[quote=@Sherlock Holmes] When a new user is created, they're automatically added to a list that moderators have in the moderator forum. It shows their username, the email address they registered with, and a post count. So, really, all the reporting people are doing is somewhat redundant, as we can tell who the spammers are simply by following the generated moderator list and applying common sense. Now, that said, when it's happening this frequently and on this large a scale, it's almost impossible to keep up with, regardless of the information we have at hand. More moderators won't necessarily fix the problem because the bots will simply find a way to eventually circumvent our efforts and we can't all be around all the time. (That's just life.) Once Mahz puts his new system in place, whatever system that happens to be, we'll be able to keep things like this from happening and clean up the forum more effectively. Patience is key in this situation, however frustrating it happens to be in the meantime. TL;DR -- The bots will get theirs in the end. Just sit tight. We'll handle it. [/quote] Fair enough. I've used the vbulletin mod kit before but that was about 5 years ago so I don't have the best memory for what it actually offered.