[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/font_previewd.php?f=1080[/img][/center] "Everything's different now. We can't hide anymore. Our numbers are getting too great for there comfort levels. Stack that on top of the amount of unsolved murders in this past year alone. Metamorphs are getting sloppy now. We are getting sloppy now. MEU is pushing every resource they can muster into finding a way to kill us all. It only takes one breakthrough. One discovery and we are done. We may not be normal but we're still human and if humans have proven anything it's that we all are born with the natural instinct to survive. So I have one question for you. Are you ready to survive? What you are going to learn will break your reality. Shatter it. You've lived most of your natural life without knowing who you really are. Super humans do exist and you're one of them. We've known better than to exhibit any strength over the average man because they are human and are born with the natural instinct to survive. Even if that means orphaning infants, mutilating, destroying and plundering. MEU is afraid of us but not afraid to survive, that's why they are doing this to us. We need to follow MEU's example and rise. All Metamorphs may not share our ideals and it's true, some just want to watch the world burn. But that doesn't mean we can't prove to the world that we deserve a shot at life. The thing that separates us from MEU is not just our physical advantages, but the fact that we are still have clinging on to our humanity." [hider=The Song I wrote all of this Crap to...It really doesn't fit the theme of the rp xD][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5TJgpowg_k[/youtube][/hider] [hider=August 1st, 1988][center][img]https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQoNaCObATn3pTcK8GcWChFhLhXMNl7XiVne2uMSZZNaENwFBN4[/img][/center] [color=lightcoral]~Today's date, August first nineteen eighty eight. Subject three-one-three displays vast amounts of differences from the average man. No white or red blood cells present in the body. Unlike Subject three-one-zero, Subject three-one-three's circulatory system is replaced by a blackish-blue fluid, but when exposed to air the fluid seems to bind with oxygen and an unknown element in the fluid to change into a red fluid. It perfectly mimics red blood. It's remarkable how-[/color] *Interrupted by agonizing screaming. Male. High pitched.* [color=lightcoral]~SEDATE HIM NOW![/color] *Incomprehensible yelling and clamoring in background* *Metal falling to the ground ringing throughout a large metallic space" [color=lightcoral]~I SAID-[/color] *Static* *Audio cuts off*[/hider] [hider=August 1st, 2019]~How many do you think are here? -Too many to count honestly. ~Well what are we going to do about them, you know MEU won't stop until we are all dead, including the kids in this school. -*Sigh* ~Should we - you know... -No we can't do that. We might as well call ourselves MEU Operators if it's come to that. ~Well we can't let MEU have them. They don't even know they're in danger and I'm sure none of them even know what they are. Maybe we'd be doing them all a favor. -... ~Please don't look at me like that. -I said no. ~Then- -Let me think damnit! ~We can't wait any- *Audio cuts off*[/hider] [hr] [hider=Psssst Read These Rulz] -No God modddddddding -Don't try to change my plot in any way (Killing off characters, creating BIG events without telling me etc.) -No controlling other characters (This is god modding I know but some people seem to think these are different things) -Live with the possibility that your character MAY DIE (I'm NOT saying this will happen but it may. If for some reason your character must die for the plot you are welcome to create a new character) -No arguing in OCC -I'm giving you all the freedom to chose whatever powers you want your characters to have but not the complete powers of God (In other words be reasonable because I will reject OP Character Sheets) Have fun, yeah? Spread your creativity. If you've read this tell me your favorite fruit somewhere in your CS. If you don't like fruit you can't be in this RP sorry...(Just tell me your favorite food then).[/hider] [hider=Psssst Read These Rulz] -No God modddddddding -Don't try to change my plot in any way (Killing off characters, creating BIG events without telling me etc.) -No controlling other characters (This is god modding I know but some people seem to think these are different things) -Live with the possibility that your character MAY DIE (I'm NOT saying this will happen but it may. If for some reason your character must die for the plot you are welcome to create a new character) -No arguing in OCC -I'm giving you all the freedom to chose whatever powers you want your characters to have but not the complete powers of God (In other words be reasonable because I will reject OP Character Sheets) Have fun, yeah? Spread your creativity. If you've read this tell me your favorite fruit somewhere in your CS. If you don't like fruit you can't be in this RP sorry...