[center][h1][color=0054a6]Flint[/color],[color=007236]Fenros[/color], [color=bc8dbf]Emiliah[/color] and [color=ff00ff]Elizabeth[/color],[color=f26522]Bobby[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h1]Secrets...[/h1][/center] It took them a long time, but Thankfully Flint, Emiliah and Fenros made it back to the Witches Paradise. Flint was passed out as Fenros carried him into the tavern. His body wrapped in his older brothers cloak to keep him warm from the water that he was pulled from. Bloody bandages covered his head and his face was battered and bruised. Bobby shuffled over [color=f26522]“Wot in heaven’s name happened to Flint!?” [/color] Emiliah, looking a little worse for wear herself, looked up at Bobby. [color=bc8dbf]” Flint was...helping me catch my witch and… there was….a bit of a cave in,”[/color] she said, her voice aching with exhaustion. [color=bc8dbf]”It was all my fault,”[/color] Elizabeth woke up groggily as she heard all the commotion from downstairs. She had been taking a nap, to forget about what had happened earlier today. During her effort, she had scrubbed her entire body raw, even though Emiliano’s kisses had never left her lips, she still felt surprisingly dirty. With a groan, she tucked her nightgown into some trousers she found on the floor, and headed downstairs. She had barely made it to the last step when she saw Flint, the sight of whom made her mind accelerate. He was tucked into the arms of a man she could only assume was Fenros, and the girl from earlier-Emiliah-was trying to explain herself to Bobby. With wide eyes, Elizabeth quickened her step until she was able to view Flint’s bandaged face. She cast a glare at Emiliah, who seemed a bit roughed up herself. However, Elizabeth felt absolutely no sympathy for her, after all, Flint was weak unto death in his older brother's arms. [color=ff00ff]“What happened?” She seethed, focusing her anger at Emiliah, [color=ff00ff]“Where's Sophie? He needs proper care Bobby.” She held out a hand to comfort Flint, but quickly retrieved it. Bobby was confused, how was it her fault? Suddenly Liz came down and seemed to worry over the fact Flint was hurt, demanding to know what happened, and then telling Bobby that he needs proper care. [color=f26522]“Don’t I know that lassy.“[/color] Noting how she tried to comfort Flint. [color=f26522]“SOPH! WE NEED YA OUT HERE!”[/color] He bellowed, almost shaking the tavern as he did. Sophie came running out and saw Flint in Fenros arms. And then noticed Fenros even looked worried… [i][b]“Quick into the back room Fenros.[/b][/i]” She said as she moved back to the Kitchen. [b][i]“Elizabeth! Come with me, I need help getting towels and hot water." [/i][/b] Fenros nodded and pushed passed everyone, while being gentle on his brother, he saw the wounds on the back… so he didn’t move him as much as he could. When in the back room he laid him down on his side. Bobby came in after to clear a path for Sophie and setting up a stool. [color=f26522]“Idjits… almost getting themselves killed.”[/color] He said to himself. [color=f26522]“How did you find them.” [/color]Bobby asked. Fenros looked up to Bobby, [color=007236]“I felt prompted to take another path, it was a good thing I did.” [/color]He said as he noticed Emiliah walk into the room. Emiliah looked at the girl, irritated by her..aura? She couldn’t explain or tell anyone what it was about the girl that was bothering her. She also didn’t have the energy to deal with it just at the moment. The whole world seemed to be moving too fast around her, with people coming and going and rushing about. It was probably a good thing, but all she could think about was staying close to Flint, which lead her into backroom. Bobby then asked her, [color=f26522]“How is this your fault Emiliah?” [/color]He then took her by the arm and guided her to a chair where he would take care of her wounds. Emiliah sat in the chair, but started struggling as as Bobby tried to treat her wounds. [color=bc8dbf]”Stop Bobby, I’ll be fine,”[/color] she argued, weakly yanking her arm away. [color=bc8dbf]”Focus on Flint,”[/color] She then took a breath [color=bc8dbf] “I should have never brought him with me to the cave,”[/color] she said slowly. [color=bc8dbf]”I could have taken that witch on my own. I put him in needless danger,”[/color] Elizabeth turned her attention away from Emiliah, instead focusing on what she could to to help Flint. She scrambled to the kitchen, and grabbed some of the more clean towels from a