[@Sarcelle Renard] YAY! Did my signature bring you here, Fox, or did you just wander over on your own? I just want to know if my advertising is working. XD Can't wait to see that character you come up with! [quote=@Dynamo Frokane] I have a habit of imagining what people look like in real life based on the way they speak on here. Now i KNOW you are from Texas and you said darlin and yall [hider=Which draws me to the conlcusion you look like this IRL] [img]http://i.imgur.com/u4sZ2PO.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/quote] You are too sweet boss, but I don't look like that lady at all! I am the most ginger of all the redheads. :P Sorry I held everyone up, I had a wedding to go to today (It was beautiful and I cried like a baby!) but I should have one up tonight so we can wrap up the park interaction before the time skip. ^.^ Sorry again, guys!