(Just tell me your favorite food then).[/hider] [center][b][color=lightcoral]Welcome[/color][/b][/center] *You awake on a bed in a prison cell like room. You're vision is groggy from the meds you took on the way here. The walls are grey, a closed metal door is in front of you and there are no windows. The room is no bigger than five by five feet. A man is sitting on a chair next to you* Hey! Good you're up and about. Sorry we had to drug you but it's protocol for any new Metas we find. Not all of us have good intentions. Okay Fledgling, just for agreeing to join us you've taken the first step in fighting MEU, congratulations. I'll let you ask any questions running through your little head right now, so shoot. [hider="Where am I?"]"You're in our HQ. It's an old abandoned bunker somewhere in Asia. Twitch gets us to and from here by blinking. Right now you're in the room we prepared for you. I know it's not much but right now we are small in numbers so bare with us."[hider="Binking?"]"Yeah it's Twitch's ability, telephoning."[/hider][/hider] [hider="Who are you?"]"I'm Jacob. I'm the one leaders of our little organization."[hider="One of the leaders?"]"Yeah I mainly oversee intel operations and Zack, you'll meet him later, oversees the uh...'physical' operations."[/hider][/hider] [hider="How am I going to be able to help, I barely know what I am or what I can do."]"That's why I'm gonna ask you to tell me about yourself. So I can see where you'll fit around here."[/hider] [hider="What about my parents. How am I going to explain all of this to them."]"You're not. That's what we have Glitch for. She can warp and alter the minds of non-Metas. She can make it seem like you're there to your parent but in reality you'll be here with us."[/hider] [hider="What if I get homesick?"]"We want to help you not make you our prisoner. You'll only be at this base if we need you or if you're in danger. Otherwise you'll live out your normal life as a student and child."[/hider] [hider="How many of you are there?"]"Um. Ten. But that's why you're here. We have to start from somewhere.[hider="Great..."]"Don't worry. HEU doesn't and won't know about us until it's too late."[/hider][/hider] "Anymore questions? Great, let's move on." [hider=CS. You can make up to two]I need to ask you some questions Fledgling. Answer all with complete honesty. This is important so we can give you the right position. What's your full name: How old are you(15-18): What Grade are you in (9th-12th): How would you describe yourself (Personality) and don't hold back, we don't judge here: You brought the picture of yourself right (Appearance. A Real picture would be nice) just in case we lose you: Describe your abilities as best as you can (Power. Be descriptive): Describe some of your weaknesses (Weaknesses): Did you know about your...abilities before we found you (Yes/No): If yes how'd you find out (This can go in your bio): What's your story (Bio) again don't hold back:[/hider] If it really bugs you, you can take out the questions in the CS and replace them with the words in parenthesis [hr] [b][center]"You'll Fit Right In"[/center][/b] Okay, that's everything we need to know for the moment. Twitch will take you back home. Nothing's changed. Go home go to school and we'll be in touch. I think you'll fit right in Fledgling. (If I accepted you and you don't see your character here within 30-60 minutes that means I may have forgotten so tell me) [hider=Gabriel Xerxes] What's your full name: Gabriel Xerxes How old are you(15-18): 17 What Grade are you in (9th-12th): 12 How would you describe yourself (Personality) and don't hold back, we don't judge here: Honestly? I'm kind of a nerd. I'm friendly, I'm nice, but I really just spend a lot of time alone. Oh ya, and I guess I can be sarcastic and have a dry sense of humour, does that help? You brought the picture of yourself right (Appearance. A Real picture would be nice) just in case we lose you: [img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/4/49897/1404988-kyle_yx_kyle_xy_344753_341_512.jpg[/img] Describe your abilities as best as you can: I'd call it....neurological manipulation. I can't read minds, I can't make people see things, but I can mess with their senses. Make them blind, deaf, not feel things. I can even send a jolt through someone to disorient them for a minute if I need a distraction. Describe some of your weaknesses: Well, I'm not exactly strong. I could maybe lift something a bit heavy, but I'm pretty useless in a fist fight. Also for my power to really work I need eye contact, otherwise the effect is a lot weaker and their senses just kind of go a bit less alert. Did you know about your...abilities before we found you (Yes/No): Yes If yes how'd you find out (This can go in your bio): A bully was threatening me, I looked at him and told him to leave me alone. Next thing I knew he had fallen to the ground and I just