Meanwhile, in the city proper. A veterinarian was doing some late night paperwork. Doctor Jethro Lowe sighed. He would much rather have his porygon input the ata while he went out to the pub... but as a citizen under watch, the curfew applied to him. Jethro sighed deeply, he could still remember the innocous flyer that got him on the watch list. It had been an insignificant piece of writing. Full of generic claptrap about rising free and starting revolution. The police raid even had to outright fish the thing out of his trash bin. He looked over to his wondrous artificial assistant. The porygon was doing... something. Jethro had been wondering what went through the computerized mind of the creature ever since his pokeball got revoked. Before that, it was easily missed. But lately, he had been confronted with how the pokemon spends its free time just... floating somewhere until given new orders. Yet the naunced and detailed manner with which the porygon handled these orders suggested there was at least some autonomous intelligence in it. Did it onlyh think while acting? COuld it only respond to commands? Or did it spend its free time thinking about the mysteries of life. The doctor was jolted up from his thoughts by the sound of knocking coming from his door. Another surprise inspection? When would they realize he didn't want any trouble and had no intention of challanging the regime... With a sigh, he opened the door, and was surprised to see not the familiar steel faced visage of his assigned correctional officer, but a bloodied man. Standing on just one leg, with his other limoing behind with a wicked slash across it. "Hey... you a doctor right? I need painkillers!" Jethro staggered back. Who was this guy? "I'm just a veterinarian! Shouldn't I call the hospital?" He reached for the phone, but the man raised his hand as if to motion him not to do it. "No hospital... no police either... Just patch me up and I'll be gone." He didn't want a proper doctor... That was a suspect sign. Was this someone of the resistance? his garb certainly suggested such. Clothed in a long trench coat, a rag covering a good half of his face. "Who the hell are you? Tell me or I'm calling the cops!" Before Jethro finished the sentence, he was thrown to the ground. The man moved with a n unexpected speed and power. It would have been impressive to Jethro to see the man exert himself with such debilitating wounds, but right now, the doctor's mind was focused more on the strong arm keeping him pressed to the ground. "Don't play games with me man. We know you were interested in the cause... YOu wouldn't sell out a fellow free man... would you?" Jethro shook his head as best he could, immobilized as it was between an arm and the floor. Suddendly, the man flew sideways against the coat hanger in the hall. Jethro turned to see his porygon, flashing its eyes. It didn't need orders to protect its owner from harm. The distance suggested the pokemon had used its innate psychic powers to push the assailant away. As jethro crawled away, he could see something coming from the hall... The man had a pokemon with him as well. A flash of jet black sailed through the house and threw itself on porygon. The snarling form of a houndoom pinned the artificial being to the ground. Jethro turned to the man again. Who was now treathening him with a rather wicked looking knife. "Freaking bad intel... I was told this was a safehouse." He exclaimed. "I picked up a few folders of you guys once! I don't want to be involved!" Jethro had his hand raised. The intruder closed the appartment's front door. "Whatever, just fix me up and I'll leave you alone" Jethro nodded. He was ready to do anything to get this lunatic out of his house. "Alright, let me just get some things from the medicine cabinet." He walked away from the man, keeping his arms held high and visible. Jethro walked over to the medicine cabinet in the bathroom. The intruder looked at him through the doorway. Searching through the various prescription medicines for pokemon, Jethro uncovered a bottle containing just what he needed. He took the medicine and a clean roll of bandages. "Alright, I'm coming back to you now! here's my hands! I have your meds in them!" The intruder grasped at the bottle once. "Hold on!" Jethro exclaimed. "That's prescription stuff! A wrong dosage and you'll be dead!" The intruder sat down on a chair in the kitchen and unrolled a sleeve, keeping Jethro in the corner of his eyes all the way. "Come on doc, hit it!" Jethro slowly approached the man. He took a syringe he held alongside the bottle, measured out a dosage, and injected the man carefully and deliberately. Almost immediately, the man tensed down. Jethro knew it was probably jsut a placebo effect. The meds wouldn't take effect until another few minutes. Still, it was good to see the man calm down. They exchanged a look, and the man spoke again. 'Well, what are you waiting for? my leg isn't bandaging itself!" Jethro jumped and sat down on his knees to comply. [hr] A few tense minutes later. The man's leg was bandaged up and the medicine was starting to take effect. THe houndoom had been recalled to its owner's side. "So... what's your deal? Who showed up at my doorstep and made me patch up a wound on his leg at knifepoint" Jethro asked as he offered the pokemon a treat from the kitchen. The black hound seemed nice enough while not protecting its owner. And it looked like it hadn't really wounded A.C. in any way. "I mean, you don't have to tell me, but it'd be nice to know why my evening of filling out paperwork was so rudely interrupted.