For your review GM [b]Qualities:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Sarcen - the Destroyer, the White Fire, Taker of Life and Wielder of the First Blade [b]Character:[/b] Unrestrained Hedonism is Sarcen’s most key and core essence – they pursue their own enjoyment and amusement to the detriment or even destruction of others and of the self. They are violent, sadistic, self-centred, hedonist and utterly depraved. They live their life as swirling vortex of fighting, drinking, whoring, stealing, killing, and abusing others that sucks in all those around them and spits them back out broken and bruised - and often even worse. However, at the same time as this Sarcen has an intense fascination and interest in humans, their little plans and schemes and intrigues and emotions. So insignificant and weak but crying out for recognition, love, praise and power. Sarcen is sincre in his respect for mankind and their pleasure seeking and often brutal ways (sometimes even he is impressed by their capacity to inflict horrors) but he feels no love for them - or for his own kind of that matter. It's like watching an ant farm... occasionally crushing a few between your fingers to see how they react. And while he can exert his will over many of them for his enjoyment now... its gotten stale... perhaps a larger ant farm to play with is needed? [b]Flaws:[/b] [list][*] Untrustworthy and completely self-centred makes them a poor and unwilling ally [*] Hedonistic and self-destructive tendencies hamper effectiveness (permanently hung-over or drunk/high) [*] No focus or pre-planning, they act, they don't plan, and if they get bored of something, they will give up and do something else [/list] [b]Appearance:[/b] Sarcen is tall man, broad shouldered but slim at the waist. They are muscular but at the same time have a lean and hungry look to them, like they haven’t eaten properly for days or weeks. Angular is their face with high and sharp cheekbones, with a strong chin that always bears a few days’ worth of rough stubble upon it. Unlike his cheeks, his nose is flat and wide, it looks as though it has been broken in the past. Their skin is marred with many scars and pale, like their hair, which is a silvery blonde kept short, tight buzz cut on the sides with low messy spikes on top. Their lips are thin, and pull back to reveal yellowed teeth with long, sharp, canines. Yellower still are Sarcen’s eyes, a bright inhuman and incandescent yellow, with slits for pupils – predator eyes, although normally these are hidden by a set of ever present black sunglasses which themselves rest upon his pointed and multiply pierced ears. A metal bar runs through their right eyebrow. They dress in an old stained and torn white ribbed vest transitioning down over a black leather belt with a large tarnished belt into ripped washed out jeans and heavy black army boots. Over the exposed part of the his body you can see Sarcen's 'art work', hundreds of different tattoos all in different styles and of different ages, some overlapping each over, some familiar symbols and motifs, others alien and incomprehensible. [b]Essence:[/b] Fire. White Fire, that’s burns hotter than any fire you can imagine, as Sarcen taps into more and more of the flow an essence this heat becomes more focused and more intense – allowing them to create explosions and blasts of superheated air. However, for all the power and strength of their use of essence, Sarcen lacks all forms of subtlety and technique with its use. All he can understand is brute force when it comes to the use of his powers. [b]Emblem:[/b] A silver and black switchblade. [b]Relationships:[/b] [indent][b]God: Sarcen is ambivalent to God on a personal level, as long as they stay of out his way and doesn't interfer with his enjoyment of the world and its inhabitants. However, ever the seeker of new experiences, he often wonder's what it would be like to be God and what pleasures he could enjoy and sufferings he could inflict.[/b] [/indent] [b]Stats:[/b] [b]Ambition:[/b] 7 [b]Combat:[/b] 8 [b]Essence:[/b] 7 [b]Cunning:[/b] 3 [b]Reputation:[/b] 1