got out of there. After experimenting with some stray cats (they were fine, don't look at me like that) I figured I made him not able to feel his legs. I've had some practice with my powers, not a whole lot though. What's your story (Bio) again don't hold back: I'm not a very interesting person, really. I get average to slightly above average grades. I don't do my homework because I think it's a waste of time. I've been bullied on occasion, though that stopped when they would get rashes just from being near me and they had no clue why. I like reading books and I spend lots of time alone. That's it, that's my story, not a very exciting one. [/hider] [hider=Roy Neill] What's your full name: Roy Neill How old are you:15 What Grade are you in: 10th How would you describe yourself and don't hold back, we don't judge here: I can be well, quite cocky at times. I know, I know, but it's a bad habit of mine. I find myself quite funny, but not everyone shares that opinion. I can be serious when needed, but I try to be comical, though sometimes I keep that to myself. I'm a pretty hard worker when it comes to things that interest me, such as training and learning how to better use my powers. [hider=You brought the picture of yourself right just in case we lose you] [img]http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMjI0NzcxMzc2MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMDYzMDQ0MTE@._V1_SX640_SY720_.jpg[/img] [/hider] Describe your abilities as best as you can: Well, I guess that I absorb and redirect kinetic energy. Let’s say I was being beat up by a group of punks, or I got hit by a car, I could absorb that kinetic energy to heal myself and then redirect it into a ball of energy or into an explosion aimed at the enemy. This does not at all mean I am invincible though, as not everything has enough kinetic energy for me to be able to absorb, meaning that I would be vulnerable. Also, If I were hit with enough force I could still be hurt, or even killed. And just because I absorb the energy doesn’t mean I don’t feel pain, I just get over it quickly as when I absorb energy I am usually healed slightly and pain alleviates. Describe some of your weaknesses: My power levels correspond to how much kinetic energy I absorb. I have to have kinetic energy to absorb for me to be able to do anything at all. I can absorb energy and use it for later, but it will run out. I also must be aware of incoming energy so that I can absorb it, or else I will simply be hit Did you know about your...abilities before we found you: Yes If yes how'd you find out: Well, It really wasn’t anything too spectacular, I saw a couple of the bigger guys from my school pick on a less popular kid, I walked over, tried to break it apart. Good news, they let the kid go, bad news, they decided to hit me instead. I was on the floor being kicked around by three jocks and next thing I knew, a wave of energy was released from my body, the bullies were on the floor, and the pain was gone. What's your story again don't hold back: Well, I’ve lived a pretty normal life, nothing special. I took some Judo when I was younger but then moved on to kickboxing, which I partake in regularly. I’ve always been a pretty athletic guy, with a love for apples, I get half decent grades, got my learners permit. Just the usual stuff up until I discovered my powers around a year and a half ago, now I’ve dedicated most of my free time into learning how to use them, because, like, superpowers are awesome, duh. [/hider] [hider=Charles Walker] [center][b]"What's your full name?"[/b] [color=8dc73f]Charles Anthony Walker[/color] [b]"How old are you?" [/b] [color=8dc73f]19[/color] [b]"What Grade are you in?"[/b] [color=8dc73f]I'm a senior[/color] [b]"How would you describe yourself and don't hold back, we don't judge here?"[/b] [color=8dc73f]Shit, I don't know. I guess people kinda like me around. Not really "popular", but I do my best to entertain whoever's around me. Keep their attention, you know? I guess it can get a bit annoying for some people. Either way, I try not to piss too many people off. Also, I fucking love bananas.[/color] [b]"You brought the picture of yourself right just in case we lose you" [/b] [img]http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/shadowrun.gamepedia.com/7/7e/Npc_humanmale_harrow.png?version=838a11673cb92f277e4d2fbe975ed036[/img] [b]"Describe your abilities as best as you can?" [/b] [color=8dc73f]Uhh, I pick up on stuff pretty easy. Not really "smarts" stuff, but movements. Ever since I was a kid, I could mimic other people's movements exactly on the first try. Some cool-ass stunt I saw on TV? You bet your ass I could do it as soon as I saw it. [/color]([url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Adoptive_Muscle_Memory]Adoptive Muscle Memory[/url]) [b]"Describe some of your weaknesses"[/b] [color=8dc73f]The fuck kind of question is that. I don't really talk too good, you feel? Never really paid any attention in class. You know how I can copy movements? Same goes for pencil movements. I just copied whatever smartass was in my class that year. Not too good a listener either. My mom used to bitch at me hella because of that. [/color] [b]"Did you know about your...abilities before we found you?"