pile she saw. Tucking it under her arm, she grabbed a mitt to protect her hand, then reached for the kettle hanging over the stove. She ran as fast as she could with boiling water in her hand, and dropped it all down besides Sophie. [color=ff00ff]“He'll be okay right? Do you need anything else?” [/color]Her words were meant for Sophie, but her attention was solely on Flint. Her brow creased, and she started to chew on her nail. Of all the things she did when she was uncomfortable, biting her nails had never been one of them. Her mother had taught her at a young age to keep herself prim and proper, and up until this point her nails had always been neat. [color=ff00ff]“Sophie? Did he suffer any head trauma?” [/color] Sophie got into the room and started to inspect Flint, peeling back the cloak that Fenros wrapped around him and revealing his black and blue back, and slight deformations from his ribs popping up. She then inspected his head, where the bloody bandages were, feeling with her fingers, she could feel a good size dent in his skull. She looked to Elizabeth and nodded before looking to Fenros, Bobby and said, [b][i]“Good thing you boys were so hard headed,”[/i][/b] she said with a weak smile. [b][i]“I don’t know how but he is still breathing...“ [/i][/b] She said as she started to clean him with the towels. Bobby gruffed as Emiliah had pushed him away, and even put the blame on herself for him being hurt. [color=f26522]“Emiliah...Flint’s a big boy, He knew the risks going on a hunt. Ye are not at fault.”[/color] He moved over to her again, [color=f26522]“Sophie has Flint, let me clean your wounds...and no butts about it.”[/color] He sat down on a stool in front of her as Fenros now spoke up [color=007236]“Flint will be fine, Sophie has healed much worse wounds than this on me.”[/color] He looked to Emiliah.[color=007236] “It’s not your fault. He’s always getting into trouble like this.”[/color] he said and made a small attempt at a smile. Emiliah looked at the two men before, sitting back in the chair and letting Bobby treat her wounds. He then looked to Elizabeth and raised an eyebrow, he never met her before, but the way she reacted to him being hurt he asked. [color=007236]“Are you and my brother dating?” [/color] Elizabeth listened carefully to what Sophie had to say about Flint’s condition. She ignored a lot of the other chit chat that was going on between Bobby and the others. Instead, she zoned in on Flint, and remembered the conversation the had just had earlier that day. He had been so lively, with his charming smile and dazzling personality. She gripped the edge of platform he was laying on, and bit her lip. When Fenros addressed her, Elizabeth almost had to ask him to repeat what he was saying. She flinched, and turned towards him, her face red as the fresh tomatoes they sold at the market. [color=ff00ff]“Me and Flint? Us...dating?”[/color] she could hardly find the words to describe her embarrassment. [color=ff00ff]“Oh, oh heavens no. We're just good friends. Why, we just had a chat this morning. I don't think we've been introduced. You're Fenros? I'm Elizabeth.” [/color]She gave him a slight bow before turning back to Flint, her cheeks still red. Fenros raised an eyebrow as she turned bright red yet she said she wasn’t dating him. Strange how her body seemed to indicate it. Flint was always surrounded by women, he had that charm. He simply nodded, obviously not as interested as being as polite as his brother. The fact that she already knew his name was not surprising, most knew him by site. [color=007236]“Nice to meet you Elizabeth.”[/color] Flint groaned as Sophie placed an ice cold cloth on his forehead. His eyes fluttered slightly before opening. [color=0054a6]“uuuugh...Where…”[/color] He couldn’t even finish the sentence as he looked around. Elizabeth saw Flint’s eyes flash open, and she let out a sigh of relief. She hoped he had no major damage to his mental health, a head wound like that was sure to injure something. She watched him as he looked around, and decided a small smile would be the easiest thing for him to take in. [color=ff00ff]“Flint, you're back at the Tavern. Your brother carried you in, and if you were wondering, Emiliah is fine.” [/color] Elizabeth's tone carried a slight bite when she spoke of Emiliah, but she figured it was good for him to know. “You hit your head pretty hard, you need to sleep.” She looked up to Sophie to confirm her hypothesis. Flint looked up at Liz... His eyes blinking for a few times. [color=0054a6]"I...Moth-" [/color] [color=bc8dbf]“You don’t tell people with a head injury to sleep,”[/color] Snapped Emiliah from behind Bobby, moving around to look over at the group making it difficult to finish cleaning her up. [color=ff00ff]“I don't recall asking you, missy.” [/color]Elizabeth snapped, her blood was heated and she started to shift her weight between her feet. [color=ff00ff]“You're definitely not a doctor, and yes, you do need to let people with head injuries sleep.” [/color]She wanted to scream at Emiliah, but decided not to start any conflicts while others were there. [color=bc8dbf]"I may not be a doctor," [/color]she snapped.