ROLE: Charismatic! Name: Lace. Age: 21 Height/Weight: 187 cm, 80 kg. Body type: Tall and slim. His arms are just a little too long. His shoe size is also very large. Scent: Ashes and wool. Texture: Moist, calloused hands and quite thick skin. He has a curved scar over his right breast but can't remember why. The skin on his hands and face is quite a bit darker than that of the rest of his body. Appearance: [img][/img] Lace seems to be a fan of trying out different styles of facial hair. He's not particularly handsome but he's not a train wreck either. If that guy in the picture is a train wreck I need to re-evaluate my life. His ears are strangely small for his size. He doesn't have dangly lobes. His face paints look like this: [img][/img] (The one on the left! Except for that chin thing, that's weird.) Action tags: Rests his hand on his chin a lot. Folds his arms strangely, with his right hand going under his left arm and his left palm holding his right biceps. He has a habit of slouching and is working on it, but as soon as he remembers he's forgotten again. Verbal tags: Talkative. Not very fast, he's actually very articulate, but he has a deep, recognisable voice, making it difficult for him to whisper. He's almost always the loudest in the group. He says "I mean" a lot, because he doesn't want people to misunderstand and get offended by what he says. Personality tags: Talkative, Humorous, Peaceful, and general understanding. Extremely apathetic at times - he's a tough person to break, but once it happens he finds it difficult to get back up and keep going. Skills, Abilities, and Talents: Very fascinated in nature, he almost has an affinity for it, and has a good memory when it comes to colour sequences and sensory information. He's very perceptive and can notice small details, but struggles to add them all up to one final solution. Quite athletic and has very good stamina. Also very good at rope tying. He's a decent cook but doesn't like killing animals. Personality: Lace is a very energetic person around other people - he takes it upon himself to be the comic relief in tense situations and loves putting a smile on other people's faces. He feels a sense of achievement in being a person's light in the darkness, even if it's only cracking a joke or two. He talks a lot and tends to leap before he looks - sometimes he says things that offend people by accident and he's left backtracking and apologising for his mistakes. If it was up to him, he'd rather be alone with his own thoughts but since [i]someone[/i] has to cheer everyone else up, he's taken up the mantle. Lace talks to himself a lot, simply for running commentary when he does things. He really enjoys the still moments in life, where everything may not be quiet, but it seems just right. Admirable personality traits: Positive in the worst of times, almost unnaturally. His ability to treat everything like a game and not let it get to him has helped him through hard times. Easygoing and tolerant most of the time. Negative personality traits: He can be extremely apathetic at times. If he isn't in the mood to do something, then he won't do it. He finds it difficult to understand people sometimes - since he doesn't get offended easily he doesn't really know where to draw the line between what he can say and what he shouldn't. Things that make them angry: Being blamed for something he hasn't done. Every single time. To him it shows a lack of certitude because if a person thinks he was capable of something he didn't do, it means they don't have the trust that friends should have. Fears: Being alone. He fears he'll never have a relationship because he has no faith in his own personality. Method of handling fear: He hides behind humour as a result of dealing with his emotional problems. When he feels alone, he rambles to himself about anything as a distraction. Bad habits or vices: Forgets to cut his toenails for a while so they look pretty gnarly sometimes. Also very forgetful if he isn't focused intently. Instead of facing his problems, he prefers to ignore them, hoping they'll go away. Most painful experiences in character’s past: Abandonment issues as a child left Lace feeling very vulnerable and alone, so he talked to himself a lot to keep himself company. He learnt quickly that people didn't want to hear about his problems so he created a persona of warmth, humour and carelessness to hide his hurt. Summarize character’s Fatal Flaw: Lace needs to discover the meaning of self worth. He has to be content with who he truly is and not who he feels he has to be to please others. It's only then that he can truly appreciate himself and be feel appreciated by those around him.