[/b] [color=8dc73f]I mean I kinda figured what I could do was a little special. Didn't realize it was kidnap-you-and-interrogate-you special. [/color] [b]"What's your story again don't hold back"[/b] [color=8dc73f]I mean I guess I can start with my family. I'm an only child, and hella spoiled - something I never minded too much. My mom and dad were both kind of bigshots and worked hella. It brought home a lot of money, but I didn't get to see them as much. Don't think that affected me too badly though; I got on pretty well without them. They'd put me in a shit ton of sports throughout my childhood instead of a babysitter. I guess that's kind of how I found out I was a bit "special": through sports. Coach would show us a thing and then I'd do it, pretty much as good if not better than the coach. Basketball, Soccer, hell, even golf, I'd kill it regardless of what we were doing. I think it became way more apparent to me when I got put in karate. Everything else bored me, and I'd never tried martial arts before all this. That's when everything changed. I fell in love with that shit. Karate, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Boxing, Muay Thai, everything, man. I was hooked. All that shit came to me just as easily as all the other sports, but it never got boring to me. Before all this heavy shit you started dropping on me, I swear I could've gone pro. I was a fucking weapon. That being said, nobody really fucked with me outside of the gym, you know? Never really had any "enemies", never got jumped. If I did, I swear I would've fucked that guy up, but I didn't. It was a nice rich kid suburb. I would've started training full time if my parents didn't always bitch at me to go to school. Apparently I have to do things exactly how they did it so I can make the same money. Speaking of school - I fucking hate school. I told you already, right? How I made it through that shit? My methods did come a little late though; I had to retake freshman year. But that second year was a wake up call to me. I knew that I had to get my shit together, if only to keep up appearance, but I sure as hell knew I didn't want to do the work. I thought athletics could get me by for a bit, you know? Have my coaches fight for their star athlete. Unfortunately, that doesn't really work if I never even show up to class. Barely passed the first semester for that year. After that though, I kinda figured things out. After watching something, I can copy their movements almost exactly, I told you that already. So, one day, during some boring ass test, it occurred to me I could try that same thing with my classmates. I already told you about that too. Then all it took was for me to pay off whoever it was I needed to to get my homework done. All that shit combined with my coaches bitching at my teachers, I got by. That's pretty much my life so far. Fighting and bullshitting through school. [/color][/center] [/hider] [hr] [b][center]Higher Ups[/center][/b] These parts are main characters of the "Organization", they are important so if you want to play as one of them send me a CS or question through PM. These characters will be aged 17-20. Twitch (If you read the little Q&As Twitch and Glitch can be male of female, doesn't matter to me((Also if you would like to create a character that works with the higher ups in the "Organization" send a CS to me through PM)) ): Glitch: Jacob: Me Zack (Has to have a somewhat edgy or aggressive attitude): [Hider=Kana 'Astro' Matell][center][color=gray][color=white][b]Name[/b][/color] Kana 'Astro' Matell [color=white][b]Age[/b][/color] 23 [color=white][b]Grade[/b][/color] Graduated [color=white][b]Personality[/b][/color] Kana is quite rebellious and fiery, taking her pride to the next level if somebody tries to dent it. Loyalty is one of her biggest morals, she will kindly treat those who know how to keep a secret or come to her side when she needs a hand. She can't stand being called butterfly, and will often use her power as a means to intimidate if she is called that. She may come off as a bit of a bitch normally, but deep down inside, is a girl who wanted a happy family and happy life. Her desire for that makes her long for a lasting friendship with people that she can call a brother or a sister, but her exterior attitude often pushes people away. Those that do manage to breach her hard exterior, find a girl that had no control throughout her childhood. When it comes to talking, Kana is rather unfiltered and will say what she has on her mind most of the time. Kana is an avid racer and a competitor at almost anything she sets her eyes on. She loves driving and she actually seems totally at ease when she in the driver seat of a fast