[h2] [color=bc8dbf]Kargool the Vanillite[/color] [/h2] [h3][color=fff79a]Valiant Village, Central Plaza[/color][/h3] Kargool floated into town with his bag. He'd never moved before, and when he left his hometown, he decided to carry only what was needed, figuring he could buy a cheap place to call home for the current time being. He figured he could just register to create a rescue team off the bat without going through the trainee phase, considering he'd been through it all before. If he needed to prove he could start making a team, his badge would hopefully provide enough proof.[i][color=bc8dbf]"Well... it's not home but it'll work out. I should probably stock up on some items first before going to the guild for registration, considering they're normally handy."[/color][/i] Kargool went to the Kecleon Market to see if they had a good selection today. His debate ended up being over if he should buy a big apple or not... looks like he'd take a bit to decide.