[hider=Nightingale][center][img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/6O1Hl__Ej1LqaZD_sRPJRBSGTaIa694PIxUvDOJA768T0Z14uVpCe_M1WDQcCmfjR49z-Q=w500-h450-no[/img] [hr][hr] [b][u]Full name:[/u][/b] Angelique "Angel" di Diavolo [b][u]Alias/Codename:[/u][/b] Nightingale [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 18 [b][u]Country of origin:[/u][/b] Rome, Italy. [b][u]Basic appearance:[/u][/b] Stands at 5'4 with a curvy, yet slim physique. Her black hair is long and curly, usually worn in the same style most days - unless she can't be bothered with it. She has an undoubtedly pretty face, despite being an unfortunate sufferer of [url=http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=resting+bitch+face]RBF Syndrome[/url], with eyes that are an almost ethereal shade of bright blue; upon using her powers, the entire eye, sclera and all, becomes a shining silvery-blue, that matches the colour of the energy she uses. [b][u]Costume:[/u][/b] Costume comprises of a lightweight hooded cape, in addition to a mask covering the bottom half of her face. Fortified leather armour pieces sit on top of black lightweight cotton; allowing her some protection without disrupting her speed or dexterity. The light-weight armour pieces sit on her chest and stomach (the latter in the form of a corset); shoulder and elbow guards; gauntlets; knee guards, and her [s]own[/s] stolen carbon-fiber boots with installed jet propulsors, reaching her mid-shin. Most of the outfit is in shades of black, dark grey, or dark brown - how else is she to blend with the shadows? [hider=Outfit] [img]http://i.imgur.com/2p3Shah.jpg?1[/img] [/hider] [b][u]Skills:[/u][/b] [b]Language skills[/b] - Fluent in Italian, Latin, Nordic Runes, and Ancient Greek - is still picking up some more complicated terms in Arameic, but can translate the basics. Oh, and she also knows Sindarin and Quenya... because knowing the Elvish languages of Middle Earth is very important to her, okay? [b]Expert gymnast[/b] - whether this is borne from her powers or not, she doesn't know; but boy, can the girl climb. What she lacks in physical strength is made up for in her ability to work her way into the most awkward, high up places. How else is a girl meant to infiltrate shit? [b]Adept Technological intelligence[/b] - knows the basics of hacking, although more specifically doors than actual computers. Can work out a more complicated firewall given enough time, but she certainly doesn't know enough to be considered an expert. Additionally, she's somewhat skilled in robotics, as made obvious by her adaptations to her boots that allow her to fly without needing stabilizers in the palms, like with the Iron Man suits. [b]Nerd Lord supreme[/b] - Will beat your ass when it comes to nerdy trivia. Seriously, she can quote Lord of the Rings down to the Orc screeches, and knows every single time the Wilhelm scream has been used in something. [b]Did somebody say Thieves Guild?[/b] - Not only do her talents lay in infiltration, but Angel has some seriously sticky fingers. She reckons she could steal Nick Fury's eye patch without him noticing. It's not uncommon for some items - mainly junk food - to go missing on the Helicarrier when she's around. Not that anyone can prove anything, that is. Cameras aren't fast enough to notice her slipping her hands into your pockets. [b][u]Powers:[/u][/b] [b]Energy Manipulation[/b] - this is a very broad and vague term assigned to Angel's powers, as no-one really knows what kind of energy she uses, herself included. Some say it's biological (making her a mutant), while others suggest it's magical; or, the old favourite, some form of radioactivity. As she's never really spent time near a power plant or plutonium rods, and Professor X himself stated she wasn't a mutant, it's a mystery for now. As such, she can summon some type of energy and manipulate it to her will - either in the form of high powered beams to use offensively, or to turn it into a malleable shield. It's kind of tactile in what it can be used as, but it comes at a price. Overuse can lead to a great toll on her own body, weakening the lining of her blood vessels and causing haemorrhaging at various points in her body. Although she hasn't used it often enough to ever cause lasting damage (yet), she's knocked herself out a few times from over-exertion. It leaves behind a killer headache, too. [b][s]It's a kinda[/s] Magic[/b] - Angel enjoys spells - they don't give her annoying nosebleeds or migraines, and there's just so much you can do with it. She also has a real knack at picking things up, without causing [sub]many[/sub] explosions. At this point, she can't do any really powerful, earth-shattering magicks; she's still in the realm of setting fire to shit and maybe throwing a few things like cars or people around. As for magical defence, er... there's defensive spells? Meh - her own shields can handle that. Hopefully... [hider=Brief bio:] Angelique was born to a sweet, loving, Italian mother by the name of [url=http://www.aceshowbiz.com/images/still/angels_demons13.jpg]Vittoria di Diovolo[/url], and - unfortunately - the weasel of a man that is [url=http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/marvelmovies/images/b/be/IM2_Hammer.