car. When competing against somebody, she will take a defeat honorably and respect her opponent or encourage them if they lose. Kana enjoys the company of others who are into fun competition, and that is the best way to get to know the girl behind the bad ass. She takes up a challenge on a whim if it is claimed she can't do something which can sometimes be exploited to get the best of her. While Kana may seem like a delinquent, she is actually very smart. She is always on time with her classes and diligent, never complaining about a bit of extra work. Kana tries to keep her intelligence masked with a somewhat thuggish attitude, finding it funny when people think she will hit first and ask questions later, only to get a nasty surprise that she outmaneuvered and outsmarted her opponent in a battle of wits. The result: A quick thinking glass cannon. Kana doesn't like talking about her family, and often tries to change the topic when it comes around. [color=white][b]Appearance[/b][/color] [hider=Image][img]http://www.cosplayhouse.com/images/D/Remember-Me-Nilin-Cosplay-Costume-Version-01-3.jpg[/img][/hider] Kana has some muscle definition that suggests she is very active in her day to day activities. On her left shoulder is a flaming sun, on her right is a crescent moon. Between her shoulder blades, there is a compass tattoo. Kana has piercings on both of her ears, just small ones, and a larger piercing in her belly button. She has two precious gems inlaid in the back of her hands, a form of body modification that isn't very common. The gem in her left hand is a blood red ruby and the gem in her right hand is an azure blue sapphire. Both gems are pure and flawless, she never discloses the price of them. Strangely enough, the gems don't seem to bother Kana in the slightest. She changes her style up every other week, which usually includes different coloring in her hair or a totally different style of clothing. Kana prefers colorful clothing and has a 'mix-it-up' attitude with them. She doesn't care if her top doesn't match her sweater. Kana usually wears knee-high socks with shorts or a skirt but jeans aren't an uncommon sight with her either. She enjoys hoodies of varying style but likes the zippered ones the most. Kana will commonly wear fingerless gloves to keep the inlaid gems out of sight or arm gloves on colder days, she doesn't keep the gems a secret but she doesn't like it when people gawk at them. Sometimes Kana will wear caps. [color=white][b]Power[/b][/color] [u]Astral-Elemental Synchronicity[/u] Kana is attuned to astral patterns of the sun and the moon and draws elemental energies from them both. During the day, Kana can wield the element of fire. At night, she can wield element of ice. When both the sun and the moon are in the sky and are visible, Kana can wield both elements. When the moon eclipses the sun, her ice wielding powers are doubled. On the rarer occasion that the sun emits a solar flare, Kana's fire wielding powers are doubled. During the day, Kana's eyes glow a fiery orange color; during the night, they glow a brilliant azure blue. [color=white][b]Weaknesses[/b][/color] The passage of time is not always Kana's friend. When dawn and dusk come around, Kana's element of control switches and not always at a scheduled time. She is quite hasty during these times of the day to get the most out of her current element before needing to switch tactics. On the flipside, Kana can bait her opponents into getting comfortable with one element, only to have it change moments later. Kana's pride is also her enemy. She doesn't back away from challenges and if one can exploit that trait, she can easily be baited into a sticky situation. If her pride is dented, she will more than likely defend her ego. [color=white][b]Did Kana know of her powers before?[/b][/color] Yes [color=white][b]Power Awakening[/b][/color] Kana's power awakened during a heated argument with a boyfriend who cheated on her. She slammed a fist down on his car in frustration and incinerated the whole thing to ash. [color=white][b]Background[/b][/color] "Let me tell you about my life. Unlike a lot of the students here in this town, I didn't get the chance to grow up with a happy family and lead a girly life with shoes and purses and talking about boys. I was born into this world and put in the hands of a father that wasn't my own, some pushover cop who swung in after my real dad high tailed it out of Canada when he found out my mum was with pregnant with me. My older brother, Nathan, had joined in some stupid little gang down the street and was being reigned in by my step-dad and the police every other night. The house was alright, I suppose, four bedrooms, two bathrooms, in a quiet neighborhood, but when your big bro is bringing girls over every night to screw and friends over every day to drink and do drugs, ya it wasn't the greatest place to be. So, I spent the majority of my time at school. At least there it was quiet and secure and I didn't