[color=bc8dbf] "But at least I have a lick of sense, everyone knows that you have to wait at least half a day before letting them sleep,"[/color] she moved to get up to get closer to Flint. [color=ff00ff]“Okay miss-know-it-all. We'll let him stay awake instead of giving him proper rest.”[/color]Elizabeth glanced at Emiliah, and when she saw her getting up to inspect Flint, she shifted her hip to block the girl's view. [color=ff00ff]“For someone so adamant ab-”[/color] [b][i]“ENOUGH”[/i][/b] Sophie stood up and looked at the two girls.[b][i] “The last thing Flint needs is the two of you bickering! Now OUT! All of you!”[/i][/b] She stood with her hands on her hips and a glare that would and Did scare Bobby into him clearing his throat…[color=f26522]” Alright lassies. Let's take this outside.”[/color] He placed both hands on their shoulders and started to shift them too the door. Fenros stood speechless wondering how the hell Flint always managed to get women fighting over him. He looked down to Flint who seemed to be lost in his own world of figuring out what happened...understandable with the head trauma he had. Despite Sophie’s words though he even had doubts that Flint would be the same. After this. Sophie looked to Fenros and walked over to him. She placed a hand on his shoulder and asked,[b][i] “Can you step outside and make sure no one comes in?” [/i][/b] Fenros looked her in the eye, knowing what was about to happen. He nodded and looked at his baby brother before walking to the door and closing it behind him….His face was as stone, but it wasn’t that of dread, more calm than usual. He stood there, his body acting as a rock wall between the girls and the room that Flint and Sophie was in. Emiliah yanked her arm away from Bobby and walked herself out of the back room . She then rounded on Elizabeth [color=bc8dbf]"What's your problem,"[/color] she snapped. [color=ff00ff]"I have no problems, you're the one that got us kicked out!"[/color]Elizabeth's arms were already crossed, and her eyes were locked onto Emiliah's in a steady glare. [color=ff00ff]"All I did was ask Sophie a question, and you just had to cut in,"[/color] she stabbed her finger at Emiliah's chest, [color=ff00ff]"if anything I should be asking you what your problem is."[/color] Emiliah glared at her [color=bc8dbf]"I don't have a problem. I have done nothing to you and you've been... Hostile since we've met,"[/color]She took a step away from the girl, [color=bc8dbf]"Pointing fingers now? Stop acting like a child,"[/color] [color=ff00ff]"Oh, I'm the child because I raised a finger. But you're such a responsible adult by arguing in front of an injured person. You were the one that caused this, and don't you dare think any different."[/color] Elizabeth balled her fists at her sides, she looked back towards the door to the backroom and shook her head. [color=ff00ff]"I don't think you understand this, so let me say it slowly for you."[/color] she raised a hand and pointed at her fingers. [color=ff00ff]"One, you caused this so stop acting like the Messiah with your 'immense knowledge' of the situation. Two, you need to calm your attitude. And three, we both need to stop, or Sophie will never let us back in there." [/color] Fenros and Bobby looked at each other as the girl's continued to bicker, Bobby only shook his head and shrugged, there was not much he could do....knowing the girls personally. What none of them noticed at first was the bright light that shown slightly under the door frame. A light much brighter than fire or candle light. Fenros then spoke up. [color=007236]"You two fighting over Flint is not going to help the problem." [/color]He said that to gain their attention. [color=00a651]"He will be fine either way in the next few days."