] she did not know what else to say. What amount of words could bring back a soul, or put one back together. There was no combonation of English nor Japanese words that could mend a situation like this. Should she say, [i]'Hey it's Mimiko let me in so I can pretend to know what you feel like and rub my blissfully unscarred words all over yours[/i].' She shook lher head, unable to remedy the situation. She would not force her out of the stall nor herself into the stall. Mimiko needed to be a strong branch that she can grab just before she hits the ground, always there and firmly planted. Not a squishy emotional mess. It's Mimiko, simple Mimiko. Still here. All you have to do is reach. [/hider]