need to hear those girls moaning in the next room. I did what you're supposed to do at school, learn and become a responsible young adult. I joined the auto-club in our high school and even got to be the school's driver in the racing league! But, unfortunately, all good things come to an end. My brother got hooked up with the local mob and before I knew it, there were police asking me questions about every dirty little secret in my life. People at school were stupid and drew conclusions and it basically ruined the half decent reputation I had there. Some people feared me when they found out my big ol' bro was a mobster and avoided me. Others just stopped talking to me. The worst was the teachers treated me like a bloody criminal because these damn blues showed up at the class door to question me every damn day. So I stopped going to school and started learning at my pace, trying to distract myself from the new girlfriend Nathan had every day. Sooner or later, my brother's friends started forcing me to join them in their escapades. I don't know if I was scared cause they were thugs or if I was excited cause I got to hang out with some of Nathan's hot guy-friends. Regardless, there I was committing small crimes like vandalism and illegal street racing to win Nathan some money here and there. Problem is, I kinda liked it. I hooked up with one of Nathan's friends, we partied, we fought, we broke up and that was that. You might be wondering why my step-dad cop didn't do a thing about this. Well, like I said earlier, he was a pushover. He was too afraid to come clean and do the right thing by kicking in Nathan's bedroom door and arresting him on the spot. But nope, he sat there and literally watched Nathan sell some drugs to some bum and then point a gun at him to get out of 'his' house. Hell, if I went up to that guy and said 'Boo' he'd probably piss himself. So let's just take my step out of the equation here. Now, where do my powers come in? That whole night and day, fire and ice thing I can do? Remember when I was talking about that boyfriend I had. Well, I didn't know at the time that he was cheating on me and basically using me. So when I found out, I went a tad bit ballistic. Should've seen the day we broke up, his car wasn't much more than a pile of ash afterward. And that was when I found out that I had powers. Fifteen years old and a fire-throwing, ice-shaping bad ass with a chip on her shoulder. So, with these newly discovered powers, I decided that I should take Nathan's shit into my own hands and try to straighten out my family. My little brother, only three at the time, was already swearing. I mean seriously, the kid's first word was fuck and he was 'imitating' those disgusting groans whenever he and his girl got a little loud. So, I waltzed into the house and punched my brother. I was gonna set his pants on fire after but it turns out, it wasn't just something I could call up on a whim, at least... At the time, it required some practice. So that didn't pan out too well. I got the beating of my life and nobody did a thing. I practiced for a few days in private to figure out how to tap into my new found power; when I did, I brought him into our back yard at night where I froze the guy's feet to the ground and shot apples off of his head with icicles. I purposefully missed one and put it straight into Nathan's shoulder and threatened him to never come back, 'leave us alone' I said. He left. When I woke up a day later, it was to a fire alarm. The entire house has been ablaze and the only reason why I'm alive now is because it was daytime and I was able to manipulate the fire around me. I cleared a path through the flames and went to my little brother's room, the smoke had already gotten him... I then went to my mom's, she wasn't there, maybe outside. So I went outside, and all there was were fire fighters preparing to enter, my step dad talking with more blues and in tears. And there I was, oblivious to what had happened, with a paramedic looking me in the eyes and getting unsettled by the orange glow of them that the sun gave me. When I learned what had happened, I was wrecked. The weight of my little brother's death was heavy enough. But when I heard Nathan and his band of thugs took mum and lit the house on fire, I was beyond repair. I mean, the fucker actually tried killing his family, he even succeeded a little bit. So he holds a special place in my heart that's hotter than hell during the day and colder than space during the night. So I was lost, I sure as hell wasn't going to live with my step, fuck that. I wandered about, driving some crappy car that was falling apart around me as I went from Western Canada to Eastern and back again. Along the way I got these sexy little jewels in my hands by some extreme body-modifier and some sick tattoos to go with it. After drifting around the country for a few months, I was coming up on eighteen, I decided enough was enough. I wanted to do something right