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130421014202]Justin Hammer[/url]. As luck would have it, she was born out of wedlock while her father was married to another woman - unbeknownst to Vittoria. Disgusted with his actions, she returned home to Italy, having Angel in Rome and raising her herself. And truly, it was a good life. Vittoria had a large family who, although many were not happy about her having a child out of wedlock, still supported and loved the newest member of their family all the same. She lived there until the age of ten, when the worst thing that could happen to a child did occur - her Mother died. It something unavoidable - a clot on the brain, giving her a swift, painless, but all the same unexpected death. Angel was inconsolable, and matters were made worse when her Father swept in to take her with him. Being her father - and also could afford better lawyers than her mother's family - meant she could do nothing to try and stay with people who she actually loved. And so began her new life in America, with her turd of a Dad. He attempted somewhat admirably to gain her affections - what with his marriage having fallen through and no other children - but he did it in all the wrong ways. Firstly, he'd ignored her for her entire life, and then took her away from everything that she knew and loved. He then attempted to simply get her to like him just by buying her things - the best private education, the newest gadget (Unless it was Stark technology, of course), the fanciest brand of clothes, the poshest of meals... ugh. There was love to be found in such materialistic things, and quite frankly, she despised both him, and his work ethic. Justin had one thing on his mind at all times, it seemed - how could he be better than Tony Stark? And well, when that eventually traversed to the realm of villainy, she was less than amused. This brought forth a rebellious streak in the young girl - along with some mysterious powers. Roughly a year after the death of her mother, this energy manipulation made itself known. At first it was in small things - like lightbulbs popping when she sneezed or something... when she eventually discovered it was an actual power manifesting, Angel worked as best she could to try and make it go further, without her Father finding out. Thankfully, he was very pre-occupied with his new villainous lifestyle to even notice. By the time she was fourteen, she had some kind of control over her powers... and she had also picked up quite a few other skills to try and sabotage her Father's work. It started out small - just altering certain documents to see if it would have any effect. It rarely did much other than confuse Hammer, but it certainly made her better at sneaking around, learning to find blind spots in cameras and motion sensors, and some basic hacking and lock-picking skills. Over time, she made her way into the labs of her Father's research facilities, re-wiring and sabotaging the more dangerous looking things, and... acquiring other gadgets. One in particular were carbon-fiber boots; quite stunning things, and obviously modeled on the thrusters on Iron Man's Suit, only far more light-weight. After making a few modifications, she took them for herself - thus beginning her super hero costume. It was around this time that Angel branched out into more solid forms of magic, hoping she could perhaps find out the source of powers by studying it. When she turned 18, her sabotage became known to Hammer - and unfortunately, his villainous "friends", if you could call them that. Becoming an enemy to AIM, agents of MODOK were sent after her to put her down, and hopefully teach Hammer a lesson. It was here Angel discovered just how useful her powers were, as she blasted the agents to pieces; additionally, finding out the downsides to said powers. After finding safety in nearby woods, she passed out, completely spent after having used up so much of this mysterious energy. After a day and a half, Angel awoke - with a migraine, blood still trickling lazily from her nose and ears, and a price on her head. After re-gaining her bearings, Angel fled to the safest place she could imagine, a place she knew that heroes stayed that could help her: Avenger's Tower. Thankfully, flying there was the easy part. It was landing that became problematic, with alarms blaring and the Avengers leaping on out with the whole weapons drawn and "Tell us who you are, and who you work for" schpiel. Anyhoo, they were surprisingly kind to her, despite the amount of times Hammer had fucked with the group, Stark in particular. After telling her story, the Avengers helped clean her up, directed her towards the Academy, even ran a few tests for her to see if they could find out what was going on with her wacky powers; they even went as far as to contact Professor X to see if she was a mutant, and that came up with a big ol' nope too. Although they didn't find anything concrete, she was happy for the help given all the same, and was recruited into the Avengers Academy in the next few days. [/hider] [hr] [b][u](For official use only)[/u][/b] [b][u]Initial observation report:[/u][/b] Energy manip. coming from unknown source; potentially magic, must be discovered, along with any dangerous potential. Can control it well to an extent, need to see how far it can go. Picks up spells swiftly, has a natural talent for it despite the amount of electrical appliances she sometimes blows up in the process. Expert at falling off the radar - keeps finding ways into the secure areas and the kitchens. [b][u]Training regimen/expertise:[/u][/b] Robotics Class Infiltration training and simulation Power Management and Dev. Class Advanced Mysticism [b][u]Potential outlook:[/u][/b] Unknown - affiliations with Justin Hammer appear to be sour, if nonexistent, but trust must be gained before deciding if she is truly an ally. If trust is gained, high potential. [b][u]Best case scenario:[/u][/b] Intelligence gathering and undercover work - could also be useful in offensive capabilities, depending on potential power levels which remain unknown at this time. [b][u]Worst case scenario:[/u][/b] Team infiltrator, perhaps back-up; depends if powers develop further. [/center][/hider]