[/color] Bobby looked to Fenros and started to shake his head to stop him from saying it, but he was too late. His words would only inflate the issue. Elizabeth glanced between Fenros and Bobby, her gaze cool for a few moments. When she glanced at the door and briefly saw the unnaturally bright light, her eyes widened and she quickly turned away, ignoring the curiosity she felt to glance back. She returned her gaze to Emiliah, but instead of the previous venom that plagued her eyes, it was full of wonder. She tilted her head in the direction of the door frame, and hoped Emiliah would turn her attention there.[color=ff00ff] "Anyways, like I said, we should set aside our differences...for now. So we can both see Flint when Sophie is done...doing whatever."[/color] Elizabeth looked back at Bobby, recalling what Fenros had said previously.[color=ff00ff] "Oh, he's going to be fine in a few days? Is that correct Bobby?" [/color]She smirked, but it was full of malice. Had he been lying to her?[color=ff00ff] "Those injuries were very serious, I saw them myself. How in the world would he manage to heal those in 'a few days'. Explain that to me."[/color] Emilah let out a little snort, although she herself didn't know about the magic powers even a week ago, she felt immensely superior knowing about it now.[color=bc8dbf] "I didn't know we had any differences to put aside, but, sure they're put aside,"[/color] she then took a few steps away from her, looking back at Bobby, [color=bc8dbf]"When do you think I-we can see him again," [/color] Bobby grumbled as he was quick on his feet. [color=f26522]"Yeah.. in a few days. He will be stable enough that we wont have to worry anymore." [/color]He said as he looked to Fenros. Who nodded as well, realizing his slip. He nodded in agreement with Bobby. He knew Emiliah knew of his healing factor, but not of Sophie. Bobby looked back to Emiliah as she asked when they could see him again.[color=f26522]" Just depends on Flint lass. "[/color]He looked to Elizabeth who was clearly on edge and knew she was a smart girl, catching on to what he said earlier. He was going to pay hell for this in a few days...but it was up to flint reveal that. [color=f26522]"Now just go to bed, he will be fine. Dont worry, Sophie will be with him." [/color] Elizabeth shook her head, hoping he knew his explanation wasn't enough for her. She tugged on the end of her braid, feeling miserable that she was out of whatever loop they were in. She had thought coming here voluntarily would be enough to belong with them, but she was wrong. [color=ff00ff]"I don't think I'll be going to bed anytime soon, Bobby. I just woke up." [/color]She wanted to scream at them for the truth, but knew they would find a way around it yet again. So instead, she stared longingly at the door behind Fenros, and sighed. [color=ff00ff]"Will you please poor me a drink, Bobby? Make it strong."[/color] [color=bc8dbf]"If you are sure that he is going to be okay,"[/color] said Emiliah. Standing up. [color=bc8dbf]"I best be going home,"[/color] she was suddenly feeling every single one of those seconds in the cave. Although not as roughed up as Flint, she could use a good nights rest as well. [color=bc8dbf]"I also need to ask my brother about getting Flint a temporary bow,"[/color] With that she left, leaving the other three in the main room....among other people as well including a man who was super tall, that even sitting down Fenros could tell was Bigger than him. Bobby sighed as he walked around the bar and grabbed a drink for Elizabeth. Once poured he dropped it infront of her before looking to the giant. "What can I do ye....sonny?" He said, looking the man up and down. Surprised at how big he was. Just then a man who just walked in with a retractable scythe walked in as well. Bobby looked to Fenros who was still standing by the door, which opened behind him. Sophie slipping out and nodded to the both of them. before heading to the kitchen to clean up. It took Bobby as second, as these two men finally jogged his memory. "Welcome to the Witches paradise Yuri, always welcome a well known hunter as yourself. You might have to fill me in on some of your hunts later on?" Bobby had gotten most of his info from hunters who passed through, mostly his older generation, but there was still somethings the young pups of this generation could do. He glanced back at the Giant, he remembered in the back of his mind some hunter taking on a giant as an apprentice...yet didn't fight like a normal hunter did. He never did catch the name. [@Fetzen][@urukhai]