Kira was completely unfamiliar with magic, but the name Jharnia called her skill sounded like something that had to do with moving water. Her tactical mind spun for a few moments, imagining what possibilities that could entail, until she was distracted from her thoughs by the mage's demonstration. Kira watched in awe as the water moved to Jharnia's will, changing shape as she gestured. Her mouth hung open slightly. She had never actually seen a display of magic before, and she continued to stare at the water as it laid back into the bowl. [color=9e0039][b]"An entire ship?"[/b][/color] The astonishment in Kira's voice was obvious. [b][color=9e0039]"Tha's qui' a skill. Ah'd 'ate t' 'ave t' put et t' use, yeh."[/color][/b] Since Kira was in charge of defense of the ship, she sunk back into her thoughts for a bit, scenarios of the Azure Rising being attacked by various imaginary enemies and Jharnia's skill keeping them unharmed. She was pulled from her thoughts yet again as Jharnia's exotic accent drifted to her ears. She had almost forgotten she was still holding her fiddle. [b][color=9e0039]"O' course, m'dear. Ah'm sure e'ryone else 'as been wai'in fer somethin' as well."[/color][/b] She winked at the mage and double-checked her tuning. Satisfied, she drew the bow across the strings, the beautiful sound of the Green Fall Seal instrument floating across the deck and drawing the attention of many of the crew members. Her fingers deftly manipulated the strings as she began to play a familiar shanty with a medium tempo. Her skill with the fiddle kept the notes ringing clearly, audible from bow to stern.