[b]Adventure Name[/b] - Summer Sport-fighting Ceremony [b]Length[/b] - Short [b]Tone[/b] - Lighthearted with some serious moments [b]Short Description[/b] - The High King MacMillen of the Navigator Isles hosts an annual tournament for prize fighters, open to all of Illendriel. The islands, though not too far from the mainland, had seen few tourists. However, Summer Sport-Fighting Ceremony had gained much popularity around the world especially since the time of its inception. It is the 29th annual Summer Sport-Fighting Ceremony, and life-time fans of the Ceremony speculate it to be far greater than the last 28 combined. Every year, the winner is rewarded the Championship Belt- something that is worn proudly by all winners of the Summer Sport-Fighting Ceremony. This year, the High King has offered the winner of the tournament: one single favor, within reason, which the High King can fulfill; on top of that, he/she will be awarded the title of Knight under the High King, an honor normally only reserved for born citizens of the Navigator Isles. [b]Character Stipulations [/b]- The tournament is focused around hand to hand fighters, though magic-users and those who wouldn't normally use melee can join, granted they can make their powers inconspicuous enough. Characters are expected to have some background with one another. Characters should also be sentient enough to sign their own name, though I don't see that as being a problem.