[@Rethel34] It seemed fine to me. Like I've said before I only recently bought the Kotor games and have only just gotten to Kashyyk for the first time in the first one, so my experience with Malak/Alek is based solely on his Sith persona. So far I would say you've presented what they're meant to be pretty well--people who wanted to defeat what was obviously seen as an "evil" opponent, but who were being held back for reasons they didn't know or didn't understand. Seems to be a running theme in the series to me that the Jedi Council always relies on secrecy, when just opening up and telling people "Look, the reason we don't wanna go to war is because we can sense this big huge Dark Side thing that's just waiting for us to make a move and trap us" would work a lot better than telling a headstrong youth he can't go "just because we say so."