Shaun's anxiety eased up as responses filled the room. Thank God he wasn't the only one. Shaun's legs moved almost robotically as he forced visit away from the lobby and into the second elevator. He hated to leave such a beautiful room. [i]There'll be more to come[/i], he silently reminded himself as he remembered the rest of the hotel's rooms. His mind wandered as he followed the group. Thoughts and scenarios, mainly about what had happened in the past and what would happen in the investigation, filled his head. It was only until they reached the room that he crash landed back to reality. He nodded as information was given about the ghosts. Some he knew about, others not so much. Shaun made a quick mental note to check on their history before the fun truly began. He smirked as they told of the new violent ghost. Oh yeah. This was definitely going to be a fun night. As Karen and George left, Shaun plopped down in the nearest bed. [b]"So how excited are y'all?"[/b] "I'm so hyped that I feel like I'm going to puke," Shaun replied in joking tone.