and smart for a change. I wanted to enroll in school again. But no money meant no education, so I started racing. My piece of shit car ended up becoming a eighty-thousand dollar power house and I went to college for astronomy to learn more about my unique ability. College was college, y'know... Parties, drinks, sex, spring break, thinking you're smarter than the rest, pretty standard stuff. Except my attitude wasn't really meant for it, I may have made a fireball one too many time on campus grounds. That was when everything changed. I was sleeping at around noon when the MEU kicked in the door and window. Before I knew what was happening, I was pinned against a wall and getting cuffed. But I don't take shit like this lightly. At that moment, I felt a rush of heat through my body, a heat unlike any I had felt from my powers before. The agents went silent as air began to howl through the door and window of my dorm. Things went silent, then from my hands exploded white hot flames. The cuffs were melted from my wrists because of the sheer heat. The agent cuffing me had has his arm turned to ash. This new feeling of power invigorated me, so I fought back. Directing the white hot flame in my hand, I used it to punch a hole clean through the disarmed man's heart. There was another howl as I conjured more white flame. Even for me, the fire was hot as it roared through my room and turned everything but me into smoke and ash. The fire alarm was ringing and I could hear scream outside, I had caused an explosion. I ran from my dorm and took some clothes from my friend's dresser down the hall. I disappeared from the scene and drove until I had no more gas to keep going. I had learned that the sudden surge of power came from a solar flare that had reached Earth that day. That's when I realized that my power was more in tune with the universe than simply day and night. I used what I had learned from my lessons in astronomy to test new heights for my powers. Sure enough, my fire in the day was made exponentially more powerful from solar flares. And the ice I wielded at night could flash freeze things through and through on lunar eclipses. I was always grateful that I'm a fast learner. Because not even a week after the incident in my dorm room, the MEU came again. This time, they had bigger toys. My fight for survival had destabilized the dam we were on. All in all, the encounter took several hours. I had survived but barely. If it wasn't for some sympathetic man who seemed to know who I was, I would have died on that collapsing dam. When I came to, I was in some bunker. The man introduced himself as somebody who wanted to take the fight to MEU. He told me he needed a team, and that I had been on his list of candidates for a long time; he just had troubles tracking me down. He explained what MEU was, and that's when I really began to understand that they weren't going to stop hunting me down until I died or fell into their hands. The man opened my eyes to a great deal of things and I am proud to call him a real friend. But I couldn't take him up on his offer to actively wage a war on the MEU. If I was going to take them down, I was going to do it on my terms and without rules. I told him that I was just a phone call away and would offer my help if he needed it. I even said, that if times were tough enough, I would step up and join his team."[/color][/center][/hider] [hr] [s]*Side note* I would really appreciate it if someone volunteered to be my Co-Gm or whatever it's called. I may not be on every single day so I need someone to help me run things if I'm not on for a day or two (You'll get to know most of the plot before anyone else (^____^) ).[/s] FYI. This Post (Everything up there) and RP will be influenced my very...very...very ADHD brain. I've been working with it for as long as I can remember. Meaning I will add things, I may change my mind, my posts to OOC may look like someone extremely scatter-brained wrote them, be prepared for spontaneous and "Where is he going with this" moments, I will remember things I forgot, I will forget things I remembered, etc. All I ask for is understanding. A polite "Hey did you remember -insert mundane task-" or a "Hey, don't forget to -insert mundane task-" will do. Don't crucify me if I forget or fail to do something guys. I'll be doing my 101% best xD. Has anyone ever clicked on an RP because the title caught your eye and when the page loads you see a wallllllll of text and go "Uggggggggggggggggggggggh"? No just me? 'Kay. It's not that I don't want to read it all it's just that I don't want to read it alllll. Just a random thought. Why don't more people post their random thoughts to their threads. It's so liberating. I feel so bad for the poor suckers who read all of that expecting any of it to be relevant to the plot of the RP or anything really. If all of that hasn't scared you away yet then...well you must fear nothing. Ask me questions about plot concerns, limits of characters ect.